***Official Political Discussion Thread***

feel like we celebrated too early. What do the republicans need to do to win senate? practically impossible?

Nevada AND Georgia runoff

Numbers ain’t there for zona

But with Nevada, it’s if they have enough to hold on
Any advice on what to do to help with the GA runoff? I live in Atlanta
Donate to WARNOCK RIGHT NOW. Also call up your local branch of the DNC and see if they need you to phone bank and text bank to get out the vote. I did a ton of phone banking and text banking and you can live anywhere to do that. The big advantage/disadvantage to this runoff is that it is in 4 weeks instead of 8 like last time. This means people will still be engaged but they might be fatigued from politics. I heard the over 140K potential WARNOCK votes were thrown out due to the new GA laws. We need to make sure that our side is educated on these new rules and how to properly complete the ballot.

I always wondered what I'd do if someone terrible I knew ran for public office and could actually win
Do you contact a reporter? Make a thread on twitter/reddit? Tiktok? I don't even know how to use tiktok :lol:
If I was wealthy I would probably be on that Nick cannon timing. The more kids he has the more likely one of them will be more talented than him and bring back honor to the family name. Plus all that unprotected sex with gorgeous women….
Went to High School wit the scum bag Adam Laxalt of NV. Private school in Northern VA back in the 90’s. Spent a lot of time with him back then. He was a wild white boy. He was the weed man. Used to pump pounds. I got wild stories for days which includes shoot outs at his moms crib. Dude was wild boy. We used to take him with us to GOGO’s and everything. GoGos are a DMV thing fyi lol

Don’t be surprised if this dude runs for President in the future. Years ago he tried to reach out to me when he was in town for our high school reunion
looked him up and he is connected as hell in Nevada. That explains why he was who he was and is who he is now….. Nepotism

Trump was the Loser Whisperer and got all that support from losers because they recognized one of their own. Desantis is a loser too,but he isn’t a all time great loser like Trump who loses so much he’s learned how to turn those Embarrassing losses into something that looks like a win (sometimes).
Call me an optimist to a fault, but I truly think Trump is too radioactive at this point.

It's gone from bad to worse for him, and I see a slowdown of momentum among his fan base. They seem to be gravitating more toward DeSantis and see more of a viable future in him.

At this point I think DeSantis poses a far bigger threat because he's essentially a smarter, more calculated, and more articulate version of Trump.
People getting way out over there ski's betting against Trump.

"It's finally over for Trump" has been a losing bet now for 30 years

Imo good chance he's beating DeSantis or he's burning the party down with him.
I don't even think conservatives believe it's over from Trump.

It's just that they're publicly begging him to believe it's over for Trump and it's hilarious to see
Call me an optimist to a fault, but I truly think Trump is too radioactive at this point.

It's gone from bad to worse for him, and I see a slowdown of momentum among his fan base. They seem to be gravitating more toward DeSantis and see more of a viable future in him.

At this point I think DeSantis poses a far bigger threat because he's essentially a smarter, more calculated, and more articulate version of Trump.

But he doesn’t energize trumps base. And that is what hurts him.
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