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Naa I refuse to believe that a big oil exec with Russian-ties and converging financial interests with them along with zero policy/political/diplomatic experience would actually get confirmed to the top foreign policy post in the land...


I'll lose hope for anything positive coming out of the next 4 years in that case :smh:. RIP to the Paris accords among many other things in the event dude gets confirmed
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They'll have to stand up to Condoleeza Rice and Robert Gates. Both highly respected on both sides of the aisle.

They'll probably run him threw the grinder but ultimately confirm him for the sake of party unity.

You do know why they're endorsing him though right?

Exxon is a client of the Rice Hadley Gates consulting firm

Tillerson, who was formally nominated by Trump on Tuesday morning, also came recommended by former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Robert Gates. They also work for Exxon through their international consulting firm, Rice Hadley Gates.

Those endorsements ring hollow as hell if you peak below the surface :lol:
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Yes I read the same article.

But that won't matter. No republican is going to go toe to toe with Rice and Gates over this confirmation because of consulting work.
Hate to say but you're right there,80% of them are already involved in that revolving lobbying/consulting door after they're done in congress :lol: :smh:

Can't call them out on it if their **** already stinks
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Oh I do. But I just don't think there are any real significant issues that have come out yet that'll stop them from being confirmed.

As long as these people don't owe back taxes, use hookers, or hire illegals, they should skate threw. Might be bruised and battered but that's it.
Oh I do. But I just don't think there are any real significant issues that have come out yet that'll stop them from being confirmed.

As long as these people don't owe back taxes, use hookers, or hire illegals, they should skate threw. Might be bruised and battered but that's it.
Out of curiosity, what are the picks you have concerns over?
Republicans ALWAYS become democrats when it's time to see the doctor and the bills start showing up in the mailbox.
That's the one difference I've noticed between the American right wing populism and the European right wing populism. In Europe, the right wing populist parties generally at least try to maintain the welfare state model, while blaming everything on immigrant related expenses that the welfare state model cannot sustain itself. They scare the population into votes which they claim will maintain the welfare state. Which is another reason why they're popular.

In America, the right wing pretty much makes it clear for your average poor trailer park yokel that not a single solitary damb will be given about him, whether it's taxes or health care. But they still vote Republican. The racism is just that tempting.
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I'd guess a few republicans will at least try to put up a fight
All depends on how the hearings go and how much pressure they receive from the rest of the party

Rubio is setting himself for 2020. He's just showing that he won't be a Trump lapdog. But I guarantee he's not going to blow up the confirmation.

Hmm,so you think Trump's gonna get primaried in 2020?
That's the one difference I've noticed between the American right wing populism and the European right wing populism. In Europe, the right wing populist parties generally at least try to maintain the welfare state model, while blaming everything on immigrant related expenses that the welfare state model cannot sustain itself. They scare the population into votes which they claim will maintain the welfare state. Which is another reason why they're popular.

In America, the right wing pretty much makes it clear for your average poor trailer park yokel that not a single solitary damb will be given about him, whether it's taxes or health care. But they still vote Republican. The racism is just that tempting.
Principles like universal healthcare, low-cost education, social security, ... are generally rock solid here, regardless of political affiliation.

Even the most far-right politicians see them as basic human rights.
I'd guess a few republicans will at least try to put up a fight
All depends on how the hearings go and how much pressure they receive from the rest of the party
Rubio is setting himself for 2020. He's just showing that he won't be a Trump lapdog. But I guarantee he's not going to blow up the confirmation.
Hmm,so you think Trump's gonna get primaried in 2020?
Rubio couldn't even beat The Bigot[emoji]8482[/emoji] in his home state of Flo Rida, but he'll somehow challenge him.

Plus Rubio voted for him after all of that talk.
Rubio couldn't even beat The Bigot[emoji]8482[/emoji] in his home state of Flo Rida, but he'll somehow challenge him.

Plus Rubio voted for him after all of that talk.
A lot can change in 4 years. If da donald blows it he could have a chance
Hmm,so you think Trump's gonna get primaried in 2020?

Right now I'm operating under the idea that it'll be a tumultuous next four years. The perfect environment to unseat an incumbent of the same party.

I'm still trying to get a grasp on his nomination strategy.

Rubio couldn't even beat The Bigot[emoji]8482[/emoji] in his home state of Flo Rida, but he'll somehow challenge him.:lol:  

Plus Rubio voted for him after all of that talk.
A lot can change in 4 years. If da donald blows it he could have a chance

With all of these picks,I lowkey don't expect Trump to last a full term tbh :lol:

There's just such an exponentially high possibility of scandal after scandal that I feel like he's gonna have a low enough or maybe even a record low approval rating at one point that the GOP will finally be forced to toss him overboard
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Rubio couldn't even beat The Bigot[emoji]8482[/emoji] in his home state of Flo Rida, but he'll somehow challenge him.:lol:  

Plus Rubio voted for him after all of that talk.
A lot can change in 4 years. If da donald blows it he could have a chance
But that's why Rubio's endorsement will destroy him.

At this point what Republican has not gotten on his knees for a chance to suck Donnie's tiny little ****?

Cruz, Rubio, Romney, McCain -- all have chosen partisan politics over principle.

If Donnie really does blow it, everyone who supported him or went along with it should also suffer.

Is Jeb the only hold-out remaining?
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