***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Drumpf loves US workers so much that he has his products made here...oh wait.
I just can't comprehend this delusion that people have about Trump, that he's some kind of magical problem-solver who is now dedicated to the average American who he has spent his whole life ******* over and trying to keep at a distance.

His bottom line has always been himself, attention, and money. You guys really think he's suddenly a benevolent old man? Where is there evidence of this. He is not benevolent with his businesses or his wealth. He has no moral compass. He is an empty shell.

In pursuit of attention and fame, yes he wants votes, so he is going to do what every other politician does, which is play politics. At best he is just another cog in the machine. At worst he is going to ruin the system in pursuit of himself, attention, and money.

It's not ******* complicated.
A lot of ironies in what Rico just posted too
Majority of the American blue collar workers that just got axed for Carrier won't be having a happy Christmas. The remaining ones probably are going to search for a job right now before they get replaced by robots in the next coming years.
Perhaps Rico has been blowing the Trump tree too much
Trump may be a 4D chess master at PR, but for someone aspiring to be a "blue collar champion", he's playing checkers with these chessmaster CEOs

I'm talking specifically about the one's who were able to keep their job. You trying to **** on the deal even though American workers were actually saved.

What's with the threats towards NTers and telling them they better not say or do something racist? I don't understand. Is this supposed to be something difficult to do? Is making racist comments and putting on blackface supposed to be normal?

It's to hold people accountable for possible hypocrisy in the future based on past statements.

Eddiegambino believes CEOs that **** on American workers are geniuses.

AEA, AZ, and Mamba have never said or done anything racist. These are the facts as they want to tell us.
I think you missed the point that the CEO said the jobs that were "saved" aka the remaining blue collar jobs were going to be erased by automation in the next 5 years since the company was given money by the government to invest in that technology
So for someone who claims to be "conservative", you sure are contradicting yourself with your approval of this deal. Sarah Palin would be shaking her head at you.

I. Am. Not. A. Conservative. I'm an Independent. And you missed my point. The jobs are still here! There are Americans now that cab truly say thank you to Trump because they won't have to go on Indeed right anytime soon and look for work. Slice and dice out how you want but that's a win.
How much mental gymnastics have you been doing lately?
Do you realize that the "political win" that Trump announced a week ago wasn't even factual according to recent reports?
That all that was really saved was mostly white collar jobs that were gonna stay anyway even without the deal?
So spare me the cape Rico, Trump lied that he saved blue collar jobs when the CEO revealed that he really didn't.
Lol at this dude being the hypocrisy police...boy bye. You're without a doubt one of the biggest hypocrites on this site.
How much mental gymnastics have you been doing lately?
Do you realize that the "political win" that Trump announced a week ago wasn't even factual according to recent reports?
That all that was really saved was mostly white collar jobs that were gonna stay anyway even without the deal?
So spare me the cape Rico, Trump lied that he saved blue collar jobs when the CEO revealed that he really didn't.

What article did you read? The white collar engineering jobs were NEVER going to leave. It's stated in the interview.
Oh Reacho, look at you spinning away that I hate American workers
God bless your soul

What a piece of work 

Donald Trump’s incoming national security adviser has been caught spreading incorrect news at least 16 times in the last few months.

A combing of Michael Flynn's twitter account by Politico shows he has spread conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and their allies. This includes accusing Ms Clinton of being involved with child sex trafficking, "waging a secret war" against the Catholic Church and her campaign manager consuming bodily fluids as part of a "spirit-cooking ritual". Mr Flynn also said president Obama is a "jihadi" who laundered money for Muslim terrorists.

The spotlight on fake news has intensified following the shooting at a pizza restaurant in Washington at the weekend by a man who believed false internet-based rumours that it was the hub of a child-trafficking operation involving Ms Clinton.

A total of 53 non-profit organisations have penned an open letter to the president-elect, urging him to dump Mr Flynn, who was "unfit for a critical post".

Mr Flynn has also retweeted stories accusing Ms Clinton of being an "insider threat" and an alleged United Nations one-world-government plot called Agenda 21. He used to be the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Critics have questioned whether Mr Flynn is genuinely able to tell the difference between fake and accurate information.

Mr Flynn has also been criticised for his anti-Muslim stance. He said fear of Muslims was "rational" and compared Islam to "cancer".

His anti-Semitic comments include re-tweeting a negative post about CNN and commenting: "Not anymore, Jews". One of his anti-semitic tweets was praised by former Ku Klux Klan imperial wizard David Duke.

