***Official Political Discussion Thread***

And according to you, white people should have free reign to make caricatures of us on college campuses because it's just a joke. Throw some tap shoes on and join them bro, it'll make a sweet Halloween phot
And according to you, white people should have free reign to make caricatures of us on college campuses because it's just a joke. Throw some tap shoes on and join them bro, it'll make a sweet Halloween phot

I have no right to. I have dirt on my hands. If I see it in my face, I speak up. But once it becomes national news, Im not with it. .
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And according to you, white people should have free reign to make caricatures of us on college campuses because it's just a joke. Throw some tap shoes on and join them bro, it'll make a sweet Halloween phot

This dude got some serious problems :smh: :lol:
Reacho A. Smith voted for Rubio, but he constantly defends The Bigot[emoji]8482[/emoji] on here. 
Skew my point all you like but it's still valid. Silly **** like black face does not deserve the same reaction as cop killing unarmed black men.

But you on the list too AEA. Don't cross that bigot, racist, sexist line since your clean to.
The debate going on right now is exactly the same as when Trump was running. No one took what Ninja said seriously. Every response was some kind of sarcastic retort, counter argument, or laughing emoticon. Then election day. *stunned silence*

Now it's back to how it was. Is it at all possible that he might know what he's talking about?

It was like 3-4 of us against the whole thread for a year and a half. Some people just have a better idea of the pulse of the populace than others. And also I think many of you are being contrary for the simple fact that you WANT him to be wrong.

That's one of the reasons I've stayed out of this thread for so long. After the Paul Krugman debacle, I won't be caught slipping again and because despite what the headlines say nothing of consequence has actually happened. And I really hate debating hypotheticals but that's all this really is until Inauguration.

Having a pulse of the populace does not not qualify your opinions on economics to be worthy. The election and the actual presidency are two very different parts of the equation.
Reacho A. Smith voted for Rubio, but he constantly defends The Bigot[emoji]8482[/emoji] on here. :lol:

Thank you for believing that I am a true Rubio supporter. He'll be back in 2020 or 2024, he's only 44. Cats in here tried to tell me he was done and was going to lose reelection. :lol:

It's well known why I defend Trump. This thread is full of liberals. I speak for the other side because I knew he would win and because there are many lurkers in this thread. They don't post for whatever reasons but I always want them to get another perspective.

On election day a whole bunch of new people came out the wood work to talk ****. They're out there.
You acting like black people are taking to the streets when the blackface issues come up. You see anyone rallying in the streets when that girl from Kansas sent that snap?
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You acting like black people are taking to the streets when the blackface issues come up

It's honestly ridiculous. I'm sure he uses "fake outrage", "SJW", and already seen "race card" almost in any situation involving racism and the response to it. May let folks call him the N word with the "er" and shrug it off.

And also what scale are you using to gauge people's reaction to racist acts Reacho? Why can't it all be wrong and deserves response. You think the Missouri and OU football teams were doing to much with their threats to not play cause of racist chants and treatment by fellow students? They should have just let it slide?
Having a pulse of the populace does not not qualify your opinions on economics to be worthy. The election and the actual presidency are two very different parts of the equation.

I'll give you the political side. People trust Trump because he's good in business. The carrier deal was a win. You can actually quantify how many jobs were saved. Unlike Obama where they would tout how many jobs were saved due to the Recovery because no one knew whether they would have been lost or not. And Trump isn't even President yet.

But I go back to the point I made earlier, the Inauguration hasn't happened yet so everything we discuss is hypothetical. But that carrier deal definitely earned him some political capital. Emphasis on political
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Here's the thing Rico, when we make ignorant remarks and someone catches offense of it and is badly hurt by it, and they call us out on it, those that want to be a better person apologize and say sorry when we see that wrong and learn from it. Perhaps it takes a while, but eventually we try to correct the wrong.
Avoiding to confront ignorance and deflecting from it instead of questioning it is very counter productive towards the growth of our self emotional and mental intelligence.

I'm not a perfect human being, I don't believe in religion either, but I think my actions do play a part in society. The less dumb stuff I do, the better I hope my environment will be.

