***Official Political Discussion Thread***

@daddy style  usually makes good points in here, I am really curious to know why he is stuck on what I consider to be an illogical stance on Castro. Black Cubans haven't been propelled to new socioeconomic status under Castro, they still occupy the bottom rung of Cuban society and have since the country was formed. A lot of Castro's theories and ideas I agree with, but I don't agree with the brutal way he went about getting it done. 
^^ I was immediately depressed. I've mostly been ignoring the fact but some days I wake up like wow damn they really elected this dude.

Lol at line by line quoting.
I literally do it all the time. Perhaps you're new to seeing me reply to somebody on NT. Welcome to having an argument/discussion with Master Zik.
That was funny.
I don't see the humor.

Let's see if you find this funny. The white cubans who treated black cubans like crap, whether they were under an oppresive regime or not, can go to hell.
That don't got **** to do with what I'm talking about with Castro.

Two wrongs don't make a right. How does racism among Cubans excuse Castro's actions?

When racism rears its ugly head, all I care about is the black people, not those who live with the white privilege to judge and demean others due to the color of their skin. Screw'em till the end of the earth.
Again, this don't got **** to do with what I'm talking about :lol:

And yeah I'm beginning to find it funny.

Be clear though are you saying all the ppl Castro sent to firing squads were racists and not innocent? All of them benefited from white privilege and deserved to die or be tortured? They were all white Cubans none of them black Cubans?

Let me know how far this blind ignorance goes.
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African here. I grew up in a country of 20 million people, 250 different languages and as many ethnicities. Stereotyping, scapegoating other tribal groups, favoring one's ethnic group at the expense of others, and using one's ethnicity as the basis for one's superiority over others is a real thing, and it has a name in Africa.


It was a thing before the arrival of Europeans in Africa, and it will continue to be a thing long after the last white person is dead. The mechanisms that trigger tribalism (fear of the other and belief in one's culture superiority just because) are the same ones that create racism and racist ideologies. If Black people can be tribalist, they damn sure can be racist.

I know people who have expressed racist sentiments against those they consider invaders of their country (namely Chinese, Pakistanis, and French) while they live abroad and demand to be accepted there. I don't think I need to point out the irony here.

Beyond answering your question, I want to add that gaining power only to exact revenge on those who wronged you is the way to insure that your children will never live in peace. WWII happened because at the end of WWI, the winners used the Versailles treaty to take revenge on the Germans by crippling their economy, their military, and ultimately their pride. At the end of WWII, the Allies realized their WWI mistake and decided that instead of creating another generation of vindictive Germans, they would rebuild their country and include them in their economic bloc. Think about that.
Great comment, but I wholeheartedly disagree. I too am African, who happens to live in America, one who considers himself Black. Of course there were and are issues concerning tribalism as you say, but that did not give europeans the right to come along and then exploit the divde, then creating a racist institution in order to further the divide among the people. That is the moral question that stands, and no Black people cannot be racist, because there wasn't and isn't a system that supports people who are Black to the point that anyone who is not Black can be reduced to subhuman status, a person without the right to equal standing, nor having equal protection under the law. Revenge isn't left for me, but I do see it looming on the horizon, those who live with White privilege see that revenge coming as well, thus Trump being elected, and this new European union being formed. They are separating, and you are trying to intergrate with them still. They know the end of their rule is near, and they are rightly afraid, and those of you who wish to stand by and protect them through your dissenting opinions of Black independence, will suffer right along with them when the time comes. Those who know, know the deal. All of you sporting this kumbaya thing had better be ready to be disappointed. What are you going to do when white privilege falls? Who and what are you going to lean on then? It seems that some of you already have trouble sleeping.....[emoji]128513[/emoji]
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We really having to argue how Castro was a cruel oppressive dictator? He might've done some good things but so did Pablo Escobar or Hitler. And I'm pretty sure most people would focus on the atrocities they have committed. Castro's hands are far from clean and whatever good he did pales in comparison to the rest of his actions.
We really having to argue how Castro was a cruel oppressive dictator? He might've done some good things but so did Pablo Escobar or Hitler. And I'm pretty sure most people would focus on the atrocities they have committed. Castro's hands are far from clean and whatever good he did pales in comparison to the rest of his actions.
This is the part where he asks you if you're white and/or christian even though he doesnt care since he's already dismissed your views.
Trump promised to bring back coal. Now some worry ACA repeal to take away miners’ black lung benefits https://www.statnews.com/2016/11/28/trump-black-lung/ … via @statnews

To point and laugh or not to point and laugh? :smh:

It's almost like republican opposition to Obamacare was craven political maneuvering? :lol:

Might be a little harder to repeal then people thought.
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African here. I grew up in a country of 20 million people, 250 different languages and as many ethnicities. Stereotyping, scapegoating other tribal groups, favoring one's ethnic group at the expense of others, and using one's ethnicity as the basis for one's superiority over others is a real thing, and it has a name in Africa.