Michael Flynn has also shared expletive-filled posts and racially insensitive comments on social media. He shared a story that Ms Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin, had a link to the Muslim Brotherhood, and that senator Marco Rubio was a closeted homosexual who took cocaine. @Rico x Hood

In January, he tweeted "@voxdotcom soooo African Americans can have B.E.T. but whites can't have their own dating site? Hmmm…" The tweet has since been deleted. He shared a fake news item that the president flaunted an erection to female reporters, and said that voters of colour only chose Mr Obama in 2012 due to the colour of his skin. 

Talking about Gloria Allred, the lawyer representing many women who accused Mr Trump of sexual assault, which he denied, the younger Mr Flynn said she was a "commie" who was trying to "get the heat off the witch".

Vice president-elect Mike Pence insisted Mike Flynn’s son "has no involvement in the transition whatsoever", despite him having a .gov email address.

"No, he’s not [involved], but I have to tell you, working with General Flynn and now KT McFarland, the national security team is coming together. Around the president-elect, I know the president elect is already doing an extraordinary job in preparing us to be ready on day one to bring that strong leadership to the world stage which the American people elected Donald Trump to bring."
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There are Americans now that cab truly say thank you to Trump because they won't have to go on Indeed right anytime soon and look for work.

Is this in regards to Carrier? I wonder what future incentives or government contract Carrier received for staying? 1,000 jobs saved and that deal just provided a great tactic for ALL Corporations to now broker a deal exclusively with the Executive branch on future relocation scenarios. Basically Corps using high end lobbying firms can now have behind close door arrangements with Trump to stay in America to 'save' jobs. :smokin
^LMAO this CEO is a genius
Trump...not so much

So a CEO pretty much ***** on US workers. And you call him a genius because in your eyes it makes Trump look bad. This will be duly noted.

I can put money these comments will be walked back. And at the end of the day THE JOBS ARE STILL HERE. It's the holiday season. Families will have money for travel, gifts, food, bills. Etc

You're looking at a goddamn tree and missing the forest because you want Trump to look bad. Disgusting.

I see you ignoring the shortcomings of the deal. Taxpayer money will be used to eliminate jobs in the Carrier plant, that isn't ironic to you? This deal is a great example of giving someone a fish instead of a fishing pole

Putting Trump's image before your fellow American workers, shame on you bro
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Is this in regards to Carrier? I wonder what future incentives or government contract Carrier received for staying? 1,000 jobs saved and that deal just provided a great tactic for ALL Corporations to now broker a deal exclusively with the Executive branch on future relocation scenarios. Basically Corps using high end lobbying firms can now have behind close door arrangements with Trump to stay in America to 'save' jobs. :smokin

Someone has been watching CNN I see. Exactly word for word how they described the deal.
Say what you want but those jobs are gone no matter what, that's the reality of it. If not today, then tomorrow. If your skills aint up to snuff, you'll be out of work eventually.
Someone has been watching CNN I see. Exactly word for word how they described the deal.

I don't watch much news anymore after the election considering how pathetic the coverage was.
My comment was strictly of common business sense. Anyone in the financial sector knows of behind close door deals especially involving Govt contracts.
I think they need to invent a new crime. Ej. If you're caught spreading fake news on social media, or anywhere on the Internet = jail time

Say what you want but those jobs are gone no matter what, that's the reality of it. If not today, then tomorrow. If your skills aint up to snuff, you'll be out of work eventually.

That's literally any job. What employer wants to keep people that don't even bother to keep progressing. There's no room in this economy to get comfortable at a job.

Looks like Trump lied in his tweet....again

To be clear - he was inaccurate. That program is budgeted to cost $3.2B between Fiscal Year 2010 and 2020 with $2B of that being R&D and the planes won't be delivered until FY 2024....at which point he wouldn't even be president. But the current Air Force 1 planes are from 1980 and are extremely outdated and it's asinine to not want to spend such a small amount of money on a plane that is supposed to protect the POTUS in the case of a nuclear or terrorist attack. He completely pulled the $4B figure out of his **** :lol:
How much mental gymnastics have you been doing lately?
Do you realize that the "political win" that Trump announced a week ago wasn't even factual according to recent reports?
That all that was really saved was mostly white collar jobs that were gonna stay anyway even without the deal?
So spare me the cape Rico, Trump lied that he saved blue collar jobs when the CEO revealed that he really didn't.

What article did you read? The white collar engineering jobs were NEVER going to leave. It's stated in the interview.

