***Official Political Discussion Thread***

He wins Florida it's over
nah fam 
I dunno famb, I read he has enough votes out there to offset Broward. It is close.

I dunno i would be shocked from everything i heard up to today if he takes it but i guess its possible but i see it as them dragging out the suspense since once he loses FL its a wrap.
Ohio and North Carolina flipping after comfortable leads for Hillary.
 Michigan way too close for comfort.
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I'm more worried about the riots and protesting if Trump wins than if he's actually elected and implements his policies and such.

Can't believe it's this close :smh:

The president don't have that much power.. not everything he says goes

True true, but not a lot of people even know this.

That is def true

I look at the president as more of a puppet and every one behind the scenes controls everything else
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