First off, when the smallest **** happens on a college campus even with an apology they get expelled. Life potentially ruined, for a stupid decision. You act like people get indignant and double down on their black face. They don't because it was NEVER that serious

And my original point was that crying racism in every little slight is counter productive to frighting actual racism. You think that kid that said ***** when rapping along to a song is gonna go outside after and lynch a black person? **** outta here. But the way the black community sees it, that person is Massa' incarnate.

But whatever, AZ and Mamba have never done anything racist so they can judge people that have and it happened to go public. Thank you for actually being honest.

But according to AZ's backtrack, the real crime is them actually being caught. Interesting.
I can agree to a certain point that the punishments can be too much at certain situations, but you have to think about from the college's perspective on how they want to be perceived by potential students or parents that want to go to that school. Students and parents don't want to associated with going to a school that is considered sexist and racist. Same thing as what happens at work, when people find out we say something ignorant about a coworker or boss, you bet your *** that there's a punishment coming our way. Everything has consequences whether you like that reality or not.

And how does that relate to politics? Well, a lot of people in this thread don't want to be associated with the ignorance and racial inflammatories that the Trump and his team likes to feign every so often. Yes the mainstream media has done some smearing, but Trump has admitted to some of his bigotry and still doesn't apologize for it. I don't know how one can defend such an attitude that our future president has.
Reacho A. Smith voted for Rubio, but he constantly defends The Bigot[emoji]8482[/emoji] on here. 
Thank you for believing that I am a true Rubio supporter. He'll be back in 2020 or 2024, he's only 44. Cats in here tried to tell me he was done and was going to lose reelection.

It's well known why I defend Trump. This thread is full of liberals. I speak for the other side because I knew he would win and because there are many lurkers in this thread. They don't post for whatever reasons but I always want them to get another perspective.

On election day a whole bunch of new people came out the wood work to talk ****. They're out there.
Rubio is done because The Bigot[emoji]8482[/emoji] put him out his misery and got embarrassed in his home state. You think wannabe Cuban Obama is gonna challenge The Bigot[emoji]8482[/emoji] in a 2020 primary? 
 That's the funniest thing I've heard today.
And Rubio ain't running in 2024 either, he'll be just "Washington insider" if he wasn't already one.
Skew my point all you like but it's still valid. Silly **** like black face does not deserve the same reaction as cop killing unarmed black men.

But you on the list too AEA. Don't cross that bigot, racist, sexist line since your clean to.

You act like this is some difficult task :smh: :lol:

Although it was too much for the guys you constantly repped and quoted @blco02 and @CL-1B

You and da ninja shouldn't get to cozy with aluminum tea he'll cross that line soon.
It's honestly ridiculous. I'm sure he uses "fake outrage", "SJW", and already seen "race card" almost in any situation involving racism and the response to it. May let folks call him the N word with the "er" and shrug it off.

And also what scale are you using to gauge people's reaction to racist acts Reacho? Why can't it all be wrong and deserves response. You think the Missouri and OU football teams were doing to much with their threats to not play cause of racist chants and treatment by fellow students? They should have just let it slide?

I already said it. When it reaches national news. It's overkill because it diminishes the impact of the word.[/quote/
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You act like this is some difficult task :smh: :lol:

Although it was too much for the guys you constantly repped and quoted @blco02 and @CL-1B

You and da ninja shouldn't get to cozy with aluminum tea he'll cross that line soon.

You want to attach me to other people because I agree with them on occasion. Feel free. Most of this thread disagrees with me anyway.

But I'll reiterate again, anything you, Mamba,or AZ posts better not be racist, sexist, or bigoted.
I could give a damn about your watch list. The fact that you don't realize that the degrees to which you afford others to disrespect and express openly racist rhetoric or actions is a part of the same culture that allows those to kill us with impunity. Some cops kill blacks and some cops are out here saying inflammatory and bigoted things on radios and in emails to each other. It permeates every fabric of society and needs to be dealt with accordingly. It doesn't have to be one or the other, public or private. If you had any integrity whether it gets to a national level or not should be relevant. Cause there are more unjustified killings that don't get reported on than that do. It's a systemic issue.
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You act like this is some difficult task :smh: :lol:

Although it was too much for the guys you constantly repped and quoted @blco02 and @CL-1B

You and da ninja shouldn't get to cozy with aluminum tea he'll cross that line soon.

You want to attach me to other people because I agree with them on occasion. Feel free. Most of this thread disagrees with me anyway.

