***Official Political Discussion Thread***

These other states gonna get a late surge from dem counties like VA brehs?

please tell me yes
Hillary trash as ****, dog.

Letting trump, of all candidates wash her

It's beyond sickening man,this election was supposed in the bag a long time ago

The fact that it got to this point says wonders about the state of the country sure but also how much of a weak candidate the Dems chose :smh:
I'm going to hit up career builder or indeed and apply to something I have no idea about and see if I get it
Coverage has changed from presidential to House of Representatives and senate.

Rep 48
Dem 44
Ind 2
trump voters exposing themselves.

Uh, EFF no.

I'm extremely close to more than a few women who have suffered varying forms of sexual assault in their lives, including the closest person in the world to me - my spouse, a.k.a. the mother of my beautiful daughter.

I'm far from a "kooky, far-left, automatically Democratic voting hipster libtard," but if you think I'd EVER vote to put someone in the White House who casually talks about his preference for "grabbing women's P's because he's a celebrity," then you yourself could use a few years in a padded room and straight jacket.

Sorry, I'd rather have a liar than a predator.
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Hate to say it but cue the Vince Carter gif...
I will never underestimate the bigotry and hatred that runs in the citizens of this country again. I thought with the younger generation reaching voting age and hitting their mid 30s even that we would move past this and have some logic. But nope, still the same backwards country of the 50s and 60s with a few pockets of intectualls.
I swear, I would've felt better if The Bigot won Florida by a landslide, instead of having to know that the IDIOTS who completely WASTED their vote on a third party candidate decided that entire state and the whole election.

A year from now when the country is in ruins, I wonder how self-righteous and proud of themselves these fools will be for being so hipstery to vote for a third party candidate.
gary johnson votes in michigan though :x
This ninja BILL GATES should have been political

Woulda ended the game :lol:

Maybe not
People treating this **** like a game cracking jokes like this **** won't ruin lies man im sick right now
My instagram is absolutely awful right now.
I'm done with these people man i'm watching history repeat itself with the ideology of goldwater, nixon and reagan winning again racism wins again and motha****ers are cracking jokes im done.
I feel like they are cheesing us. Doesn't this always happen?

And somehow Hillary will win by a few points at the last moment and it will be 'the wildest election ever'

These fools out here manipulating the stock market.

I could be wrong though :lol:

You are wrong.
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