***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The difference between Donald Trump and Yung Thug?
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I’m kind of culturally obligated to be a spokesman for the defense bar, so here goes:

Trump pays his lawyers nothing and gets grifters who wouldn’t miss a meal for him, let alone go to jail.

Meanwhile, Yung Thug has secured a Saul Goodman-like mastermind. Through some contrivance and subterfuge, Yung Thug’s council found out about a secret meeting between the judge, the prosecutor, and the State’s key witness. At minimum, this lays a solid basis for appeal.

For his trouble, the lawyer is willing to do at least a short bid in county jail. Legendary stuff.

BTW This case is so weird and this recent development has me going way down the Yung Thug RICO case rabbit hole.

Yet people want to tell me that Biden is just like Trump on immigration

The gap between Trump's views on immigration and Biden's views are massive

People who are progressive have every right to take issue with some of the moves Biden has made. That is fair.

But some people are making ******** false equivalencies that are unserious, uninformed, and counter productive.
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I’m kind of culturally obligated to be a spokesman for the defense bar, so here goes:

Trump pays his lawyers nothing and gets grifters who wouldn’t miss a meal for him, let alone go to jail.

Meanwhile, Yung Thug has secured a Saul Goodman-like mastermind. Through some contrivance and subterfuge, Yung Thug’s council found out about a secret meeting between the judge, the prosecutor, and the State’s key witness. At minimum, this lays a solid basis for appeal.

For his trouble, the lawyer is willing to do at least a short bid in county jail. Legendary stuff.

BTW This case is so weird and this recent development has me going way down the Yung Thug RICO case rabbit hole.
As co-counsel for defendant Mr Williams, I humbly request of you to describe Mr Williams' artist name as explained by his lawyer. The word "thug" in Mr. Williams' artist name is actually an abbreviation. An artistic expression that stands for Truly Humble Under God. It simply bears a coincidental resemblance to the word thug, which has a negative connotation that is often associated with criminal activity. Referring to Mr. Williams in that manner may cause prejudice, when the focus should instead be on how musical genius Young Truly Humble Under God has delivered us art unlike any other musician that came before him.

On a serious note, the Thugger trial is WILD and I assure you you'll have a great time.
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Yet people want to tell me that Biden is just like Trump on immigration

The gap between Trump's views on immigration and Biden's views are massive

People who are progressive have every right to take issue with some of the moves Biden has made. That is fair.

But some people are making bull**** false equivalencies are unserious, uninformed, and counter productive.

Yet if this happens they will double down and blame "corporate Dems" for why they had no choice but to vote for CORNELL WEST
Turning functioning breaks into a premium, month to month subscription, is some of Elon’s all time greatest scamming.
I haven't kept up with the way they teach in college since I left, and I'm wondering how many engineering/industrial design professors use r/cyberstuck as source material for examples on how not to make things.
A few weeks ago, he got into it on Twitter with one of the science guys responsible for making the much-promised-and-never-delivered autopilot tech possible. I enjoyed the roasting.

So what I’ve gathered from these clips is that these are a bunch of insecure losers overdosing on copium. They can’t stand to see women and/or black people succeed in sports.

I’d expect them to glaze Caitlin Clark because she’s white and seems like a generational talentbut I guess the the misoginy was stronger than the racism in their heads. That took me by surprise tbh.

This is what bottom of the barrel male performance looks like.
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