***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Elon also is voting for the dude who wants to basically shelve EVs. Such a 🤡!

With all the $$ he’s pouring in, don’t think for a second there isn’t a wink-wink deal for Tesla to be pushed to the top. Granted, they’re already there, but competition is heating up in the EV space. There’s approximately zero chance Musk isn’t getting something out of this, and I can’t see him signing up to tank Tesla.
With all the $$ he’s pouring in, don’t think for a second there isn’t a wink-wink deal for Tesla to be pushed to the top. Granted, they’re already there, but competition is heating up in the EV space. There’s approximately zero chance Musk isn’t getting something out of this, and I can’t see him signing up to tank Tesla.

They block BYD from China, which I think has overtaken global EV sales
Biden said he wasn’t giving contracts to union busting companies im still waiting for that to happen.

And china is colonizing the world so they can exploit places and people for minerals, don’t ever let scum china have cars for sale here.
i don’t want to get my hopes up but on paper this should be a slam dunk on harris’ part

Vance’s personality is legit grating and has negative charisma all while only being a senator for a year. Kamala is a vet who should know what to do
It'll never be a slam dunk because they will never be graded on the same curve
i don’t want to get my hopes up but on paper this should be a slam dunk on harris’ part

Vance’s personality is legit grating and has negative charisma all while only being a senator for a year. Kamala is a vet who should know what to do
I am not setting the bar high cause I don’t know **** about Vance from his campaign. She should embarrass him but if too many people set the bar too high for Kamala then if he leaves breathing the media will act like he won.
i don’t want to get my hopes up but on paper this should be a slam dunk on harris’ part

Vance’s personality is legit grating and has negative charisma all while only being a senator for a year. Kamala is a vet who should know what to do
Get your hopes up for what? A consolation prize?
With all the $$ he’s pouring in, don’t think for a second there isn’t a wink-wink deal for Tesla to be pushed to the top. Granted, they’re already there, but competition is heating up in the EV space. There’s approximately zero chance Musk isn’t getting something out of this, and I can’t see him signing up to tank Tesla.

It's funny how as recently as 2012, Mitt Romney was doing the whole libertarian lite routine as a GOP nominee.

In the late 70's, conservative orthodoxy held that a regulated market allowed too many racial undesirables to enjoy parity with otherwise deserving whites. They claimed that a fully deregulated economy will only award the truly worthy, which is to say the whites.

Although the Reaganite turn did reinforce a good deal of the declining white middle class and it did cause immense suffering among a majority of non whites, it did allow some non whites to enter otherwise whites only elite spaces. Moreover, the emergence of streaming in the 21st century allowed for new levels of micro targeted entertainment and that meant more and more shows for non white people becoming easily available for streaming customers to access.

That broke the brains of a lot of whites and in 2016 they decided that market fundamentalism is way less important than upholding racial hierarchies. As a result, Trump emerged.

I think that Musk understands this dynamic and he never actually bought into the faux libertarianism of the GOP. He knows that things are falling apart and that in a new order, a new order still helmed by the right, the government will take care of people like himself, even if it means the US having a full on command economy. That's why he's championing Trump so hard.
Don't ha e his combine measurements but Andy Beshar looks to be a legit 6'2".

Democracy might get saved because American voters are more petty than women on Bubble.

These the same people who claim trump is 6’3 and 215

They going bump dude up to at least “6’1”
It's funny how as recently as 2012, Mitt Romney was doing the whole libertarian lite routine as a GOP nominee.

In the late 70's, conservative orthodoxy held that a regulated market allowed too many racial undesirables to enjoy parity with otherwise deserving whites. They claimed that a fully deregulated economy will only award the truly worthy, which is to say the whites.

Although the Reaganite turn did reinforce a good deal of the declining white middle class and it did cause immense suffering among a majority of non whites, it did allow some non whites to enter otherwise whites only elite spaces. Moreover, the emergence of streaming in the 21st century allowed for new levels of micro targeted entertainment and that meant more and more shows for non white people becoming easily available for streaming customers to access.

That broke the brains of a lot of whites and in 2016 they decided that market fundamentalism is way less important than upholding racial hierarchies. As a result, Trump emerged.

I think that Musk understands this dynamic and he never actually bought into the faux libertarianism of the GOP. He knows that things are falling apart and that in a new order, a new order still helmed by the right, the government will take care of people like himself, even if it means the US having a full on command economy. That's why he's championing Trump so hard.
Eh, isn't it sometimes as simple as 180 Million for influence with the presumptive soon to be President is a bargain for the richest man in the world?

Not to mention he would I assume get that + more back under Trumps tax cuts anyway?
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