***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Political gurus, what was the thinking behind picking Vance? This dude is actually bringing the left and right together in their common hate and disgust of this weirdo :lol:
Political gurus, what was the thinking behind picking Vance? This dude is actually bringing the left and right together in their common hate and disgust of this weirdo :lol:
All time heat check misfire from Trump.

Political gurus, what was the thinking behind picking Vance? This dude is actually bringing the left and right together in their common hate and disgust of this weirdo :lol:

1. they thought Biden wouldn't dropout and victory was guaranteed.

2. He's a smart policy guy, so there is hope that he can create the policy basis for trumpism after trump is gone.

3. historically the VP's electoral impact is negligible.
Political gurus, what was the thinking behind picking Vance? This dude is actually bringing the left and right together in their common hate and disgust of this weirdo :lol:
They wanted the anti Pence who would break the law and any traditions to make Trump happy and solidify power. John David 🥾 Vance is a fraud and a grifter but they don’t like that unless you’re grifting and defrauding others not them. Everyone knows Orange is an idiot, pervert and 🤡 but they don’t want two of the same on the ticket. Swing voters don’t want that and partly allowed it the first go around because Pence was the adult in the room.

The firing is coming. It also doesn’t help that Musk who was a Vance supporter is reneging on his 45 million a month promise. Burgum is still there.

MAGA tries to turn Biden’s coke head failson into an existential liability for Biden. And now it’s looking like it’s Trump getting sunk by HIS coke head failson.

Ok Mr. Vance what is your first and middle name?

:rofl::rofl: at the GOP working to make the workplace more accommodating for women. It’s like they think their voting records are inaccessible.


It’s like ok, you conservatives act like women just have jobs just for the joy of LARPing as a girl boss and shirking their natural duty of bearing 20 gigs Chad sons.

But now, Vance is saying we need to subsidize all that so we can at least get 3 white babies (or at least 3 half white and half Indo-Iranian, with strong Macedonian admixture) per couple to offset all the barren women, and race traitor white soyboys and crazy cat ladies.

He found a way to be hated by literally everyone who does work at a right wing think tank.
He really & truly is a vile racist piece of ****!

Can any lawyers or other students of Constitutional Law or American History tell me a law, other than the Fugitive Slave Act, that projected another State’s Criminal Law Regime onto States with an opposite stance on the issue at hand?
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Can any lawyers or other students of Constitutional Law or American Historiy tell me a law, other than the Fugitive Slave Act, that projected another State’s Criminal Law Regime onto States with an opposite stance on the issue at hand?
Article IV, Section 1 of the US Constitution requires states to respect each other's laws and institutions. This means that states must give "full faith and credit" to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of other states.
Article IV, Section 1 of the US Constitution requires states to respect each other's laws and institutions. This means that states must give "full faith and credit" to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of other states.

Of course there’s reciprocity with marriages, licensure, extradition etc.

But I mean let’s say, in the 1960’s Arizona, which prohibited gambling, asked the Federal government to criminalize its citizens for traveling to Nevada to gamble legally.

I can’t think of a similar law in the last 100 years.

Tulsi Gabbard doesn’t have children.

Which means that’s exactly who the GOP will go with!

They love to be totally incoherent with this kind of stuff.
Political gurus, what was the thinking behind picking Vance? This dude is actually bringing the left and right together in their common hate and disgust of this weirdo :lol:
Hubris and not thinking that Joe was going to drop from the election. They thought they were about to win in a landslide
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