***Official Political Discussion Thread***

While this might sound good on paper and is intended to affect only the top 0.01%, consider the impact on real estate properties, like residential buildings that will be taxed at 25%. Do you really think landlords will simply absorb that cost, or are they more likely to raise prices to compensate?

Don't get me wrong, I also think that a 100% tariff on imports is absolutely crazy.

Investment real estate has been one of the best tax dodges for years. So… good.

There are plenty of landlords that won’t come close to the wealth threshold and won’t have to compensate to maintain income. So this effectively gives smaller landlords a competitive edge against massive conglomerates. More, smaller landlords increases competition for lessors and brings down prices. So… good.

There are better ways to subsidize lessors than through convoluted tax dodging that passes through ultra-wealthy real estate conglomerates. Moving away from trickle down benefits is good. And you’re essentially arguing the converse of trickle down.
While this might sound good on paper and is intended to affect only the top 0.01%, consider the impact on real estate properties, like residential buildings that will be taxed at 25%. Do you really think landlords will simply absorb that cost, or are they more likely to raise prices to compensate?

Don't get me wrong, I also think that a 100% tariff on imports is absolutely crazy.

Tax/Regulate commercial properties owners too

Especially private equity and/or upper threshold of tax bracket owners
Yeah let's never tax the wealthy at the same rate we are because we're too scared of what they might do. America, we don't negotiate with terrorists but will back down from a random rich person.
For a group that often criticizes MAGA, you sure sound similar. You start mocking without objectively considering the whole situation. If it were that easy, why hasn't it been done? If you can implement those policies without negatively impacting the working class, go for it—I'm all for it. But when you talk about regulating private entities while also criticizing Trump for authoritarianism, it seems contradictory to me.

And of course, all those wealthy individuals pouring millions into Kamala Harris's campaign are completely fine with this. Hilarious!
For a group that often criticizes MAGA, you sure sound similar. You start mocking without objectively considering the whole situation. If it were that easy, why hasn't it been done? If you can implement those policies without negatively impacting the working class, go for it—I'm all for it. But when you talk about regulating private entities while also criticizing Trump for authoritarianism, it seems contradictory to me.

And of course, all those wealthy individuals pouring millions into Kamala Harris's campaign are completely fine with this. Hilarious!

Unrealized gains are more important because the wealthy purchase stock and never sell and then pass them off to their children via trusts and other vehicles. Then the children get the stock at appreciated value on the date of transfer. This needs to be stopped.

The second issue is people like Elon almost never sell stock. They borrow against their stock holdings and live life that way again letting the stock appreciate. That needs to be taxed as well.

Taxing unrealized gains pulls in both of these tax planning strategies.
At the end of the day, it seems the focus is on anyone but Trump, regardless of their ideas, and that's fine—I understand that as I can careless for either. While I hope whoever wins will do right by us, I don't expect much from either side. Inflation didn't reach this level solely because of Trump, Biden, or COVID; in my opinion, it's due to good ideas paired with poor implementation. The housing crisis didn't just appear out of nowhere—it's partly due to the lack of government intervention. How do you allow companies like BlackRock to buy houses not to flip, but to rent, thereby controlling the market? Maybe the 25% tax on gains will impact these companies, but why not prohibit them from buying homes in the first place? Call it what you want, but this isn't a direct criticism of Harris—it's about policies that I don't see materializing effectively.
So are you expecting full instant 180 change or progress in any capacity? Being realistic with expectations (divided house, senate) and progress in the right direction is WAY better than going *** backwards
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These posts were minutes apart…

Like, I was getting a snarky FDR post ready when you kind of did the job yourself.

But when you talk about regulating private entities while also criticizing Trump for authoritarianism, it seems contradictory to me.

The housing crisis didn't just appear out of nowhere—it's partly due to the lack of government intervention.

You seem to care about these things, which is great. But I think your caring would be much more effective if you had better fundamentals.
The GOP is so screwed. The irony is that Pence was the perfect VP for Trump. He kept his mouth shut while Trump did all the talking, and he just kind of cleaned things up behind the scenes. Meanwhile, Vance thinks he's the opening act for Trump. It's embarrassing.
He’s trying to do his own impersonation of Trump n it’s weird cuz he’s right under the OG version…Maybe all this is supposed to be his way of auditioning to be the next candidate :lol:
Actually, I never said I didn’t care about government intervention. I was simply highlighting the hypocrisy from some of you. If that was misunderstood, it’s likely because you associate my comments with being a Trump supporter. Let’s be honest, in NT, this thread is mostly about people proudly declaring their support for their chosen side. There’s little to no objective conversation, and no minds are being changed. Those who are going to vote left or right will do so, regardless. The way people insult, mock, and clown around here isn’t going to change that.
Actually, I never said I didn’t care about government intervention. I was simply highlighting the hypocrisy from some of you. If that was misunderstood, it’s likely because you associate my comments with being a Trump supporter. Let’s be honest, in NT, this thread is mostly about people proudly declaring their support for their chosen side. There’s little to no objective conversation, and no minds are being changed. Those who are going to vote left or right will do so, regardless. The way people insult, mock, and clown around here isn’t going to change that.

We tend to debate here pretty openly. Problem is the posters who tend to be Trump supporters eventually get caught going on a racist rant or zero good faith responses and meth bans them for said issues.

I love debating people when they have good faith. When someone posts some idiocy and then says I’m not going to talk or defend my point or uses some biased and unfounded source for their backing. Well then I lose all respect for you and why are you even posting. You’re the very thing people hate about politics and economic debates.
These posts were minutes apart…

Like, I was getting a snarky FDR post ready when you kind of did the job yourself.

You seem to care about these things, which is great. But I think your caring would be much more effective if you had better fundamentals.
Actually, I never said I didn’t care about government intervention. I was simply highlighting the hypocrisy from some of you. If that was misunderstood, it’s likely because you associate my comments with being a Trump supporter. Let’s be honest, in NT, this thread is mostly about people proudly declaring their support for their chosen side. There’s little to no objective conversation, and no minds are being changed. Those who are going to vote left or right will do so, regardless. The way people insult, mock, and clown around here isn’t going to change that.

I’ve deliberately stayed away from this thread for awhile, so I don’t have too many preconceived notions about most people on here.

I actually assumed you were left-leaning.

And my replies / criticism on your posts have been on matters of fact.

You don’t have a problem with government intervention: great! Presumably you don’t think of yourself as supporting authoritarianism. So I suspect you actually don’t see any hypocrisy, at least in yourself, of being anti-authoritarian while also supporting government regulation of the private sector.

So why try to make that point before?

The federal government, for now, derives its power to regulate the private sector from the will of the people. Democrats, for the most part, base their arguments for regulation on popular mandate.

The authoritarian charges against Trump are largely based fin his efforts to subvert the will of the people, disempower voters, and horde power into the executive with no functional oversight.

He doesn’t get called authoritarian because of his tax policy.

By the way, I actually do have concerns about the cap gains proposal. They just have nothing to do with rents.
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