***Official Political Discussion Thread***

With all of these picks,lowkey don't expect Trump to last a full term tbh

There's just such an exponentially high possibility of scandal after scandal that I feel like he's gonna have a low enough oraybe even a record low approval rating at one point that the GOP will finally toss him overboard
Most of them probably want Pence anyway. 
But that's why Rubio's endorsement will destroy him.

At this point what Republican has not gotten on his knees for a chance to suck Donnie's tiny little ****?

Cruz, Rubio, Romney, McCain -- all have chosen partisan politics over principle.

If Donnie really does blow it, everyone who supported him or went along with it should also suffer.

Is Jeb the only hold-out remaining?
I think Kasich also refused to support him if I recall correctly. He didn't seem all that bad in the debates from what I remember.

Rubio couldn't even beat The Bigot[emoji]8482[/emoji] in his home state of Flo Rida, but he'll somehow challenge him.:lol:  

Plus Rubio voted for him after all of that talk.
A lot can change in 4 years. If da donald blows it he could have a chance
But that's why Rubio's endorsement will destroy him.

At this point what Republican has not gotten on his knees for a chance to suck Donnie's tiny little ****?

Cruz, Rubio, Romney, McCain -- all have chosen partisan politics over principle.

If Donnie really does blow it, everyone who supported him or went along with it should also suffer.

Is Jeb the only hold-out remaining?

Rand Paul and his tea party/libertarian, Ayn Rand loving base are patiently waiting in the wings :lol:,his dad has probably taught him a great deal about patience
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Interesting proposal in the UK:

Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs also suggests supervised injecting rooms to combat rising number of drug deaths.

Heroin on prescription and supervised injecting rooms are among a range of measures that the government’s drug advisers have suggested to reverse the UK’s soaring numbers of drug deaths.

Responding to a sharp rise in the number of heroin-related deaths in recent years, the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs said maintenance of drug treatment programmes was essential to prevent further increases.

Overdoses hit record levels in England and Wales last year, exceeding the number of deaths from road traffic accidents, according to official figures published in September, sparking criticism of the government’s approach to drugs and addiction services.

The ACMD’s recommendations come as the government plans deep cuts to local authority public health grants, the money which funds drug treatment services.

In a letter accompanying Monday’s report, the ACMD chairman, Les Iversen, told Amber Rudd, the home secretary: “The ACMD is of the view that death is the most serious harm related to drug use.

“In recent years, there have been substantial increases in the number of people dying in the UK where illicit drugs are reported to be involved in their death. The largest increase has been in deaths related to the misuse of opioid substances; 2,677 opioid-related deaths were registered in the UK in 2015.”

He added: “The most important recommendation in this report is that government ensures that investment in OST of optimal dosage and duration is, at least, maintained.”

However, drug treatment experts leapt on the report’s recommendations for the introduction of heroin-assisted treatment – where users are prescribed heroin to allow them to safely maintain their habit – and medically supervised injecting rooms.

Niamh Eastwood, executive director of Release, said that heroin prescription had been successfully trialled for addicts who had proved resistant to OST, and that the results of a similar policy in Switzerland had been positive. “It can be helpful in stabilising [addicts]; it keeps them away from the black market and allows them to maintain relationships with family,” she said.

Ian Hamilton, an expert in mental health and substance use at the University of York, said: “One of the most radical things is calling for drug consumption rooms. That’s quite progressive really because Public Health England have been really shy about drug consumption rooms and we know from evidence that those are the things that make the biggest difference to reducing deaths in people who inject drugs.”

However, the Home Office said that the government had no intention of following up on the ACMD’s recommendation. A spokesperson for the department said: “Drugs can cause untold harm and this government is acting to reduce their devastating impact.

“Drug misuse among adults and young people has fallen in the last 10 years and we are working to educate young people about the risks, to help those who are dependent through treatment, and to clamp down on the illicit trade.

“This government has no plans to introduce drug consumption rooms but recovery will remain at the heart of our approach. We are grateful to the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs for their advice and will respond in due course.”

