***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I don't ever want to hear Women complain about their rights and freedoms after looking at these numbers.

Women outnumber men 3 to 1 right?

But it's this close?
Even with Pro trump- MAGG Women considered, it shouldn't be this close.
VA OH Fl To trump and CA doesnt matter. What a turn of events. Those were some low level debates. My faith in my fellow co workers, parents, siblings, is at an all time low
538 projection at 73% now for Clinton down from 78% from the beginning of the day. 
Michael moore had the best view if the entire election. He is a human molotov cocktail. Still don't see her losing electoral college.
Disneyland is better :D

This election proves why the West Coast and parts of the North East are the only civilized parts of this country. I don't know how you NTers living outside of those areas can tolerate this trash country esp. since most of you seem like good, normal people unlike the inbred racists that make up the majority of those states. The fact that it's this close is an embarrassment even if Hillary wins
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all those wikileaks emails got some serious **** in there
....like what?

worse than all Trumps lawsuits....  his failure to pay taxes through bankruptcy loopholes.... his sexual assault allegations.... his campaigning for "bringing jobs back" when he himself outsources to other countries.....? 
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