***Official Political Discussion Thread***

If trump takes Florida, it's a wrap. Canada he I come
Do y'all even math though? Just because she's behind or he's ahead now, doesn't mean it's going to stay that way. Drumpf was projected to win OH for a while now. FL and NC were always tossup states. Drumpf has to run the board on ALL of them and turn a blue state red to win. Just relax. 
I don't know if you guys are following new York times projections but Hilary had a 78% chance to win the election about an hour ago. It's now down to 60%.

Welp, got my passport ready. I guess I'll be replying here on these threads at awkward times due to the timezone difference to where in moving.
Trump is polling very well. He's has a strong showing in early in certain States I just know Hillary has.
Trump went 0-3 in debates and he still might become president :x

The hell some of these people doing in these states  

You can be the scummiest low key low life ever, but if you have millions or have "earned" millions, Americans will eat it up. I have lost faith in my own personal well being and attitude. Why does it matter any more when a person like that can achieve what he has? Low key, Americans are eating this up. Everyones a little bit of a TRUMPH at heart I guess
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If trump takes Florida, it's a wrap. Canada he I come
Do y'all even math though? Just because she's behind or he's ahead now, doesn't mean it's going to stay that way. Drumpf was projected to win OH for a while now. FL and NC were always tossup states. Drumpf has to run the board on ALL of them and turn a blue state red to win. Just relax. 

All GS needed was one more win [emoji]128557[/emoji] I don't trust math
Pennsylvania looking like the only battleground state on the east coast that will go to Hillary. 

This can't be happening.
Looks like the Senate is going to remain GOP, thanks a lot Comey you *****. 
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