GREG HAYES: Much higher. And I think that's just part of these — the jobs, again, are not jobs on assembly line that people really find all that attractive over the long term. Now I've got some very long service employees who do a wonderful job for us. And we like the fact that they're dedicated to UTC, but I would tell you the key here, Jim, is not to be trained for the job today. Our focus is how do you train people for the jobs of tomorrow?

So Mexico has cheaper labor with a much more dedicated workforce, and these are the kinds of low-skilled jobs most people don't find that attractive. Elsewhere in the interview, he made clear that United Technologies intended to keep engineering jobs in the US and that these higher-skilled jobs were not at risk of being moved overseas.

"The assembly lines in Indiana — I mean, great people," Hayes said. "Great, great people. But the skill set to do those jobs is very different than what it takes to assemble a jet engine."

Hayes was then asked why he decided to cancel the move to Mexico. From the transcript (emphasis added):

GREG HAYES: So, there was a cost as we thought about keeping the Indiana plant open. At the same time, and I'll tell you this because you and I, we know each other, but I was born at night but not last night. I also know that about 10% of our revenue comes from the US government. And I know that a better regulatory environment, a lower tax rate can eventually help UTC of the long run.

The result of keeping the plant in Indiana open is a $16 million investment to drive down the cost of production, so as to reduce the cost gap with operating in Mexico.

What does that mean? Automation. What does that mean? Fewer jobs, Hayes acknowledged.

From the transcript (emphasis added):

GREG HAYES: Right. Well, and again, if you think about what we talked about last week, we're going to make a $16 million investment in that factory in Indianapolis to automate to drive the cost down so that we can continue to be competitive. Now is it as cheap as moving to Mexico with lower cost of labor? No. But we will make that plant competitive just because we'll make the capital investments there.


GREG HAYES: But what that ultimately means is there will be fewer jobs.

No matter how you can spin a Trump political win.....he lied to the public that he saved jobs
He practically put a small band aid on a deep wound and threw taxpayers' money at it.
Not to mention the band aid can get ripped off at any moment which the CEO tipped off very soon
So yes, I did read the article and I see a lot of Carrier workers getting screwed still and Trump was using them as part of his PR instead of really caring for their long term security

Looks like Trump lied in his tweet....again

To be clear - he was inaccurate. That program is budgeted to cost $3.2B between Fiscal Year 2010 and 2020 with $2B of that being R&D and the planes won't be delivered until FY 2024....at which point he wouldn't even be president. But the current Air Force 1 planes are from 1980 and are extremely outdated and it's asinine to not want to spend such a small amount of money on a plane that is supposed to protect the POTUS in the case of a nuclear or terrorist attack. He completely pulled the $4B figure out of his **** :lol:

Also noticed Boeing's stock took a little tumble from Trump's lie too :smh:
There are going to be a lot of pissed Boeing Employees and management knocking on the White House door the next coming months.
He completely pulled the $4B figure out of his

Out of his anal region? Yeah we better get use to it. This guy isn't articulate or intelligent so he will talk without even thinking about it. Then a few days later his handlers have to explain in detail what he actually meant. Like I said... 4 years... so get use to it.
Say what you want but those jobs are gone no matter what, that's the reality of it. If not today, then tomorrow. If your skills aint up to snuff, you'll be out of work eventually.

That's literally any job. What employer wants to keep people that don't even bother to keep progressing. There's no room in this economy to get comfortable at a job.

What's the point in delaying the inevitable at a higher cost?

He practically put a small band aid on a deep wound and threw taxpayers' money at it.

But that's what all politicians do, the student loan forgiveness is a band-aid because it doesn't stop the constant increase of college tuition, welfare is a band-aid because it doesn't educate people and empower them to be self-sufficient. It's literally the same thing. Only reason this is getting media spin is because it's Trump and he desparately needs a win to say "see, he can be a good president"

Also noticed Boeing's stock took a little tumble from Trump's lie too :smh:
There are going to be a lot of pissed Boeing Employees and management knocking on the White House door the next coming months.

Sad this clown doesn't realize the weight his words or tweets have now. Completely oblivious even before taking the oath.

Also noticed Boeing's stock took a little tumble from Trump's lie too :smh:
There are going to be a lot of pissed Boeing Employees and management knocking on the White House door the next coming months.

Sad this clown doesn't realize the weight his words or tweets have now. Completely oblivious even before taking the oath.
Boeing stocks going down leads to loss of jobs and American money. Trump continues to steal more US jobs and money. Sad!
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