***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Lol at people thinking these politicians are actually different from one another.

Punish Biden. Lose the battle. Win the war.
There is a ton of legitimate criticism to make of Israel's government and Biden's actions.

There are a lot of legitimate reasons to be mad

But a lot of people are standing 10 toes down on arguments and actions they clearly have not thought deeply about.

And bad actors are flourishing in these conditions

I feel like he def changed his tune from a few weeks back because of the push back and how anti war people are.

that's all I'm getting at.
I feel like he def changed his tune from a few weeks back because of the push back and how anti war people are.

that's all I'm getting at.

I mean but that's not all you were getting at,
I like how you just ommitted the

"Biden doesn't care if Israel wipes out Palestine, with "our" money"

Both things obviously and totally wrong.
“How dare you not vote for a genocidal demented douche. Now an oranger bigger douche will win. Thanks a lot”

Not the kind of democracy to brag about
“How dare you not vote for a genocidal demented douche. Now an oranger bigger douche will win. Thanks a lot”

Not the kind of democracy to brag about
Silly post

You are not a serious person

You clearly don't give a **** about Muslims, not Palestinians, and the millions of people Trump might hurt.

Your posts are just an exercise in internet buffoonery
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I do wonder what losing the battle means. Not only in general but also for some ppl personally what you might have to go through

Cause everytime I hear that I think of alot of ppl who are going to take the brunt of these "battles lost" and will end up alot worst than me and probably alot worse than others who type it out.

There's is an incredible sense of privilege to state something knowing some folks will be the ones sacrificing alot more than you when these losing battles start to arise but hey maybe I'm missing the long game here
I do wonder what losing the battle means. Not only in general but also for some ppl personally what you might have to go through

Cause everytime I hear that I think of alot of ppl who are going to take the brunt of these "battles lost" and will end up alot worst than me and probably alot worse than others who type it out.

There's is an incredible sense of privilege to state something knowing some folks will be the ones sacrificing alot more than you when these losing battles start to arise but hey maybe I'm missing the long game here
Lose battle to change Democratic Party in long run. 80% of democrats want a ceasefire…only like 15% of elected democrat officials have called for it That’s not democracy. They think they can do it bc no consequence.

Today it’s arabs

Tomorrow it will be ________ (you)
What are the ages of Supreme Court justices in 2023?
  • Justice Thomas, 75.
  • Justice Alito, 73.
  • Justice Sotomayor, 69.
  • Chief Justice Roberts, 68.
  • Justice Kagan, 63.
they could kick the 🪣 so I'm good on more trump judges
1.) Punish Biden/Increase odds of second Trump term
2.) ????
3.) Change Democratic party
He is so bad at this he just assumes that Biden losing and four more years of Trump is gonna make the Democratic Party change in exactly the way he wants.

Top-tier political goofiness
Lose battle to change Democratic Party in long run
And we do that by putting people in power...that will continue to strip every inch of access to anything beneficial for the same ppl we will need to actually change the democracy party in the long run?

Continue to make it harder for those folks in every capacity so when we're ready to show up for the war. They'll have even less tools to combat it?

I understand frustrations I really do. Biden wasnt my 1st, 2nd or 3rd candidate but we may need to work out some details here
I think y'all are being fooled by a bad actor in DLF DLF

And I feel while there is genuine anger at Biden over Palestine, a lot of people are using it as cover to litigate other beefs

Trump increased his totals with Muslims from 2020 to 2016 from my understanding.

Whitmer did worse with Muslim voters than Biden did in Michigan.

Right people the Hamas terrorist attack, stuff like this was the main discussion going on in political circles regarding Dems and the Muslim vote...

I think a lot of progressive people are justifiably sympathetic toward the Palestinian people and are mad at Biden, but don't realize that all this anti-Biden sentiment might not be because of what exactly they think it is.

I agree with osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh point. The Isareli-Hamas conflict has given a lot of socially conservative Muslim leaders, and anti-Democratic Party leftists, plausible deniability while they partake in a lot of destructive political actions for the left-wing coalition.
If I were to guess

Biden wins the national Muslim vote again

But Trump does better than he did in 2020.

Either through voters flipping or because some staying home makes the voting population more red.

And a lot of Democratic Party-hating leftists gonna be like "See, see.... see what Biden caused"

Then some very uncomfortable info will come out about the racial breakdown of the voters

And those same leftist progressives will bury their heads in the sand
I think y'all are being fooled by a bad actor in DLF DLF

And I feel while there is genuine anger at Biden over Palestine, a lot of people are using it as cover to litigate other beefs

Trump increased his totals with Muslims from 2020 to 2016 from my understanding.

Whitmer did worse with Muslim voters than Biden did in Michigan.

Right people the Hamas terrorist attack, stuff like this was the main discussion going on in political circles regarding Dems and the Muslim vote...

I think a lot of progressive people are justifiably sympathetic toward the Palestinian people and are mad at Biden, but don't realize that all this anti-Biden sentiment might not be because of what exactly they think it is.

I agree with osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh point. The Isareli-Hamas conflict has given a lot of socially conservative Muslim leaders, and anti-Democratic Party leftists, plausible deniability while they partake in a lot of destructive political actions for the left-wing coalition.

