***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Sometimes one’s enemy knows the one’s situation better than one does.

This feels especially true when looking at the GOP’s maniacal drive towards voter suppression and democratic distortion. The GOP understood the sheer power of fundamental demographic changes fundamental shifts in political realignments, better than I, someone with on the left, did.

Not that I denied that it existed, but its trajectory did seem to be declining in the 2016 and 2020 General elections. When looked at over a broader spans of time, 20 or 30, years, the impact of demographic change had only sped up. In the 1990’s, the 2000’s, and 2010’s, the median person in America was slowly but surely getting more liberal in their social views. Now, after the most recent midterm and these special elections today seems to show us a country where though by slim margin, there are reliable coalitions who can demand a more egalitarian society in elections after election and they are taking hold at in more and more States.

In Wisconsin, we saw this slim but durable majority do something that we haven’t seen in a while, change the rules back to something reasonably democratic. They are set to link democratic will to policy, for the first time in a while. In the last election that had reasonably fair elections, 2008, the country had moved to the left, relative to 2004. The election of 2024 and 2026 and so on, will reveal how much the country, especially the middle of the country has moved leftward in terms of popular will since 2008. In Wisconsin at least, and hopefully in other States soon, we may see a tidal wave. There will probably the biggest legislative shift in American history.

Here’s where the enemies come back in. The right knew it better than many on the left did, that the underlying power of the great demographic shift had been quietly moving faster than ever before and an America that has reasonably fair elections, is one that will move policy leftward at perhaps a rate not though possible just a year ago.
I just watched that whole rambling speech from last night. Just insane.

My favorite part was where he listed all the great works his kids had done - then seemed to suddenly remember Baron - while completely glossing over Tiffany while she was sitting in the front row.

All the hits were there.
I just watched that whole rambling speech from last night. Just insane.

My favorite part was where he listed all the great works his kids had done - then seemed to suddenly remember Baron - while completely glossing over Tiffany while she was sitting in the front row.

All the hits were there.

my favorite part was his rant about Far left NARA declaring the Constitution “triggering.”

He’s acting like these dorky archivists are like a Maoist foco ready to bring down the America way of life whenever the opportunity strikes.
I’d be shook too if my own attorney was forced to testify against me under the crime-fraud exception :lol:
This may be an unpopular opinion right now

But the case in NYC against Trump looks kinda weak. To the point I question if it was wise to go ahead with charging him.

But people have been so scared of pulling the trigger on this career criminal, that I don't mind the DA going for it heard.

Hopefully it is like at a work party when the food is out but no one wants to be the first person to start getting some. But then one person goes and everyone else floods the tables.

Am I missing something? Did these pundits get to see/hear evidence they have to make charges? I understand the skepticism because it’s Trump but people really need to chill and wait for more information.
When Eric Adams won in NYC, we got tons of think pieces from centrist journalist talking about the national implications of the win. And how it was a rebuke of progressive, and all this other stuff

With what happened in Chicago last night, I hope the same journalist got Op-eds in the works regarding a progressive beating a diet Republican

Seems only fair to ask for consistency
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When Eric Adams won in NYC, we got tons of think pieces from centrist talking about the national implications of the win. And how it was a rebuke of progressive, and all this other stuff

With what happened in Chicago last night, I hope the same journalist got Op-eds in the works regarding a progressive beating a diet Republican

Seems only fair to ask for consistency

Most of us hate adams right now. He’s an improvement over de Blasio who was just universally hated but adams is horrible man.
Most of us hate adams right now. He’s an improvement over de Blasio who was just universally hated but adams is horrible man.
Not talking about this thread

Just the gang of journalist and pundits that swore that Adams win was some definitive sign about where the party should go ideologically

Chicago undercut this theory, and I believe that most of those people won't say a peep about it
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