***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Donald Trump:

“I’ve got a mugshot now, and I know all you people who are congenially predisposed to criminality get it, you and the Mexicans, too!”
aepps20 aepps20 you looked very handsome in this video

Me and osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh talked and we both agree that you have shot up the political patootie rankings
Me and Delk were showing up and SHOWING OUT. I told him to rock da yellow polo and overalls. Very proud he did. My White T didn't pop like I wanted but it hid da biscuit crumbs extremely well.
Shout out to CNN giving themselves fake pats on the back by re-inviting the same lunatics on air over and over and over and over and then responding like they are above the lunacy

I was just thinking this. I get what Anderson Cooper said about not showing the stuff. About how that would lead to ignorance and people not being informed and not taking it as a serious threat to the country.

I also get how Fox and those wacked out far right networks like oann or whatever, would use that to gain ratings and viewers and act like there was some kind of conspiracy against conservatives and further bolster the "we're trapped and we're going to die if we don't elect trump" idea they love to put forth.

At some point though, you have to crush these idiots and not invite them back on. You have to soundly destroy their talking points, cut their mics and fully educate the audience. The next 4 months are going to be ******* terrifying
This is pretty damn crazy. Belgium Belgium , you peep this? This classified docs case really is something else


I recall the name and his appearance but for some reason my mind associates Val Broeksmith as a somewhat unstable person and overall weirdo (not to discredit him).

Again that’s solely off my recollection though, and I’m unsure of how or if I even came to that conclusion.

I’ll have to dig into this latest report and the lore of Val Broeksmith’s lore.
Normally I have a fantastic memory specifically when it comes to US politics/law etc. Not so much when it comes to other topics unfortunately.

I’ll get back to you when I refresh my memory with old and recent reports wavycrocket wavycrocket

The decision also comes as the Supreme Court itself has faced sustained criticism over undisclosed trips and gifts from wealthy benefactors to some justices that led the high court to adopt its first code of ethics, though it lacks an enforcement mechanism.

Coming from a country that was considered THE most corrupt in the world in the early 2000s, I have to applaud this level of creativity:

The high court’s 6-3 opinion along ideological lines found the law criminalizes bribes given before an official act, not rewards handed out after.

“Some gratuities can be problematic. Others are commonplace and might be innocuous,” Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote. The lines aren’t always clear, especially since many state and local officials have other jobs, he said.
Well I admire your even handedness on this issue.

Most American liberal Zionist would be screaming bloody murder (and rightfully so) if Putin dumped millions to unseat one of his more high profile critics in the US Congress, had several States require their public servants to swear off boycotting Russia, had mobs of Russians and Russian sympathizers attack protestors in the US, have seized Ukrainian assets sold out of a Russian Orthodox Church in Los Angeles, and got multiple American academics black balled.

Although this is largely hypothetical, it’s not hard to see, at the very least, Putin not getting invited to Speak before Congress in order to give a campaign speech to promote Trump 2024. It’d be unthinkable.

You’re right that Evangelicals play a big role in US and GOP politics, but I’m speaking about America’s liberal/centrist foreign policy hawks.
Yah I dunno I think you got zionist derangement syndrome.,

this weird bankshot election interference argument your making seems totally unconvincing, and unnecessary.

you don't like aipiac, you don't like Israel just say that.

don't know why we need this weird, AIPAC = Putin thing, seems silly.

It’s baffling why that group coddles Netanyahu when they hate Putin for doing comparatively much less damage to the interests of American Liberal Democracy.

yah this sounds crazy., humanitarian concerns aside. Israel-palestine is just not that important.



But while basic income plans have largely shown success, not everyone is in favor of them, and many programs have drawn the ire of conservative lawmakers.

Last week, a Texas state senator called a guaranteed income program in Harris County, which includes Houston and is offering $500 a month to the area's poorest residents, unconstitutional. And in Iowa, two Republican lawmakers introduced a bill to ban universal guaranteed income plans in the state, calling them "socialism on steroids."

I can't even say how I really feel about these people. Bet they all identify as Christians too.
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