***Official Political Discussion Thread***

good to see everyone drinking the koolaid. hopefully obama will do more this time than what he promised 4 years ago.
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What a speech man. Wow...

Not even living in the moment, but that was one of the greatest speeches ever given on such a stage.
:lol: at Obama's oldest daughter looking uninterested after the speech when everyone came out and the confetti falling, pausing and staring at the podium, and then snatching something off of it.
Can someone recap the shot at GBE? I missed it.

not really a "shot", we're just exaggerating :lol: . barry o probably doesn't even know who they are.

but it was something along the lines of supporting the young men in the southside of chicago that look past the nearest street corner

paraphrasing major here
ahh da black retains da championship belt,

at da end of da day, did you really think someone like paul ryan was gonna get anywhere that oval office talking that medicare

should be a voucher program? someone who wanted to limit da choice of women as far as choice? nah.

by now everyone KNOWS i wasn't rocking wit da last 4 years of obama's presidency and let my dissapointment of his job perfomance

ring LOUD and CLEAR, but i knew as bad as i thought he did as far as immigration reform, da bank bailouts, da waffling of da public option in

medicare, da latter would've been worse. i had a long conversation with a couple of nice old ladies at my job today that put things in perspective.

they told me "young man, as bad as obama may have done wrong in your eyes because of immigration reform, do you honestly believe that mitt romney

and paul ryan will give you want you want? we all feel let down in some way, but with this election you're picking da lesser of 2 evils"

went home from work, thought about it real hard and decided "ite....he's wasn't all that all and no one can tell me otherwise, but i can't really think about

him being anything da worse of 2 evils.....and hey he did save GM & Chrysler" . voted for obama & biden on da working families ballot and kept it moving.

I'll give you semi-props on the rest of your post.

but "da black" really tho son?...REALLY?...

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