***Official Political Discussion Thread***

we don't want to win. we want money and progress. and that's in the coasts plus a couple islands.

well ya not gonna win like that as seen in all those wasted California votes.

Under 100K votes in three states, we will be fine.

You're a bit over confident.

if Trump comes thru for da rust belt, da map won't change and it will gain coat tails ala old black and hispanics voting for Reagan in da 80's cuz of da economics crossover in popularity.

The electoral map will always favor a liberal. Trump win didn't change that.

until he did.

or do i have to show u da last time Michigan & Pennsylvania went red?

Trump winning economy wise will make blacks & hispanics cross over and vote for him too.

u strongly underestimate how when people are making money they don't care bout nothing else.

He won those states partly because turnout was down among likely Democratic voters.

And we are still talking under 100K votes.

The map still favors Dems.

if Trump is successful, da map changes for a generation...where is Democrats gonna set roots when they'll never contol state houses to even be in control of re-districting?

Obama's appeal concealed a rotting out of da DNC body nationwide.
Apparently it is our problem for taking him literally

Even that's crazy because how do you select from what Drumpf says that is literal or not. Does he literally mean he's going to repeal Obamacare or bring dying industries back? Or is that fake as well?
if Trump comes thru for da rust belt, da map won't change and it will gain coat tails ala old black and hispanics voting for Reagan in da 80's cuz of da economics crossover in popularity.

Reagan lost voters among Black & Hispanic demographics

In 1980

Black Voters
Carter -83
Reagan - 14

Carter - 56
Reagan - 38

Black Voters
Mondale - 91
Reagan - 9

Mondale - 66
Reagan - 34

He also lost a percentage point of Democratic Voters from 1980 to 1984

Republicans don't have to win minority votes outright, they just have to dig into da monolithic, and minority turnout has always been bleh until Obama showed up, same thing with young voters.

Makes statement, proven wrong.. Doubles down by saying it differently

ya stay stubborn b :lol: :smh:
"If Trump is successful", what if he is not? What if all the experts and economist are right and he can't keep his promise, the what?
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Apparently it is our problem for taking him literally

Even that's crazy because how do you select from what Drumpf says that is literal or not. Does he literally mean he's going to repeal Obamacare or bring dying industries back? Or is that fake as well?

Regarding Obamacare


The GOP was planning a phase out so **** doesn't hit the fan before 2020, the really far right might throw a wrench in the plan
if Trump comes thru for da rust belt, da map won't change and it will gain coat tails ala old black and hispanics voting for Reagan in da 80's cuz of da economics crossover in popularity.

Reagan lost voters among Black & Hispanic demographics

In 1980

Black Voters
Carter -83
Reagan - 14

Carter - 56
Reagan - 38

Black Voters
Mondale - 91
Reagan - 9

Mondale - 66
Reagan - 34

He also lost a percentage point of Democratic Voters from 1980 to 1984

Republicans don't have to win minority votes outright, they just have to dig into da monolithic, and minority turnout has always been bleh until Obama showed up, same thing with young voters.

Makes statement, proven wrong.. Doubles down by saying it differently

ya stay stubborn b :lol: :smh:

And you stay ignorant

This is the second time today you have been fact checked to look straight up wrong
ya stay stubborn b :lol: :smh:

You said....

If Trump comes through for the Rust Belt, it will lead black & hispanic voters to Trump like it did Reagan.

Black & Hispanic Voters did not jump to Reagan in his re-election bid.

I was pointing out your inaccuracy. The stubbornness is the guy who doesn't realize he was proven wrong
Can't wait for the spin on this
Apparently it is our problem for taking him literally

Even that's crazy because how do you select from what Drumpf says that is literal or not. Does he literally mean he's going to repeal Obamacare or bring dying industries back? Or is that fake as well?


its as simple as nick picking semantics vs achieving a goal.

folks here tend to like using lil minutia to poke holes at da "big picture"

"big picture"? Trump gonna do what he set out to accomplish...

da Ideological minutia that ya get so hung over is not relevant to a guy that isn't a ideologue.

If Trump has to Hijack some Democratic policies while running as a Republican, and pissing both liberals and conservatives off to get to da finish line... thats what he's gonna do.
ya stay stubborn b :lol: :smh:

You said....

If Trump comes through for the Rust Belt, it will lead black & hispanic voters to Trump like it did Reagan.

Black & Hispanic Voters did not jump to Reagan in his re-election bid.

I was pointing out your inaccuracy. The stubbornness is the guy who doesn't realize he was proven wrong
Can't wait for the spin on this

i wasn't proven wrong cuz i never said he had to win them outright...

pay attention.
:smh: :lol: Ninja is such a clown sometimes...... worst than his usual antics I mean

That goalpost move will not save you
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ya stay stubborn b :lol: :smh:

You said....