It was a thing before the arrival of Europeans in Africa, and it will continue to be a thing long after the last white person is dead. The mechanisms that trigger tribalism (fear of the other and belief in one's culture superiority just because) are the same ones that create racism and racist ideologies. If Black people can be tribalist, they damn sure can be racist.

I know people who have expressed racist sentiments against those they consider invaders of their country (namely Chinese, Pakistanis, and French) while they live abroad and demand to be accepted there. I don't think I need to point out the irony here.

Beyond answering your question, I want to add that gaining power only to exact revenge on those who wronged you is the way to insure that your children will never live in peace. WWII happened because at the end of WWI, the winners used the Versailles treaty to take revenge on the Germans by crippling their economy, their military, and ultimately their pride. At the end of WWII, the Allies realized their WWI mistake and decided that instead of creating another generation of vindictive Germans, they would rebuild their country and include them in their economic bloc. Think about that.
Great comment, but I wholeheartedly disagree. I too am African, who happens to live in America, one who considers himself Black. Of course there were and are issues concerning tribalism as you say, but that did not give europeans the right to come along and then exploit the divde, then creating a racist institution in order to further the divide among the people. That is the moral question that stands, and no Black people cannot be racist, because there wasn't and isn't a system that supports people who are Black to the point that anyone who is not Black can be reduced to subhuman status, a person without the right to equal standing, nor having equal protection under the law. Revenge isn't left for me, but I do see it looming on the horizon, those who live with White privilege see that revenge coming as well, thus Trump being elected, and this new European union being formed. They are separating, and you are trying to intergrate with them still. They know the end of their rule is near, and they are rightly afraid, and those of you who wish to stand by and protect them through your dissenting opinions of Black independence, will suffer right along with them when the time comes. Those who know, know the deal. All of you sporting this kumbaya thing had better be ready to be disappointed. What are you going to do when white privilege falls? Who and what are you going to lean on then? It seems that some of you already have trouble sleeping.....[emoji]128513[/emoji]

One of my favorite political figures is Thomas Sankara. Like Castro, he was a revolutionary and overthrew a tyranical government. Unlike Castro, he did it without bloodshed. In the four years he was president, he sold off the fleet of governmental vehicles, rode a bike to work, renamed his country (Burkina Faso), eradicated hunger, promoted the consumption of local goods, raised the level of literacy, and expanded women's rights. In the 1960s. Do you know what was his undoing? His friend, Blaise Compaore, who thought it would be better to return the country under the control of France. Compaore shot Sankara, seized power, and undid all the progress this man had made.

There are many Compaores in Africa, and these leaders are complicit in the advance of European imperialism. Their actions should never be discarded because they show that not all Africans suffer from imperialism. They also show that given the right circumstances, Africans are able to exploit their own neighbors for economic and political gain. Look at the eastern region of the DRC and the number of state actors that are funding rebel groups in exchange for the resources of the region. The leaders (current and former) of some of those states have used child soldiers before, and they support groups that are coercing populations in resource-rich eastern Congo to illegally mine gold and diamond that they can sell in exchange for weapons.

Imperialism and racism are not exclusively European; the proof is all over the news. Recognizing it is not excusing white priviledge or euro imperialism; instead, it is the first step in avoiding to repeat the mistakes of former politicians.

As to my point about revenge, we can be like Palestinians and Israelis, or we could sit at the proverbial table of negotiations. One solution is longer than the other, and one offers an outcome that is more stable for all than the other.
Trump promised to bring back coal. Now some worry ACA repeal to take away miners’ black lung benefits https://www.statnews.com/2016/11/28/trump-black-lung/ … via @statnews

To point and laugh or not to point and laugh? :smh:

It's almost like republican opposition to Obamacare was craven political maneuvering? :lol:

Might be a little harder to repeal then people thought.

I'll laugh when they forget about it in four years and vote a straight republican ticket.


It's like that "they bought the same shoes again" Jordan meme.
They just gon keep the current healthcare n call it something else ...the dummies will eat that up just like they were against it when it was called "obama" care :lol:
"The celebrated four-star general, who left government under a cloud for sharing classified documents during an extramarital affair"

I really don't get it. Son said he would get the best ppl. Are they blocking his calls or does he really think the worst most conflicted ppl with shady pasts to say the least is the way to go? :lol:
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