***Official Political Discussion Thread***

u posted a damn Op-ED b.

c'mon...we still pushing this smug **** that got Democrats smoked as worse as in da 20's?

It's just restating info from brookings institue reasearch

Again it's tough face the reality but there just isn't any evidence that it works, in any country, at any point in history.

I'm sorry,

but there is always hope, economics are difficult to predict, so maybe it works this time.

Only thing missing from Ninja's life is that milk of magnesia 8) Too bad Trump supporting white women would give ninja the NEXT pass.

Get off the pipe b.
da muscle car, da cuban, da foams, ninjas life consists of material. he has no consciousness because he lives in his comfort zone. driving a truck and living in a shack. acting like the world is all good and gravy.

i bet he won't walk down his own street wearing a trump shirt. the world of denial he wraps his mind is atrocious.

What non-sense are you talking about?? Do you live down the block from Ninja? You dont know squat about how dudes lives.
You guys are making fun of Ninja and I keep telling you, that he is behaving like a normal high information partisan voter.

y'all are the ones who are weird not him.
how a guy that live in rent control and brags about owning a chain and a muscle car feels any connection to corporate people is beyond me.
Get off the pipe b.
What non-sense are you talking about?? Do you live down the block from Ninja? You dont know squat about how dudes lives.

his own mother has trouble walking to the bathroom because of his hoarding of material things. that's all that needs to be known
Only thing missing from Ninja's life is that milk of magnesia 8) Too bad Trump supporting white women would give ninja the NEXT pass.

Get off the pipe b.
da muscle car, da cuban, da foams, ninjas life consists of material. he has no consciousness because he lives in his comfort zone. driving a truck and living in a shack. acting like the world is all good and gravy.

i bet he won't walk down his own street wearing a trump shirt. the world of denial he wraps his mind is atrocious.

What non-sense are you talking about?? Do you live down the block from Ninja? You dont know squat about how dudes lives.

It's all over da internetz
im a liberal's worst enemy...cuz my red pill awaking was listening to NRP every morning da day Obama announced his run for President and i started becoming exposed to da depths of how psycho their ilk is when it comes to da acrimonious relationships to capitalism.

Capitalism that was nurtured and raised inside me by da garish & ostentatious glamorous image and lifestyle of 90's golden era hiphop and 80's coke wave excess.. da money & ******* power.

suddenly NPR liberalism had a problem with da lifestyle i was aspiring to live, and BOOM! i woke up.

how ya liberal hacks congregated in a general section of a materialistic oasis messageboard like Niketalk baffles da **** outta me :lol:
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im a liberal's worst enemy...cuz my red pill awaking was listening to NRP every morning da day Obama announced his run for President and i started becoming exposed to da depths of how psycho their ilk is when it comes to da acrimonious relationships to capitalism.

Capitalism that was nurtured and raised inside me by da garish & ostentatious glamorous image and lifestyle of 90's golden era hiphop and 80's coke wave excess.. da money & ******* power.

suddenly NPR liberalism had a problem with da lifestyle i was aspiring to live, and BOOM! i woke up.

how ya liberal hacks congregated in a general section of a materialistic oasis messageboard like Niketalk baffles da **** outta me :lol:


I told y'all this has nothing to do with freaking tax policy. :lol:

It's a culture war and it doesn't get fixed or decided by elections, it's a mistake liberals and conservatives keep making.
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im a liberal's worst enemy...cuz my red pill awaking was listening to NRP every morning da day Obama announced his run for President and i started becoming exposed to da depths of how psycho their ilk is when it comes to da acrimonious relationships to capitalism.

Capitalism that was nurtured and raised inside me by da garish & ostentatious glamorous image and lifestyle of 90's golden era hiphop and 80's coke wave excess.. da money & ******* power.

suddenly NPR liberalism had a problem with da lifestyle i was aspiring to live, and BOOM! i woke up.

how ya liberal hacks congregated in a general section of a materialistic oasis messageboard like Niketalk baffles da **** outta me :lol:

you are living in the past. it's about be 2020 and you want to live the life of the 90's. grow up and progress. you are so afraid of change. which is probably why you neglect your true ancestral roots. and you listen to the man and instead of deciding on critical issues for yourself. you truly have a slave mentality
I remember how most of nt was wildin when obama was winning [emoji]128513[/emoji]
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im a liberal's worst enemy...cuz my red pill awaking was listening to NRP every morning da day Obama announced his run for President and i started becoming exposed to da depths of how psycho their ilk is when it comes to da acrimonious relationships to capitalism.

