***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Nancy. A queen. A legend.:emoji_heart_eyes::emoji_heart_eyes:
Dude I don't go back and forth with you I've been here long enough Osh.

Hillary wasn't going to win. A lot of people stayed home because they 100% thought Trump was going to lose.

Everyone else just hated her and most voters think the job of President of the US is that of a man.

I hope I'm wrong but I still think country will not vote for a woman let alone a black one.
We really don't know. Many believed a white woman would become president before a Black man, and then Obama was elected. Views, agendas, and perceptions have changed significantly. We truly can't predict what might happen.
Republican reaction to this is a pretty clear “Oh ****” moment.

Stephen Miller flipping out doesn’t bode well to how this is being discussed amongst GOP behind closed doors.

Yeah the real world reaction from that side paints a very different picture from the one the Trump trolls were trying to present in this thread earlier :lol:
We really don't know. Many believed a white woman would become president before a Black man, and then Obama was elected. Views, agendas, and perceptions have changed significantly. We truly can't predict what might happen.

Yes, Keko while I do agree with you about that, the Obama win was coming off a terrible presidency by Bush2 and us being in that war and running the country broke and the 2008 financial crisis.

The stars aligned and Obama easily won in 2008, but...

Obama turned the country around and did great his first term and still for his second term I believe he lost either the house or the senate I forgot.

I feel like a Republican messes everything up and then if a Democrat doesn’t fix it in their presidency they vote back in Republicans. Truly people in this country is crazy but it's the media that skews things in favor of their party and they're the ones that help the candidate.

Media is extremely biased towards Trump and as others said he's good for ratings.
VP Harris is obviously a more difficult opponent for Republicans than President Biden.

I imagine the Republican argument will be that Democrats usurped the democratic process to make VP Harris the nominee.
Maybe we see the median swing voter as a different group of people. I think DEI being racist is a feature, not a bug to the median swing voter (in the states that will determine the election) who is likely a white male. And Trump is and has been plainly racist, so I don’t think that it hurts him at all which is why it can only do some damage to Kamala.

Maybe I’m still scarred from 2016, but the overt sexist dogwhistles about Hillary and whistles alluding to Obama worked in that campaign.

I think Kamala can overcome it; and I believe she will. There is risk involved and that’s all I’m trying to highlight.

The strong support shes received so far from Dems is huge though. Solidarity and unity are going to be essential, so I’m glad to see she’s won over many in the party already.
Median swing voters are not a monolith

Of course some will vote for Trump over Harris because she is a black woman. I accept this. But not all of them have made that choice on those grounds.

And of course many have racist views and sexist. A lot of people that vote Democrat do as well. This is America. A lot of plainly racist worldviews have been normalized to the where people think it is either okay or conventional wisdom.

The thing is, more overt racism that falls outside of a certain level still turns these voters off. I have seen it in focus testing. I know a ton of these people in Nevada.

They will be against affirmative action because they think unqualified black people are getting hired. But like DEI at their job because they are cool with qualified minorities getting chances

They will believe all kinds of dumb inherently racist **** about the Southern Borders, but be big supporters of more legal immigration

The say they are in favor of "traditional family structures", dog whistling antigay and sexist views. But attack gay people pisses them off, and think women should have freedom to chose what happens with their body.

And people have short memories, people are thinking about inflation and immigration so Trump last overtly racist action isn't at the front of their memory.

The Trump campaign is targeting three groups as keys to winning this fall:

a) Voter that agree with Trump but haven't yet voted for him because his brand turns them off
b) Disillusion voters that usually vote Dem
c) marginal voters just getting into voting

If Trump starts running around reminding people what a racist weirdo he actually is, then that lowers his share of swing voters, and undercuts his efforts with these groups.

He already has the people turned off by Harris being a woman and black. But right now he is winning more than just these people. If he starts sounding weird and racist, he might start losing even more voters. So the smart thing for him is to be restrained
Most of the races on the ballot in November have nothing to do with president

Congress, state, local, judges, and possibly more. Places like Arizona are gonna vote on abortion rights this fall.

Even if one party if likely to win at one level, there are still races that matter and make a difference in people's lives. There are even more of these kind of races during the four years we don't vote for president. Stuff like local school boards

You take swipes at me for caring about politics, but most of my energy, time and dollars are spent at the local level. Electing judges that don't throw kids into the system to doom them to a life of crime, fighting for more money to help organizations that support the homeless, gaining funding for after school programs. I have seen plenty of successes in all these areas, and I think they make a positive change in people's lives.

Maybe you need to start taking politics more seriously if you think national partisan drama is the end all be all.

Or go have a good cry to Family Matters again.

Either way.

Nancy. A queen. A legend.:emoji_heart_eyes::emoji_heart_eyes:

You think the letters were the easy way? That was the hard way. The easy way would have been 3 weeks ago. Nancy is a legend like Tyrell is a legend on GOT.

It also highlights how Dem leadership was being told no he wouldn’t step down and then he did this on a Sunday around lunch when most of them were at church or enjoying brunch.

The slowest day of the political week when most people aren’t working. Then you hear about the blitz of calls he and Kamala made to shore up the majority of the support he already had to make a “competitive primary” pointless. He gave her his campaign’s money, gave her his staff, and gave her his endorsements.

Meanwhile on the other side we still haven’t had an an endorsement from party leadership or Obama. It’ll eventually come but not today because they are mad Biden went around their idea for a primary. They put him in a corner and you’re seeing him do what he can with what they left him.

All the people supporting Biden moves to Harris today. It wasn’t offered to the party or put out there to be a super PAC.

Next expect the Executive Orders.
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