***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I hope Trump beats Nikki in SC, it would literally make my day

When will people realize that Republican domestic policy is essentially a monolith, low taxes, cut everything that helps the middle and lower classes, eliminate certain government agencies and toughen immigration and abortion laws. I was speaking with a friends mom the other day (she watches CNN 5+ hours per day) about what she liked about Haley over the threat of Trump so much (she prefers Biden to both)

She couldn't really give me an answer outside of well she's not a maniac....really? Which issues do they differ on? She couldn't really name one.

The only difference I can see is their stance on Foreign policy, Haley is essentially a NeoCon in the sense that I think she sees our effort in Ukraine and China/Taiwan and the Middle East as imperative to Democracy. Trump I suspect would curb our influence in these conflicts monetarily or otherwise. But American's don't care about Foreign policy much less vote on it.....

Haley needs to move out the paint and join Tim Scott as irrelevant mouthpieces that couldn't stand up to Trump, I only have respect for Republicans that don't kiss the ring and acknowledge that Trump lost the election and that he sucks (Christie, Cassidy, Murkowsky, Romney ect....)
Thank you for acknowledging Hamas’s terrorism.

What the IDF is doing currently are blatant war crimes and a terrible, terrible human tragedy that I wish the US was not supporting in any capacity. And I wish those outwardly supporting the IDF in America would be held to account for that stance (like the censure against Tlaib).

The US’s role with Israel is far more complicated than that though, which has already been hashed out in this thread repeatedly (by one of Osh’s actually decent takes) and I’m not going to rehash it. Again, I wish we weren’t supporting Israel at this time.

But to say people should be immune from pushback for supporting a terrorist attack is a line too far. It’s victim-blaming in a manner I don’t support in any capacity.
Thank you for acknowledge Israel’s terrorism.

Biden will win Michigan in 2024

Trump played his trick in 2016 of symbolically campaigning to the left of his Democratic opponent on some issues. He’s not even willing to try it now and even if he did, it won’t hit the same as in 2016 because he’s already been president and he governs like Paul Ryan.

In 2016, he was a sledge hammer driving wedges into the most vulnerable parts of the Democratic coalition. In 2024, he’s merely the hammer whose blows will fuse the more marginal parts of the coalition firmly down into the core of Democratic coalition.
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The thing about being the 49th worst state in anything is that a majority of Mississippi, Arkansas, and Alabama are better than you

Those other three are doing poorly because of racism. There is probably a little less racism in Oklahoma but it also has to deal with the social curse of having an economy based on extractive industry.
You think Biden gonna rock a blue cap this year that says “BLUE MAGA” on it?

Blue MAGA: vote blue no matter who. Do nothing. Blame someone else.

Let’s go Joe!!! I love my president
I don't think he realizes just how many black folks design and build the boats, planes, and other stuff he uses for transportation.

This clown would have a heart attack if he googled "black astronauts"

“I was watching a documentary recently, about a black owned airline. It was shocking. The pilot, who was black of course, was a convicted felon who had no flight experience and was smoking marijuana on the job. Moreover, the cockpit door was secured by inexpensive locks like you’d see on a cheap apartment door. They were playing loud rap music on the tarmac.

There was a Casino and a night club on the plane as well. They were handing out fried chicken in economy class. The owner of the airline was on the plane but he seemed preoccupied with what I presumed to be baby mama drama, oh, and they let the rapist Karl Malone on the flight. That’s what you get with Joe Biden’s DEI America.”
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