***Official Political Discussion Thread***

In California in 1950, it was w——k, c——k, and n——r. In the 80’s and 90’s you had to get a little more abstract and now you’re talking about “illegals” and “anchor babies” and “crime.” You’re also trying to ban affirmative action and pushing for an English only policy. In the 2000’s and 2010’s you start doing collective guilt any time an undocumented person of POC commits a crime. Now in the 2020’s you really have to get abstract you need to sound progressive, crunchy and granola even. Now you’re talking about lot size minimum, green belts, height restrictions, neighborhood fabric or character, historical preservation, bad vibes from additional shadows, and overpopulation. That’s way more abstract than talking about “crime” or “illegals” and it’s way more abstract than a bunch of slurs.

I just realized that another benefit of actually building lots of housing in coastal cities in California is the influx of people, especially well educated people, that live in more conservative States which currently have a lower COL. That influx would utterly destroy the right wing talking point about everyone “fleeing” California because of “socialism.”

To make it even funnier, there would also a massive shift within California as people move into Los Angeles and San Francisco despite right wing claims that it’s a “war zone” (every CHUD who drives into LA once a year to see a Dodgers game gets shook af when they see a few unhoused people and they spend the other 364 days listening to AM hate radio to be reassured that they are not, in fact, giant cowards). The only thing that would offset that trend would be all the housing and subsequent economic growth and high wage jobs in cities on the 101 corridor between LA area and the Bay Area. Which would be amazing and I’d suggest that interested in moving to CA check out moving to Santa Barbara, SLO, Salinas, or Monterey. If those place liberalized the zoning and permitting process, they probably double or triple in size within just a few years. Moreover, if State politics ever got that good, we’d also start building more public universities through out the State, furthering what would already be a massive brain drain from more conservative inland locations in the Western US and beyond.
To be clear I was talking about Nate attitude in general not about the specifics of this guys criticism.

I'm just saying I'd have a bad attitude in general about everything, rational or irrational.
Generally, he still doesn't get it from me.

He came into this game ****ting on innumerate pundits, he wrote a book about it. He knows they exist, and all of a sudden they piss him off this much he turns into a curmudgeon 24/7

Also, Nate Silver is guilty of the exact behavior you criticize people for having toward him.

People just don't like him because of some bad takes. He is sorta an ******* too.

He constantly feeds a feedback loop that produces most of the material that pisses him off.

He is the architect of his own aggravation. If he would take a step back and relax, I think he would be a much happier person
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We’re building like crazy here, all the farms south of the cities are turning into McMansions.

I don’t really care because it’s all 400k+ and it was just soybeans and field corn and government subsidized crap they’d grow to make biodiesel and ethanol.

I guess it’s good for the workers building it, idk who is moving there. I think people leaving Minneapolis.
It for sure is judging by how much more crowded stuff is. I’m not complaining but it’s def getting packed.

It’s not a bad place to live besides the weather. Hot af in the summer and cold half the year.

Jobs pay well and housing isn’t that bad. 500k will get you a new McMansion or 250k will get you a starter home if you know where to look.

We got legal green too finally. :lol:

Our governor is cool, I don’t love him but he’s ok. He’s pro worker so that’s good being surrounded by red states.
Speaking on Minny, they education policy might be drawing students back to the state too...

I didn’t even know about that, that would be dope because my daughter will be college age in a few years.

I went to school for free for two years at a community college here just for graduating from a mpls public high school. Different program. (Idk why it’s typing in italics now)
I dunno if I could live in Minny.

This is what I imagine y'all morning commutes be like...
Not gonna disagree, I don’t leave mn in the winter and go somewhere else cold usually. Only been there in the summer.

I’m just going off what my co worker from nyc told me.

I just like the job security I have in mn. I’ve rage quit and had a new job in two hours. :lol:
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