But I'll reiterate again, anything you, Mamba,or AZ posts better not be racist, sexist, or bigoted.

And I'll reiterate, not being a terrible person online or offline is not hard bruh.

You must hang out with some questionable characters IRL if you find that so difficult.
When the white community as a whole starts working to destroy institutionalized racism, then I am more than happy to argue with tenacity that the knuckleheads should be given a break. Until we get to that point, where the knucklehead aren't a tiny cog in the white supremacy machine, and their actions aren't a slap in the face to my community, all these get is my indifference.

I really take no pleasure in seeing people's lives destroyed over stuff like this. And I do think many in the black community take too much pleasure in seeing these people's lives destroyed.

Because at the end of the end, the goal is to lift up minorities so they get better treatment by our socioeconomic system, not drag more white down to our level of having to operate with a tiny margin of error, at every step of the way. The type of equality I fight for is the former, not the latter.


What other victories do black people have to celebrate?

We live in a world where black people are denied justice every day. Rico wants to talk about equal reaction, and he has all this outrage over liberals overreaching, where is his outrage for Walter Scott's executioner not being convicted. Huh?

Where is his outrage for all the hate crime that were committed by Trump supporters after the election?

Where is the outrage for the institutionalized racism that is baked into nearly every area of our socioeconomic system?

Where is the outrage over the unprecedented level of disrespect leveled at the black man who is president?

We live in a world where there are tons of people in the white community that take pleasure in seeing black lives destroyed and black bodies being valued less than a common house pet.

There are even more people in the white community that sit back in denial or with indifference to all these things going on.

Yet you want to complain to me about how some white people and conservatives areunfairly being labeled racist or bigots. You know what is worst than that happen to you, being a victim of racism. That is way worst.

So until society, and Rico, are consistent in their outrage, they have no moral leg to stand on to lecture others about proper discourse when it comes to race relations

You fail your own purity test.

The white people that want to be true allies in the fight for social justice, will always have my support, those people I may cut a break if they misstep and will offer my shield. Not the knuckleheads.

But funny, truly progressive white folk tend to not goof that often. Strange isn't it
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It's honestly ridiculous. I'm sure he uses "fake outrage", "SJW", and already seen "race card" almost in any situation involving racism and the response to it. May let folks call him the N word with the "er" and shrug it off.

And also what scale are you using to gauge people's reaction to racist acts Reacho? Why can't it all be wrong and deserves response. You think the Missouri and OU football teams were doing to much with their threats to not play cause of racist chants and treatment by fellow students? They should have just let it slide?

I already said it. When it reaches national news. It's overkill because it diminishes the impact of the word.[/quote/

Wait wait wait. When a story of racial injustice reaches the national news like the football team at Mizzou, it is cheapening the word "racism"? I'll refrain from saying anything racist because I'm not a racist, but I better not catch you commenting on any topics regarding black people.
By the way I have been thinking about what Jill Stein has been doing with the recount and I am really beginning to think cynically about her intentions. I think it is really disingenuous to collect email addresses, data and money for a recount she knows 100% won't change anything. Playing off of people's emotions after a tense election is pretty weak in my opinion, as are her claims that she needs more money.
By the way I have been thinking about what Jill Stein has been doing with the recount and I am really beginning to think cynically about her intentions. I think it is really disingenuous to collect email addresses, data and money for a recount she knows 100% won't change anything. Playing off of people's emotions after a tense election is pretty weak in my opinion, as are her claims that she needs more money.

Actually I am going in the other direction

I think the data collection is going to be used to campaign to people. The Green Party to too thirsty to just let the email addresses of all those liberals go to waste. :lol:

But her recount efforts seem genuine, in that she is not taking the money and running off with it. She needs more money because of court rulings going against her, but they are pushing lower level recounts away. Plus is has uncover the fact that some precincts are not capable of recounting votes.

It is serving as a 7 million dollar stress test of the voting system. I hope whatever errors that are uncovered are fixed for the future.

Jill Stein is extremely unqualified and unsuited to lead anything, and she did take advantage of people's emotions
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I agree in the sense that I don't think she will be using the money to fund a mansion or something like that, but I'm beginning to think the data collection may have been the primary motivation behind this recount campaign. I'm also not 100% sure that all that money is going to recount efforts. Maybe I'm being over critical of her, but the whole thing looks funny to me
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