***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Yall gotta relax

We not goin back in chains
you never know
Thought after Brexit I wouldn't be surprised by these kinds of outcomes anymore but man,America has opened my eyes again...
Before the Brexit I said, they will leave the EU and all my friends said I'm crazy.

Months ago I said Trump has real chances and they called me crazy.

Next year we are having elections over here, and from seeing what's happening right now in the USA, I know that I will hate our election next year 
Yall gotta relax

We not goin back in chains
just prisons because of the  prison industrial complex system with law and order going into overall and universal stop and frisk if Trump wins
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Fully convinced she's taking Michigan

Wayne county has big population and majority are voting Hillary

I'm giving it to Hillary, idk about Wisconsin
538's projection is up and down.

Right now it's giving 

50% chance to Clinton

48% to Trump
Im not too big in politics

But im shocked America looks like it's heading to vote in

Somebody who made sexist, racist biased, discriminatory and offensive comments

No, cmon just really look at the character of this guy

The mind of trump is so twisted and yea ill say hillary got her issues, she reallllly shot herself in the foot

If she dont make history tonight its over for her at 73/74 yrs old in 4 yrs

Hope ye really runs against trump in 2020!
you were making some sense until that last line 
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