***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Too good for cabinet posts……..

His delivery isn’t the typical scolding and shaming they love to do which rubs people the wrong way.

Ive been convinced, Biden should drop out in favor of a a Harris-Buttigieg ticket. I think it can thread the needle between not alienating the Democratic base on the one hand. But it can also appeal to the ideologically non aligned, vibes based swing voter who probably would be swayed by a narrative of a generational shift. Personally, I think that this age discourse is foolish but swing voters think it’s important.

Basically, Harris and Buttigieg combined is the closest substitute for Barack Obama. Between the two of them, they are youngish, articulate, composed, cosmopolitan but also Middle American, well educated but down to earth. They aren’t as inspiring but they do have law enforcement and private sector and military experience which I think appeals to those lumpen, suburban, swing voters out there.

I am also starting to buy into the argument that the personal identities of Harris and Buttigieg will throw the GOP off their messaging game. Right now, the GOP can talk about inflation and Biden’s age. That is favorable terrain for them.

Dangle a black/tamil women and a gay man in front of them and Republicans won’t be able to help themselves. They’ll start talking non stop about issues that swing voters don’t care about, e.g. the candidates’ Marxist parents; and the GOP will also actively alienate swing voters by being much more openly racist and sexist in their messaging. Swing voters don’t care about systemic injustice but they don’t like the optics of racist and misogynistic rhetoric.

Also, the VP debate would be like if Thanksgiving in a white family came early. Two millennials arguing would be great. If it breaks down into personal attacks, they won’t argue over who is better at golf, they’ll argue over who is better at Golden Eye 64.

“My opponent throws proximity mines on spawn points”

“I know you always pick Odd Job despite the house rules preventing it”

“Of the two people at this table, I’m the only one who does screen peak”

And so on.

French leftists to Nazis:

“They not like, they not like us”

Which reminds me.

Dems better cap off their convention by playing Kendrick’s banger. Better yet, getting him to make a remix about Trump and his crew.
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