***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Yep and I'm in NY one of the most liberal states.

You're one of the few posters in here I see that lives in reality.

I don't think most posters in here realize how people act in public around you is how they truly are in private or behind closed doors.

I hope I'm wrong but I know this country and more so suburbanites will not vote for a woman let alone a black one.

It's crazy to see since Trump ran in 2015 all the people that are straight racist and prejudiced. I never would have thought people I knew and worked with for years felt the way they did and before they kept that stuff to themselves but he emboldened them and now they don't care.

I also saw right wing media take over airports all throughout the US. It was mostly CNN on the TV's but now they're all Fox News and I think they signed some deal or something.

Hilary was like 20000 votes away from winning despite dealing with

- Comey letter
- email scandal
- difficult primary
- Russia hacks


The idea that a woman can't win just feels divorced fromr reality.
The ideal vp candidate would probably be a latino man.

Unfortunately Julian Castro is bad at politics and doesn't speak Spanish.

Why do you think Latino is good? I completely disagree. White people fragile as hell and I can already see the Fox News clips about them taking our jobs.

I think he has to be a white white male.
Hilary was like 20000 votes away from winning despite dealing with

- Comey letter
- email scandal
- difficult primary
- Russia hacks


The idea that a woman can't win just feels divorced fromr reality.

Hell if that Comey letter dropped in August, she probably wins off that alone. SMH.
Loyalty in politics is often mentioned, but let's be realistic (its a joke): politicians prioritize their own self-interest above all else. They can change allegiances based on what benefits them most, regardless of past conflicts or statements. For instance, many Republicans opposed Trump initially, but shifted their support when he threatened to run independently. AOC mentioned standing behind Biden, and also highlighted that not everyone in the party fully backs Harris in case Biden steps down. Ultimately, I thinj the people are more loyal to their party than politicians.
Host should've asked Jillian if it's warmer in Moscow or Stalingrad this time of year?

Hilary was like 20000 votes away from winning despite dealing with

- Comey letter
- email scandal
- difficult primary
- Russia hacks


The idea that a woman can't win just feels divorced fromr reality.

Dude I don't go back and forth with you I've been here long enough Osh.

Hillary wasn't going to win. A lot of people stayed home because they 100% thought Trump was going to lose.

Everyone else just hated her and most voters think the job of President of the US is that of a man.

I hope I'm wrong but I still think country will not vote for a woman let alone a black one.
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