***Official Political Discussion Thread***

It's going to be interesting to see how the DNC looks with over 10% of elected Democrats asking Joe to step aside.

So what now?

She won't take over and Biden won't step down.

Can we let them get to campaigning now? Or are we going to act like 2016 babies again and write in Harambe Jr?
I see.

The advantage European democracies have over ours is that the actual plurality of their legislative bodies in addition to the ease of access to their assembly/parliament via a very open electoral process. This is what allows direct action to be way more effective than here. A dissatisfied people doesn't get captured by a political party because there's always a second best option, unlike here where the effective choice is binary (I don't acknowledge third parties because they never get their candidates in Congress).
I think if you were to poll the Belgian population on how positively/negatively they view our political situation, I'd be shocked if it didn't yield close or worse results than the US.
We do have a lot of choice, but even then a huge part of our population chooses to vote blank. For the most part voting is mandatory nationwide, with the only way to escape a fine being a medical or work exemption. I've known a lot of people such as my mom who specifically switch a weekend shift with a coworker for an exemption for voting day.

So most of the population is actually there at the voting booth, and still a huge part of that mass chooses to not select any candidate/party despite the variety of options across the spectrum.
It shows that even outside of the restriction of a defacto two party system, a substantial part of voters still avoid the 'vote for the lesser evil' argument despite a much larger variety of options.
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So what now?

She won't take over and Biden won't step down.

Can we let them get to campaigning now? Or are we going to act like 2016 babies again and write in Harambe Jr?

Yeah, basically. It's hard to imagine but in a country of 350 million people it really is just one man's decision. I would feel more comfortable with this if Joe knew how dire the situation was but it seems like his inner circle has kept him insulated and he isn't getting accurate information.

Not sure if this is true or not but it seems like Joe is getting data that shows he still has a path of victory and Nancy is trying to set him straight and show him that not only will he lose but he will drag the rest of the party down with him.

do we have to fly kenny smith to Delaware, for joe to get the message?


do we have to fly kenny smith to Delaware, for joe to get the message?


This has been my big takeaway and it's something that PSA brought up during their latest podcast. The Democrats in the safe districts like AOC and Bernie Sanders are encouraging Joe to stay in the race but the Democrats in competitive districts are the ones freaking out and telling Joe leave.

That should tell you enough about the state of the race. The people whose jobs are on the line are worried and the people who are going to be fine regardless are not worried.
This has been my big takeaway and it's something that PSA brought up during their latest podcast. The Democrats in the safe districts like AOC and Bernie Sanders are encouraging Joe to stay in the race but the Democrats in competitive districts are the ones freaking out and telling Joe leave.

That should tell you enough about the state of the race. The people whose jobs are on the line are worried and the people who are going to be fine regardless are not worried.
When you’re safe you can leverage the candidate for your own agenda

No Joe, no Kamala, 100 days or so before the elections.

What's the plan?

I still remember the 180° Sinema pulled off once she got elected.

It's a lot of murkiness around this thing if you ask me.
Yeah, basically. It's hard to imagine but in a country of 350 million people it really is just one man's decision.
What about those who voted for him during the primaries? Do donors overrule their choice? Should they?

Is 10% of elected Democrats more important than 90%?

Do polls no longer change?
Can't Democrats do something to change them (like, I don't know, running a campaign, grabbing all the alley-hoops the Trump campaign keeps lobbing, and having Kamala presenting herself more as the capable backup she could be in case something happpens)?
Do you not think that the public infighting is also negatively impacting other Democrats who are running?

It's not just about the polls, and that has been your only justification for asking Biden to step down. The fact that y'all are so comfortable with introducing so much uncertainty in this situation boggles my mind.
We've heard a lot of calls for civility since the assassination attempt on Donald Trump by a registered Republican, many of them one-sided.

Since then, some users have begun reporting posts criticizing Donald Trump as "hate speech," and demanding that it be suppressed by our moderation team.

For reference: criticism of a public figure is not hate speech.

If you'd like to see an actual example of hate speech for contrast, click the spoiler button below to review a message submitted to us from a former member via the site's contact form mere hours after Donald Trump blew kisses to a known racist literally platformed by the RNC.


This is hate speech.

Understand the difference.
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