***Official Political Discussion Thread***

People are voting for Trump not against Hillary.

If America gives it too Trump, everyone needs to face the fact that there are enough people that want a bigot like dude running things

People want to be open with their racism. They've had to hide it with code words for a while. Trump has put the battery in their back. This will show that America is this beautiful great country that has made so much progress and all that BS.
This is fascinating...

**** skressful man.

Trump looking strong right now.
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To those idiots who voted for The Bigot as some "molotov cocktail" in hope that a vote for him might set off a revolution that would rid the country of its problems, I just have one question:

If you lived in a troubled neighborhood, would you burn your house in symbolic protest for the authorities to see and just go live on the street?

Because that's exactly the mentality you seem to have. Except because it's not as close as your own house and is on a much larger scale and is much more abstract, you feel safe enough to think that such a mentality will really make a difference. Well, you're in for a surprise.
It really is wild how when they show maps.

Trump winning the boondocks and Hill winning the cities.

Jesus Christ.

That's how it always is. :lol:

Just seems like Trump is squeaking out enough white votes from the cities to make it interesting.
Florida really needs to be divided into two states, everything north of Orange County should be renamed South Alabama
Y'all panicking over nothng

Probably the same dudes who take fantasy football projections as fact :lol:
this country so divided :x

regardless of who wins, there is such a disconnect between rural and urban america
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The reason Trump is winning and just might win the whole thing is because minorities stayed in and said they aren't voting for either because they don't have a horse in this race.

Guess who are actually going to vote though... yep those Trump supporters because they are fed up.

Us minorities we snoozed on this thinking no way Trump could have won but his supporters are showing out in full force.
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