I think social conservative aspect is underrated and is one of the biggest things that worries me about this upcoming election.
Democratic party have held on to socially conservatives black and brown voters, and it feels to me anecdotally like that grip is slipping.

especially with black and brown men. the stories of Muslims kind of turning on LGBTQ stuff in Michigan,
the signs of erosion in Bidens polling with black Americans....

I just look at Canada. socially conservatives black people, Muslims, have no problem voting conservative.
Doug Ford (crack smoking mayor of Toronto, Trump like figure) relied on a strong based of Sikh and Somali support.
It's only in America that conservative parties can't attract significant minority support.

it seems to me one election the dam will break an there will be some kind of realignment.
The republican parties racism has kind of prevented this from happening but at some point its gunna change ,no?
I think y'all are being fooled by a bad actor in DLF DLF
Naw def not being fooled I know what it is

Doesn't mean I can't still ask or engage.

I mean this is the political thread where bad faith discussions thrive.

I just like to know the details and hear how we go from "blowing it up" or "losing battles to win ect" to coming out in a better situation while simultaneously limiting and making other ppl's situations even worse.

How does the benefit winning the war? What sacrifices are you making? Does this make your life worse? Are you aware potentially how worse this may make others lives end up? Are these risk worth it when you may not carry most of the weight?

Just questions 9zy7x0_th (2).png
I think Joe has to get ahead of this but until we get to April of 24 , I'm not too concerned.

If misinformed takes and hurt feelings didn’t change elections, Youngkin would be back making money at the Carlyle group.

So it would be good for Biden to try to smooth things over.

But if he’s (and we) going to spend effort fighting terribly misinformed zeitgeist, there’s much more political value in targeting his record on the economy and his mental acuity.

That foreign policy doesn’t win elections is a cliche for a reason.
It’s amazing for me to watch and be a part of this. I always had trouble understanding how some of the great empires of the past could crumble to nothingness. I never really understood how insidious and destructive the internal mob mentality could be.

To watch people casually walk into the collapse of civilization. We take for granted stability, food, shelter, safety etc. It’s not close to perfect by any means in the US but to not truly and deeply appreciate what we have today is very short sighted in my opinion. It shows a deep lack of awareness of just how much people struggled in the past and what humans have gone through. We have such a good foundation in place and need such minimal change to be a force for good. To be so easily willing to give it all up shows human nature more than anything else.
It’s amazing for me to watch and be a part of this. I always had trouble understanding how some of the great empires of the past could crumble to nothingness. I never really understood how insidious and destructive the internal mob mentality could be.

To watch people casually walk into the collapse of civilization. We take for granted stability, food, shelter, safety etc. It’s not close to perfect by any means in the US but to not truly and deeply appreciate what we have today is very short sighted in my opinion. It shows a deep lack of awareness of just how much people struggled in the past and what humans have gone through. We have such a good foundation in place and need such minimal change to be a force for good. To be so easily willing to give it all up shows human nature more than anything else.
Lol you think the world will end if Trump is elected?

I’m no Trump guy but geez yall drinking the mainstream media kool aid.

Nothing will change. Relax

Now, if you’re talking about WW3 and the fact that the US is the equivalent of the Russ Westbrook Lakers, from years of bad roster moves, then yes I agree. Fanning the flames of a war with Iran, China and Russia is ******* stupid. Multipolar is where the world is headed and the US is getting left behind- all to allow Israel commit genocide
To think that a despot in the making can’t destroy the country’s democracy is naive. It’s littered throughout history. You saw what almost happened on January 6th and you think that with a clearer plan that can’t go further?

Look im a tall green eyed white male, if things go south like that it doesn’t affect me one bit. But I have friends and their families who it would and all the other people who are just here to try to make w better life for themselves. These people will suffer. Some of these same Muslims who are angry maybe on the first plane via deportation. Now could it not happen of course it may not. But is it ever worth the risk?

Sometimes a rational decision must be made through thought and not just impulses. What’s happening there is horrendous but Biden isn’t directly responsible. American forces are there in the waters from potentially causing a wildfire of war in the region beyond what is going on now. Do we really want another world war? I lost enough family in the first two, I don’t want to see another.
Lol you think the world will end if Trump is elected?

I’m no Trump guy but geez yall drinking the mainstream media kool aid.

Nothing will change. Relax

Now, if you’re talking about WW3 and the fact that the US is the equivalent of the Russ Westbrook Lakers, from years of bad roster moves, then yes I agree. Fanning the flames of a war with Iran, China and Russia is ****ing stupid. Multipolar is where the world is headed and the US is getting left behind- all to allow Israel commit genocide
Tell that to people who will have no chance of the DOJ backing them up in civil rights lawsuits

Tell that to the Dreamers who will be at risk of losing legal status

Tell that to the migrants whose kids will be ripped from them at the border

Tell that the 40 million people at risk of losing health coverage

Tell that to the thousands of federal workers he is planning to fire

Tell that to the Muslims he will ban from coming to the country

Tell that to the trans people he will harass for years

Tell that to all the people he will raid and then deport

Tell that to all the people that will have no chance in federal courts because of his judges

Tell that to the people of Ukraine

Trump was restrained last time because of government workers refusing to follow through with many of his requests. And the Democratic Party being able to check his power.

He and his cronies are preparing to ready to not make the same mistakes he made last time. They are literally recruiting, screening, and training thousands of people so that they can be more effective at instituting their special brand of cruelty on those they don't like.

No one is drinking any Kool-Aid.

We just aren't as delusional and self-centered as you.
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