***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I really have no idea what the path forward for the GOP if (when!) they lose again in November.

The spread in outcomes after the election looks more significant than 2020…
They would’ve had a path if they shed themselves of trump at the earliest opportunity, his first impeachment. Would’ve taken initial losses, but would be rid of the guy who aspires to be a dictator, talks of immigrants poisoning the blood of America and rounding them up to place in camps/deport. He knows nothing about politics and they let him take over their party by saying America first whenever he’s in front of a microphone. That was only possible because they were a ****** party to begin with.
They would’ve had a path if they shed themselves of trump at the earliest opportunity, his first impeachment. Would’ve taken initial losses, but would be rid of the guy who aspires to be a dictator, talks of immigrants poisoning the blood of America and rounding them up to place in camps/deport. He knows nothing about politics and they let him take over their party by saying America first whenever he’s in front of a microphone. That was only possible because they were a ****ty party to begin with.
They could've prevented him even earlier. That 2013 GOP autopsy comes back to mind.

But it's hard to do everything you described when the man they're supposed to fight against is the personification of their core values.
They could've prevented him even earlier. That 2013 GOP autopsy comes back to mind.

But it's hard to do everything you described when the man they're supposed to fight against is the personification of their core values.

The GOP autopsy gave the GOP great long term advice; focus less on culture, focus even more on selling ostensibly race-neutral nationalism and economic libertarianism.

But what was left unsaid but understood by all was; if Mitt Romney more aggressively pandered to white identity politics, he’d have beat Obama.

I think that going into 2015/2016, a majority of GOP primary voters figured that they HAD to go for that second option. To go with the first option meant defeat even if a Republican wins in 2016. The majority of GOP primary voters, were going to go with whoever presented a double-down on the white vote option.

Trump loudly and perfectly embodied the spiteful, short-termist approach of trying to own the white vote, long term ability to grow be damned.
Trump loudly and perfectly embodied the spiteful, short-termist approach of trying to own the white vote, long term ability to grow be damned.

(edited to re-add what the form cut)

I think it's more than long-term growth now. With a few notable exceptions, the GOP has doubled down on MAGA at every opportunity over the last 8 years since Trump got the nomination. But, so far, MAGA has been a losing strategy for elections, even as its managed to keep participation somewhat high among core Trump loyalists.

But after a second presidential loss and 4 years to age and be prosecuted, Trump should be done. We all know his narcissism won't allow him to do anything for the GOP after the country rejects him so there will be no continuity to whatever post-MAGA strategy the GOP adopts. I think they'll lost a good 10%+ from populist Trump supporters that will stay home in disillusionment after their movement collapses. I don't think defectors coming back or people that "couldn't bring themselves to vote for either" will make up the difference.

There's no going back to the 2013 report. Almost all of the mainstream GOP is tainted and compromised by MAGA. It could take a generation for people to forget.
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As tacky as the cash bar is, that menu is the venue's responsibility, including prices and what's on it. That menu makes zero sense and looks exactly like some just-out-of-college F&B manager in Iowa created it last minute. I mean, Triple Sec and Peach Schnapps (which shouldn't be on a menu) for $9, the same price as "Woodfurd"?
As tacky as the cash bar is, that menu is the venue's responsibility, including prices and what's on it. That menu makes zero sense and looks exactly like some just-out-of-college F&B manager in Iowa created it last minute. I mean, Triple Sec and Peach Schnapps (which shouldn't be on a menu) for $9, the same price as "Woodfurd"?

fat tire is from Colorado, blue moon also from Colorado and angry orchard is from New York
Damn Nawghty gone? I don’t mess with him for lying on me but at least he was active in mad threads. Sad to see how dead NT has become. Would have rather seen the two MAGAs and their dog **** algorithm posts get smoked.
fat tire is from Colorado, blue moon also from Colorado and angry orchard is from New York

I know. The people who run these hotel F&B programs range from fairly competent to not knowing the difference between Cab Sauv and Sauv Blanc.
I know. The people who run these hotel F&B programs range from fairly competent to not knowing the difference between Cab Sauv and Sauv Blanc.

There’s levels to hotels too and I doubt it was a nice one.

I worked at a bunch of RNC events when they were in town and worked at the W hotel. Those dudes don’t know anything nice. :lol: they just wanna get drunk and be obnoxious and hassle you for drugs.

Thousands of people across Germany have taken to the streets for a fourth consecutive day to voice their opposition to the far-right populist AfD party after politicians from the party met neo-Nazis to discuss a “master plan” for the mass deportation of asylum seekers and German citizens of foreign origin.

Protests have taken place in Leipzig, Rostock, Essen and Berlin in recent days.

The AfD’s leadership has sought to distant itself from the gathering in November on the outskirts of Potsdam, west of Berlin, which was revealed by the investigative journalism network Correctiv on Wednesday. However, several party members were involved and have since voiced their support for the ideas discussed.

Don't think the same can't happen here.
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