If Trump comes through for the Rust Belt, it will lead black & hispanic voters to Trump like it did Reagan.

Black & Hispanic Voters did not jump to Reagan in his re-election bid.

I was pointing out your inaccuracy. The stubbornness is the guy who doesn't realize he was proven wrong
Can't wait for the spin on this

i wasn't proven wrong cuz i never said he had to win them outright...

pay attention.

No one said that you said win them outright.

You said that Black & Hispanic voters will go toward Trump like they did Reagan...

I showed you that Black & Hispanic voters went away from Reagan in his re-election bid.


its as simple as nick picking semantics vs achieving a goal.

folks here tend to like using lil minutia to poke holes at da "big picture"

"big picture"? Trump gonna do what he set out to accomplish...

da Ideological minutia that ya get so hung over is not relevant to a guy that isn't a ideologue.

If Trump has to Hijack some Democratic policies while running as a Republican, and pissing both liberals and conservatives off to get to da finish line... thats what he's gonna do.

How do you know this? There's no possibility of him not being able to accomplish the many goals he set out as many presidents have before him?
ya stay stubborn b :lol: :smh:

You said....

If Trump comes through for the Rust Belt, it will lead black & hispanic voters to Trump like it did Reagan.

Black & Hispanic Voters did not jump to Reagan in his re-election bid.

I was pointing out your inaccuracy. The stubbornness is the guy who doesn't realize he was proven wrong
Can't wait for the spin on this

i wasn't proven wrong cuz i never said he had to win them outright...

pay attention.
if Trump comes thru for da rust belt, da map won't change and it will gain coat tails ala old black and hispanics voting for Reagan in da 80's cuz of da economics crossover in popularity.

Just stop it Ninja
just stop please
Do you even know what you're typing?
Here is my problem with you, while I could debate the practicality or effectiveness of some of these points, I generally agree.

But you don't practice what you preach. You vote exclusively for one party, you have said over and over that you don't want to feel pressured to help the community and the major thing you look for in a candidate is tax cuts.

You ridiculed me for my liberal views saying they must be born out of my family needing handouts, and as a immigrant myself, you told me that if I can't express my love for America, I should leave.

You constantly cosign people like Ninja and Blco that spew ignorance about the black community, yet you thank objection to people like me the most. As I recall, you once told me your mission on NT was to be antagonizing towards me in case others read me post and get pursued into thinking like me.

And you do make excuses for white supremacy constantly. For example, black votes are being suppressed and you don't express your anger over it, and you don't even give a balanced answer of black people adapting and the voting rights act being restored, instead black people should just car pool.

You spew right wing talking points on Obama even though you're can't make cogent argument over why you hate him so much, and ignore the racism the man had to face.

Look how you were so dead set against Krugman's argument, even though you're ignorant on the subject he is discussing. Just because he is a liberal, forget he is one of the best economic minds living.

So yeah, I'm not buying this from you. This one lucid moment doesn't make up for the amount of right wing selfish steez you have been spitting for years.

I don't practice what I preach? Well let's see, I'm an atheist. When I first jumped into General that was my pet issue, I was in every religion thread talking up atheism. When I started getting a steady income I began contributing to my grandmother's pool. I've said many times that I care about myself and my family. I've never shared it on here but my dream job is to work for the MPAA in govt relations, their headquarters are in DC. Another reason I stick around here. And everything else I mentioned I believe in. So I practice it all. But like I've also said, I don't have the time nor the energy to change anyone's thinking. People need to realize for themselves.

I do not exclusively vote for one party. I voted for Obama in 08 and every dem running. When I lived in FFX county I voted Dem because they're in control and we were flourishing. Why **** with it? I'm a true independent.

I've knocked your liberal views because I truly believe they are too left and would only deepen and augment some of the negative behaviors I disagree with especially about the victim mentalit and monolithic voting patterns.

I don't defend white supremacists, I just offer other perspectives. Black people play the racism card so much that it has lost it's effect. Being charged as a racist used to be the worst of labels but now anyone that makes even the slightest off color remark or action people cry racism. There are no more bullets in that chamber.

And I standby my carpool statement because I wanted to highlight the fact that in the face of injustice and adversity people have to think outside the box and come together.

And as far as my attacks on you that's just rhetoric. You've said things about me as well. I've said before I do genuinely have a respect for you and your tenacity.

But I'm out for myself, not the activist type. My life is pretty good. But I just highlighted some areas where we could improve as a people. I practice all of them and maybe if I ever become successful people will take notice and start to emulate what I did.
Ninja's entire argument is based on the assumption Trump will do everything he promised economically.

He won't, he can't
Not only that, but he made a factually incorrect statement that Reagan gained Black and Hispanic voters in his reelection.
His factually incorrect statement gets called out and he still says that his argument was correct even though we didn't even dispute the argument :x
I don't even....
Here is my problem with you, while I could debate the practicality or effectiveness of some of these points, I generally agree.

