***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I asked you what has she done and you send me a page of bills that she proposed that werent even turned into law… I know children that can propose bills to eat candy for dinner every night and another to eat ice cream for breakfast. Does that mean they’re accomplished? Yet you over here telling me to take classes? Get a life.
He passed 117 into law and is more accomplished than harris. Its not really a competition. Maybe in 4 years.
That's remarkable. I thought President's only signed bills passed by congress, I didn't know they also passed them as well.
Anyway, how many of those bills were because of something he proposed?
had to ask you multiple times what Harris has done it took you a whole day to do your homework before you return for an answer. I played your game made you look like an idiot. Now you’re trying to start the sub arguments. Just be quiet. Trump was more accomplished four years ago and probably 30 years ago and he’s more accomplished now.
had to ask you multiple times what Harris has done it took you a whole day to do your homework before you return for an answer. I played your game made you look like an idiot. Now you’re trying to start the sub arguments. Just be quiet. Trump was more accomplished four years ago and probably 30 years ago and he’s more accomplished now.
What? Today is the first time I've been apart of a coversation with you. You think you've proved something and taking a victory lap or what? You really just look way more uniformed and unserious
I wish Kamala Harris would propose a bill for you to be quiet already, but that probably wouldn’t even pass. We would need Trump to do it instead.
You sent me a list of sponsored bills. Do you know what a sponsored bill is? Its basically presenting a resolution to a problem that still needs to be voted on by a committee. How many of those were passed as law? Tell me that ??

You comparing Harris’ “potential” solutions to Trumps actual accomplishments.

Heres trumps accomplishments. A little longer and more relevant

You could have mentioned how he signed the Right to Try bill into law, or the bill making animal abuse a federal crime, and left it at that. Instead, you posted a link to a bunch of nonsensical word salad.
You could have mentioned how he signed the Right to Try bill into law, or the bill making animal abuse a federal crime, and left it at that. Instead, you posted a link to a bunch of nonsensical word salad.
I posted a link of all of his accomplishments… Do you want me to write them all by hand? Why don’t you @ the dude who sent a link of 80 bills where barely any of them passed as his argument
Lol after asking what Harris has done multiple times…thats what you came up with??.thats your answer?

Someone saw your buffoonery, and listed some for me. But if you don't want to answer what HE did for you, then all I can say is, why are you here? How much do you spend on donations to TFG? Do you complain about inflation yet donate to a supposed billionaire? Did you ever get your gold shoes? And why do you want to control women's bodies?
Someone saw your buffoonery, and listed some for me. But if you don't want to answer what HE did for you, then all I can say is, why are you here? How much do you spend on donations to TFG? Do you complain about inflation yet donate to a supposed billionaire? Did you ever get your gold shoes? And why do you want to control women's bodies?
i played your game an sent you a link like you sent me a link. The only difference was my link was full of accomplishments… Your link was full of proposed bills and a majority didn’t pass.
i played your game an sent you a link like you sent me a link. The only difference was my link was full of accomplishments… Your link was full of proposed bills and a majority didn’t pass.

You don't get it. How did his infrastructure bill do? How about his fabulous new healthcare? How did that work out? It's still 2 weeks away right? He did get tax breaks passed, for his rich cronies! I'm sure that didn't affect you though. He did do an amazing thing I never thought of. He tried to change the trajectory of a hurricane....WITH A SHARPIE! That's some royal smarts right there. Almost as good as suggesting to send a nuke at a hurricane. Like, what could possibly go wrong there? 🤷 His head is filled with cheese whiz! If you think he's competent, that's on you. BTW, with your love for this man, how did you like reading the Katie Johnson deposition? Can't defend that vile & disgusting document. But I'm sure you are gonna try.

Give it a rest, NO ONE LIKES YOU HERE! No one wants you here. You make Delk look sane & tolerable!! GO AWAY!!
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You don't get it. How did his infrastructure bill do? How about his fabulous new healthcare work out? He did get tax breaks passed, for his rich cronies! I'm sure that didn't affect you though. Give it a rest, NO ONE LIKES YOU HERE! You make Delk look sane. GO AWAY!!
You literally posted a bunch of laws that don’t even exist
You literally posted a bunch of laws that don’t even exist

I posted what he ran on and couldn't pass because he's A LIAR!!! He lies and lies and lies. Remember his interview with Leslie Stahl. He had his "health care plan" right there in a large bound book. It was blank!! A total lie!! He runs on things he never comes through. That's the point. He's a liar and a con man.

You proud of your man stealing money from his own children's with cancer charity? I'd love to see you defend that? His University, which was a total scam and money grab. So much so he has to pay everyone back. Oh and it's amazing how you TOTALLY passed over what I asked, the Katie Johnson deposition? Did you ever read it? Or are you in such denial about him actually assaulting a 13 year old? But he's a man right? So much he cheats on every wife he's ever had, with the next one and a porn star. Yeah, party of family values my ***!!

I don't feel well, I'm going to sleep. Leave me the **** alone.
I posted what he ran on and couldn't pass because he's A MORON!! He lies and lies and lies. Remember his interview with Leslie Stahl. He had his "health care plan" right there in a large bound book. It was blank!! A total lie!! He runs on things he never comes through. That's the point. He's a liar and a con man.

You proud of your man stealing money from his own children's with cancer charity? I'd love to see you defend that? His University, which was a total scam and money grab. So much so he has to pay everyone back. Oh and it's amazing how you TOTALLY passed over what I asked, the Katie Johnson deposition? Did you ever read it? Or are you in such denial about him actually assaulting a 13 year old? But he's a man right? So much he cheats on every wife he's ever had, with the next one and a porn star. Yeah, party of family values my ***!!
So do you have any thing else to back up what harris has done other than proposals lol
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