***Official Political Discussion Thread***


My sources > yours
It's not about email or anything but
White men doesn't want to listen to a women
I remember there was a video around when Obama was running from a KKK guy how they would rather vote for a n***** than a White Woman. I took that **** so lightly, but it's actually true
 Listen I don't like Hillary or Trump , I'm a libertarian and I think the govt should **** off and leave people alone. If Trump wins I don't think it's necessarily all about race, I think A LOT of people are just sick of the government and politicians in general and want someone who isn't beholden to anyone. 

 That said I didn't vote for either so I can complain whoever wins lol
I will never underestimate the bigotry and hatred that runs in the citizens of this country again. I thought with the younger generation reaching voting age and hitting their mid 30s even that we would move past this and have some logic. But nope, still the same backwards country of the 50s and 60s with a few pockets of intectualls.

It's morons of our generation who claim their vote doesn't matter or vote for 3rd party candidates.

Willl stay AmeriKKKA. Optimism of 2008 & 2012 had us thinking differently. Not realizing what kind of hate and strength was builtup during the last 8 years of our country's "most powerful" demographic.

White people.

:smh:. Y'all got it :lol:. This is your land.
 Listen I don't like Hillary or Trump , I'm a libertarian and I think the govt should **** off and leave people alone. If Trump wins I don't think it's necessarily all about race, I think A LOT of people are just sick of the government and politicians in general and want someone who isn't beholden to anyone. 

 That said I didn't vote for either so I can complain whoever wins lol

**** you
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