But you don't practice what you preach. You vote exclusively for one party, you have said over and over that you don't want to feel pressured to help the community and the major thing you look for in a candidate is tax cuts.

You ridiculed me for my liberal views saying they must be born out of my family needing handouts, and as a immigrant myself, you told me that if I can't express my love for America, I should leave.

You constantly cosign people like Ninja and Blco that spew ignorance about the black community, yet you thank objection to people like me the most. As I recall, you once told me your mission on NT was to be antagonizing towards me in case others read me post and get pursued into thinking like me.

And you do make excuses for white supremacy constantly. For example, black votes are being suppressed and you don't express your anger over it, and you don't even give a balanced answer of black people adapting and the voting rights act being restored, instead black people should just car pool.

You spew right wing talking points on Obama even though you're can't make cogent argument over why you hate him so much, and ignore the racism the man had to face.

Look how you were so dead set against Krugman's argument, even though you're ignorant on the subject he is discussing. Just because he is a liberal, forget he is one of the best economic minds living.

So yeah, I'm not buying this from you. This one lucid moment doesn't make up for the amount of right wing selfish steez you have been spitting for years.

I don't practice what I preach? Well let's see, I'm an atheist. When I first jumped into General that was my pet issue, I was in every religion thread talking up atheism. When I started getting a steady income I began contributing to my grandmother's pool. I've said many times that I care about myself and my family. I've never shared it on here but my dream job is to work for the MPAA in govt relations, their headquarters are in DC. Another reason I stick around here. And everything else I mentioned I believe in. So I practice it all. But like I've also said, I don't have the time nor the energy to change anyone's thinking. People need to realize for themselves.

I do not exclusively vote for one party. I voted for Obama in 08 and every dem running. When I lived in FFX county I voted Dem because they're in control and we were flourishing. Why **** with it? I'm a true independent.

I've knocked your liberal views because I truly believe they are too left and would only deepen and augment some of the negative behaviors I disagree with especially about the victim mentalit and monolithic voting patterns.

I don't defend white supremacists, I just offer other perspectives. Black people play the racism card so much that it has lost it's effect. Being charged as a racist used to be the worst of labels but now anyone that makes even the slightest off color remark or action people cry racism. There are no more bullets in that chamber.

And I standby my carpool statement because I wanted to highlight the fact that in the face of injustice and adversity people have to think outside the box and come together.

And as far as my attacks on you that's just rhetoric. You've said things about me as well. I've said before I do genuinely have a respect for you and your tenacity.

But I'm out for myself, not the activist type. My life is pretty good. But I just highlighted some areas where we could improve as a people. I practice all of them and maybe if I ever become successful people will take notice and start to emulate what I did.

I have called you broke after you repeated said I was struggling looking for handout. The broke boy Rico stuff was in response to your slander. I have never crossed the line to your family, you have with mind.

After we made peace it was you that broke it with "Spinning Rusty" to get props from Ninja and Blco.

You come from an immigrant family yet were spewing some diet xenophobia towards me.

Both of these instances where unprovoked

We were civil for a good minute, remember out truce we had after I had to break down my entire financial situation for you. Your the one that came at me sideways and changed that, not me, you.

So when you say you respect me, I don't believe it, you don't show it, so you can quit saying it.


You want to look out for yourself and not get ridiculed for it, yet you ridicule me and others that want to change minds and help others

That is being hypocritical Rico
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Ninja's entire argument is based on the assumption Trump will do everything he promised economically.

He won't, he can't
Not only that, but he made a factually incorrect statement that Reagan gained Black and Hispanic voters in his reelection.
His factually incorrect statement gets called out and he still says that his argument was correct even though we didn't even dispute the argument :x
I don't even....

This dude told us that our problem is that we take what he says literally. And he was serious :smh: :rolleyes
ya stay stubborn b :lol: :smh:

You said....

If Trump comes through for the Rust Belt, it will lead black & hispanic voters to Trump like it did Reagan.

Black & Hispanic Voters did not jump to Reagan in his re-election bid.

I was pointing out your inaccuracy. The stubbornness is the guy who doesn't realize he was proven wrong
Can't wait for the spin on this

i wasn't proven wrong cuz i never said he had to win them outright...

pay attention.

No one said that you said win them outright.

You said that Black & Hispanic voters will go toward Trump like they did Reagan...

I showed you that Black & Hispanic voters went away from Reagan in his re-election bid.


*sigh* are u aware that Reagan surged his independent vote? they weren't all one race last time i checked.

da bottomline is if Trump succeeds he will have amplified cross over appeal..and going against a even super navy blue radical left Democratic party will make it easier for him to win.
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