***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Every Election Day I end up working and find out the winner through my phone or people at work. First time watching live and boy I hope you are right this is not looking good

You have to consider who reports first: a bunch of red states and counties.
Not surprised at Michigan.

I see 100 Trump signs for every 1 Clinton sign.

I drive all over the place in Michigan and have not seen a single Hillary sign

But rumor has it there's a few in grosse pointe :lol:

I still haven't seen one with my own two eyes, not a bumper sticker either
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I'm really not seeing what you guys are seeing. Republicans always lead at the beginning and the popular vote was always in play
us against them mentality about to set in throughout the country the fabric of the country as been torn 

If folks thought it was a divided country before this...boy oh boy....

Doesn't even matter if Hill wins at this point,an election this close will have long lasting ramifications
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Meh. I for one would actually like to see the country burn & white folks point the finger at everyone else per usual when they realize who the actually elected into office.
This election proves why the West Coast and parts of the North East are the only civilized parts of this country. I don't know how you NTers living outside of those areas can tolerate this trash country esp. since most of you seem like good, normal people unlike the inbred racists that make up the majority of those states. The fact that it's this close is an embarrassment even if Hillary wins
Real talk besides MD, NYC, ATL(my father n daughter live there ) , Maybe Philly n Miami , n the west coast I'm not stepping foot anywhere else in the US , **** all the other places :x
This **** is crazy man :smh:

You can insult like every minority race, brag about sexually assaulting women, and have no knowledge of pretty much everything to go 0-3 in debates AND win presidency of the United States. I hate democracy sometimes; this electoral college system needs to go :x  

I think he's winning the popular vote too LOL!!
America is NOT a democratic country bruh.
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
America is a republic not a democracy. Thats just stuff we like the say...
America is NOT a democratic country bruh.
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
America is a republic not a democracy. Thats just stuff we like the say...
we are a democratic republic come on b
America is NOT a democratic country bruh.
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, UNDER GOD , indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
America is a republic not a democracy. Thats just stuff we like the say...
Fixed it for you.
The veil has been lifted off of this country. Race relations will get even worst after this election regardless of whoever wins. Darker days are upon us
Getting that sick feeling in my gut man...

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