Capitalism that was nurtured and raised inside me by da garish & ostentatious glamorous image and lifestyle of 90's golden era hiphop and 80's coke wave excess.. da money & ******* power.

suddenly NPR liberalism had a problem with da lifestyle i was aspiring to live, and BOOM! i woke up.

how ya liberal hacks congregated in a general section of a materialistic oasis messageboard like Niketalk baffles da **** outta me :lol:

One day you'll realize that you can't take any of the **** you accumulate here with you in your casket (not that you'll have any use for it anyway).

And just because people buy stuff - sometimes in excess - doesn't/shouldn't keep them from being aware of the mechanisms that bring those things within their reach.
ninja lives in his bubble of over consumerism. acting like capitalism is the best way to live. he probably believes the metric system is a liberal way of thinking :lol:
Here is a good example,

Kentucky has been incredibly successful with Obamacare, gotten people insured, exchanged are well run, they successfully integrated its private insurance exchange with Medicaid and the Childrens’ Health Insurance Program.

If you ask Kentuckians about the features of Obamacare, they love them.

But if you ask them about Obamacare as an entity, they hate it.

People want to culturally identify with a party, and then they make up the policy reason after.
I think most people know this OKB. It's why the major base of the GOP votes against their self interests. It's not really about policy it's being affiliated with a certain segment of society. And conversely not being affiliated with another even though their goals should be aligned.
i can buy one right now (but im gettin my cuban first), da point is make em as mass produced & abundant as possible to make em as attainable as they use to be for da common man like da OG era.

da cafe regs would've made that impossible.

u wouldn't understand.. Liberals dont like choices unless its pro-choice
cars are affordable for the common man maybe you should get your priorities straight in life. you shouldn't be buying a car if you cant handle the expenses of buying a cuban
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i think not all trump supporters the same. Different races religions and genders like trump for 1 or 2 things but in the end even trump defenders probably dont like each other :lol:
Liberal people are not immune to this.

The reality is the policy differences between Bernie and Hillary was ******* small.


I remember Obama campaign staff in 08 talking about needing to dig deep to find ways to differentiate themselves further from Hilary.

Progressives did not want to culturally identify with Hillary so they made up all these horse **** reasons to hate her.
im a liberal's worst enemy...cuz my red pill awaking was listening to NRP every morning da day Obama announced his run for President and i started becoming exposed to da depths of how psycho their ilk is when it comes to da acrimonious relationships to capitalism.

Capitalism that was nurtured and raised inside me by da garish & ostentatious glamorous image and lifestyle of 90's golden era hiphop and 80's coke wave excess.. da money & ******* power.

suddenly NPR liberalism had a problem with da lifestyle i was aspiring to live, and BOOM! i woke up.

how ya liberal hacks congregated in a general section of a materialistic oasis messageboard like Niketalk baffles da **** outta me :lol:

Here is a good example,

Kentucky has been incredibly successful with Obamacare, gotten people insured, exchanged are well run, they successfully integrated its private insurance exchange with Medicaid and the Childrens’ Health Insurance Program.

If you ask Kentuckians about the features of Obamacare, they love them.

But if you ask them about Obamacare as an entity, they hate it.

People want to culturally identify with a party, and then they make up the policy reason after.

You're right,the very blueprint for Obamacare was Romneycare that many Republicans supported :lol:

Throw a fresh coat of paint on it and some new branding and boom,it's destroying the country all of a sudden :rofl:
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I think most people know this OKB. It's why the major base of the GOP votes against their self interests. It's not really about policy it's being affiliated with a certain segment of society. And conversely not being affiliated with another even though their goals should be aligned.

I mean do they?

People keep trying to one up Ninjahood on policy like they are hitting him with some sick burn. :lol:
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