***Official Political Discussion Thread***

whole world laughing at us... but we been a joke for a while now... maybe we needed this wakeup call

im shocked right now, but really shouldnt be surprised
I am not even looking forward to the "I told you so" comments down the line. I am legit scare for this country, and every person of color that resides in it.

I fail to see how your fear for people of color is any different compared to what white Trump supporters are accused of as far as their fear of people of color. No slander in that statement, just real.

I know what Trump said and I do not take up for him in any of his slanderous statements, but I have a hard time accepting the fact he is a huge racist.

Historical precedent? Jim Crow wasn't that long ago, and some of them taught their kids well.
You were right on this. I can't disagree

But I'm sure i will get plenty of chances to return the favor.

btw- Pick charity, and I'm run them the money
The black and latino vote didnt really matter in this election. Whites made up 70% of the electorate. Repubs dont need minorities to win. This is scary.

Those votes didn't matter as much because the turnout was well below the last cycles
the sad part about this is that some people are gonna use this as an excuse to riot...instead of protest, who probably didn't even vote, and innocent people are going to get hurt.

be safe fam
ninjahood ninjahood you were right bro

This whole thread has been an exact representation of the media - Trump supporters are dumb, ignorant, racist, naive, etc. Hillary's got this. Ninja got bashed and many made it certain Trump was gonna lose.

Look who's winning now

Anyone looking at the evidence present, it was clear Clinton was going to win

Nearly early poll was off. Expecting Clinton to win was expecting the rational outcome.

Ninja made the irrational got and guessed right.

At the end of the day he was right though.

Props for admitting


*stretches arms*

*cracks fingers*

so about that umm "Latinos are monolithic"

let this be a teachable moment for all ya smug liberals stuck in da echo chamber....
race aint ****... its all about da economy & money...thats it.

da barbarians were at da gates...i told ya as a dark skin latino that Trump's message was compelling for da Joe Schmoes of da world...

ya ignored Hillary's real faults cuz ya was too worried about dumb superficial **** like da way Trump talks, instead of whats in his heart.

that man been a inspiring figure for 30+ years, especially in NYC...ya really da naive folks who bought da ol' dusty DNC

"racist, sexist, bigot, wash rinse repeat"

if he indeed polls it off, "i told ya so" would be a understatement".

Kinda true

now trump has a good heart? 


*stretches arms*

*cracks fingers*

so about that umm "Latinos are monolithic"

let this be a teachable moment for all ya smug liberals stuck in da echo chamber....
race aint ****... its all about da economy & money...thats it.

da barbarians were at da gates...i told ya as a dark skin latino that Trump's message was compelling for da Joe Schmoes of da world...

ya ignored Hillary's real faults cuz ya was too worried about dumb superficial **** like da way Trump talks, instead of whats in his heart.

that man been a inspiring figure for 30+ years, especially in NYC...ya really da naive folks who bought da ol' dusty DNC

"racist, sexist, bigot, wash rinse repeat"

if he indeed polls it off, "i told ya so" would be a understatement".

All that tells me is that there's a lot of dumb fools in NYC, and in America in general.

America wants to be rich, not sit around and whine like babies...

Trump flies around in his own 10 million dollar private jet plated in Gold with Rolls Royce engines.

ya folks been listening to rich ***** rap for 20 years...benzes, beemers, gold chains..

we're capitalist mother **** ers..to act like ita anything but is having your head up your ***.

Trump embodies da reason my mom came to da USA... to get **** ing paid.
How can you possibly choose between two such incompetent candidates??  Guess Trump just had more passionate supporters who actually bothered to vote...
the sad part about this is that some people are gonna use this as an excuse to riot...instead of protest, who probably didn't even vote, and innocent people are going to get hurt.

be safe fam
Another sad part is, some people that will riot probably didn't even vote.

The same people talking **** about Trump over Twitter and Snapchat are the same ones that said "voting doesn't change ****"
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*stretches arms*

*cracks fingers*

so about that umm "Latinos are monolithic"

let this be a teachable moment for all ya smug liberals stuck in da echo chamber....
race aint ****... its all about da economy & money...thats it.

da barbarians were at da gates...i told ya as a dark skin latino that Trump's message was compelling for da Joe Schmoes of da world...

ya ignored Hillary's real faults cuz ya was too worried about dumb superficial **** like da way Trump talks, instead of whats in his heart.

that man been a inspiring figure for 30+ years, especially in NYC...ya really da naive folks who bought da ol' dusty DNC

"racist, sexist, bigot, wash rinse repeat"

if he indeed polls it off, "i told ya so" would be a understatement".
All that tells me is that there's a lot of dumb fools in NYC, and in America in general.
America wants to be rich, not sit around and whine like babies...

Trump flies around in his own 10 million dollar private jet plated in Gold with Rolls Royce engines.

ya folks been listening to rich ***** rap for 20 years...benzes, beemers, gold chains..

we're capitalist mother **** ers..to act like ita anything but is having your head up your ***.

Trump embodies da reason my mom came to da USA... to get **** ing paid.
and an uneducated, poor hillbilly living in middle america will get rich by voting for trump how exactly? because that's also who he catered to not just the NYC elite
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I know it seems like Trump is destined for a epic fail. One thing we all have to consider: once voting day comes and the curtain is closed, a lot of the people who are screaming anti-trump may leave the presidential vote blank, vote Libertarian, or vote Green Party. If a lot of people vote Libertarian or Green Party, that will cut out a lot of votes that the Democratic party is counting on to curb stomp Trump.

IMHO: I believe the end results, no matter who wins, will be closer than the blowout that is currently being predicted.
Had to look back at my previous posts in this thread and saw this one I posted back on 10/12/16

The Libertarian vote did in fact cut out votes that Hillary needed in big states. 
This makes brexit look like child's play.

DNC did this to themselves forcing Hill down people's throats. This bish is so fake and bought and paid for
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