Rubio couldn't even beat The Bigot[emoji]8482[/emoji] in his home state of Flo Rida, but he'll somehow challenge him.

Plus Rubio voted for him after all of that talk.
A lot can change in 4 years. If da donald blows it he could have a chance
But that's why Rubio's endorsement will destroy him.

At this point what Republican has not gotten on his knees for a chance to suck Donnie's tiny little ****?

Cruz, Rubio, Romney, McCain -- all have chosen partisan politics over principle.

If Donnie really does blow it, everyone who supported him or went along with it should also suffer.

Is Jeb the only hold-out remaining?
Jeb! hasn't supported The Bigot[emoji]8482[/emoji] but that's because The Bigot[emoji]8482[/emoji] publicly trashed his family.
Trump verbally castrated Jeb! during the campaign though :lol:,no coming back from that

Glad to see that Rubio also has a little dignity in him though
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Good point -- Rand Paul and Kasich.

Of those 3 (including Jeb), only Paul is in Congress.

The question is how many of the 52 Republican senators have stood their ground against Trump?

Gardner from Colorado may be a turd in Trump's punchbowl.

That's 2, and already enough to sink the Tillerson nomination, assuming all Democrats hold steady.

If things are 50-50, Pence is the tie-breaker?
Good point -- Rand Paul and Kasich.

Of those 3 (including Jeb), only Paul is in Congress.

The question is how many of the 52 Republican senators have stood their ground against Trump?

Gardner from Colorado may be a turd in Trump's punchbowl.

That's 2, and already enough to sink the Tillerson nomination, assuming all Democrats hold steady.

If things are 50-50, Pence is the tie-breaker?
McCain seems to be slowly growing his spine back 
Good point -- Rand Paul and Kasich.

Of those 3 (including Jeb), only Paul is in Congress.

The question is how many of the 52 Republican senators have stood their ground against Trump?

Gardner from Colorado may be a turd in Trump's punchbowl.

That's 2, and already enough to sink the Tillerson nomination, assuming all Democrats hold steady.

If things are 50-50, Pence is the tie-breaker?

About the healthcare stuff, I quickly put this graph together. It shows the % preference for Trump (% voted for Trump minus % voted for Hillary in the 2016 election) versus the % of people without health coverage in 2010 in each state.


As you can see, for states with more uninsured people, they tended to vote more strongly for Trump.

Massachusetts sticks out as a liberal state that will be ok with a repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

edit: Went with 2010 instead of 2014 to avoid the effects of the ACA.
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Less than zero sympathy for the aca enrollees that voted for Trump. Call me cold hearted, but I'm just laughing.

That's what you get for voting against your self interest cuz you hate immigrants.

'I didn't think he was going to do it '

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Less than zero sympathy for the aca enrollees that voted for Trump. Call me cold hearted, but I'm just laughing.

Word, the man said every day he was gonna repeal obamacare day 1. The same obamacare that you use and you need to get a new liver, yet you still vote for him? The new racism opportunities must've been too much to overcome
Word, the man said every day he was gonna repeal obamacare day 1. The same obamacare that you use and you need to get a new liver, yet you still vote for him? The new racism opportunities must've been too much to overcome
It's like the Brexit voters who immediately regretted voting to leave after the referendum.

"We didn't think it would actually win"

I do feel bad for those people but at the end of the day they did it to themselves.
This is the most frustrating thing about democracy. Kinda pointless to talk policies come election time cuz some voters clearly don't vote on policy

ACA alone should've been enough to win most of the middle states.
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Less than zero sympathy for the aca enrollees that voted for Trump. Call me cold hearted, but I'm just laughing.

That's what you get for voting against your self interest cuz you hate immigrants.

'I didn't think he was going to do it '

For real. FDB's.
What happened to Kanye West though?

Is it the same dude who said Bush doesn't care about black people?

I'm sure that video doesn't get played in his house.
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