***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Fair enough… basically it’s saying that Trump wins more often in the simulations, but when he does win it’s closer on average than when Harris wins.
A friend messaged me asking if I agreed with the VP's tax proposal. I said 'yes'. They then responded with 'aren't you scared that would eventually trickle down to us?'

First of all, what has ever economically 'trickled-down' to us for our benefit? Nothing.

Second, you're a licensed doctor that makes great money, so I see your concern lol. BUT, you aint making more than $100Million. So relax.
You're right, the fear-mongering from that trickle-down effect is real, but that wasn't the only proposed tax hike. The 44.6% rate, which is higher than Biden's proposed 39%, could impact her if she's an investor with over a million dollars—unless they mean that it only applies to those earning a million annually.
You're right, the fear-mongering from that trickle-down effect is real, but that wasn't the only proposed tax hike. The 44.6% rate, which is higher than Biden's proposed 39%, could impact her if she's an investor with over a million dollars—unless they mean that it only applies to those earning a million annually.

44.6% on income earned over a million? Hmm tell me more on how many people that impacts.

As a person who works in tax and is a CPA it always amazes me how people don’t understand tax brackets. I explained it to my stepdad once and he didn’t believe me until I showed it to him on their previous tax return. It’s pretty basic on the high well which shouldn’t be hard to understand
44.6% on income earned over a million? Hmm tell me more on how many people that impacts.

As a person who works in tax and is a CPA it always amazes me how people don’t understand tax brackets. I explained it to my stepdad once and he didn’t believe me until I showed it to him on their previous tax return. It’s pretty basic on the high well which shouldn’t be hard to understand
What I dislike is the confusion around this. He used an example of a doctor who, although she may not have $100 million, could have capital gains of $1 million, which would be subject to the proposed 44.6% tax. If I misunderstood the proposal, it would help to clarify it.

Maybe I mixed up Biden’s 39% with Harris’s proposed 44.6% on capital gains, but I was specifically referring to Harris's proposal. Since you're a CPA, can you clarify exactly what her proposal on capital gains entails?
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TLDR: Basically, some think Trump will be better for them and their needs. Wish the dude interviewing pressed them just a little. He should have asked how they feel about Trump praising Elon for firing workers who wanted to unionize.

It’s a funny line, I’ve used it, and it’s partially true…


The primary beneficiaries of the EC are wealthy or at least economically comfortable, mostly white, mostly urban/suburban voters and donors.

The EC, the Senate, and SCOTUS allow for conservative grassroots voters and small donors to have an ability to push unpopular social policy. And that same array of anti democratic institutions allows for very wealthy donors (most of which live in cities) to buy or even install President’s, Senators, and Judges fairly cheaply.

So any rural white guy who supports the EC on the grounds that they “don’t want their life being dictated by New York and California” votes for politicians who rep smaller States but who are beholden to Wall Street and Silicon Valley. That rural white man is being put in the hotel room chair by his rural cosplaying, GOP representatives. Those representatives are on the hotel bed with “New York and California.”

It’s ironic because e ding the EC, among other benefits, allows for their to be a multi racial rural voting coalition that actually could empower the rural masses.

The EC helps rural elites in certain States but ordinary rural people are worse off than ordinary urban people. The PV allows for there to be a rural coalition which would team up with similar broad based coalitions in suburban and urban areas and they could vote in Democratic Presidents, who would solve actual problems.

The GOP actually could be competitive with the median voter. The average American voter is a homeowner and therefore at least a little bit reactionary and would be persuadable to the GOP, if the party dropped its more extreme social policies.

So in practice, the EC is DEI for (mostly) white (mostly) guys who want to do book burnings, pogroms against migrants, and forced pregnancies of teenaged girls. And said guys use the image of the small family farmer, a type of person who doesn’t really exist anymore, to launder something much more sinister.


That is too long for Twitter and that’s why I use the pithy version, even if it sacrifices some accuracy.
What I dislike is the confusion around this. He used an example of a doctor who, although she may not have $100 million, could have capital gains of $1 million, which would be subject to the proposed 44.6% tax. If I misunderstood the proposal, it would help to clarify it.

Maybe I mixed up Biden’s 39% with Harris’s proposed 44.6% on capital gains, but I was specifically referring to Harris's proposal. Since you're a CPA, can you clarify exactly what her proposal on capital gains entails?

A doctor who has single year realized gains of $1m is actually a professional money manager who practices medicine as a hobby.

Also, decidedly not remotely in the middle class.
I'm an info junkie and I can't even keep up with all the nonsense these republican idiots are slinging around, along with all the news whether it's the republicans desecrating ****, posting disgusting **** on social media, trying to cheat people out of their ability to vote, or otherwise being 100% ****bags.

September is going to be 100% insane if this keeps up.
What I dislike is the confusion around this. He used an example of a doctor who, although she may not have $100 million, could have capital gains of $1 million, which would be subject to the proposed 44.6% tax. If I misunderstood the proposal, it would help to clarify it.

Maybe I mixed up Biden’s 39% with Harris’s proposed 44.6% on capital gains, but I was specifically referring to Harris's proposal. Since you're a CPA, can you clarify exactly what her proposal on capital gains entails?

This does a pretty good job explaining the nuances:

At the very top of the article:

No one making less than $400,000 a year would see their taxes go up under the plan.

The proposal for your doctor is that after $1m, he pay ordinary income on his cap gains. It’s unclear to me if this is a trigger or if it’s marginal, but I have to assume the latter as the former would invite way too many shenanigans with tax optimization.
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