***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'm not doubting you, but other than unnamed sources where's the proof? I think the people have the right to be skeptical about the CIA. I would like to see an independent body review this TBH. WikiLeaks is now saying it was an Democrat whistleblower. This definitely needs a independent investigation.

I mean you either take the word of the 17 intelligence agencies or you don't. They may not all agree on the motive but it's clear to all of them that Russia did it, and their intentions weren't to help America. They're working on a report for Obama before he leaves office right? I'd assume that's when the public will be briefed.
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Idk what the whole debate is.
The spin is incredible. We all understand to take everything with a grain of salt (lesson learned with Iraq). At the same time, that doesn't mean we should automatically reject every bit of information. In this case it seems clear due to multiple reports over the past year plus Obama's review plus the bipartisan support that there is something going on. This latest report about Putin being directly involved? Or that Moscow worked specifically to get Trump elected? Sure, before we hang the traitors in the city square we will need more information and official proof. But it's clear now that there is smoke and what's left to be determined is the size of the fire.

And the funny part is that some of the same people (not rillo but others) were chomping at the bit over Hillary's emails even after a huge investigation into it. Where was their skepticism then?
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I mean you either take the word of the 17 intelligence agencies or you don't. They're working on a report for Obama before he leaves office right? I'd assume that's when the public will be briefed.

We'll see, I'm just not ready to believe anonymous sources is all. Also, when did the US get 17 intelligence agencies?
I mean you either take the word of the 17 intelligence agencies or you don't. They're working on a report for Obama before he leaves office right? I'd assume that's when the public will be briefed.

We'll see, I'm just not ready to believe anonymous sources is all. Also, when did the US get 17 intelligence agencies?

The 17 agencies are: Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, Coast Guard Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency, Energy Department, Homeland Security Department, State Department, Treasury Department, Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Marine Corps Intelligence, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, Navy Intelligence and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.


I keep feeling like I'm doing everyone's homework on here.
The 17 agencies are: Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, Coast Guard Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency, Energy Department, Homeland Security Department, State Department, Treasury Department, Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Marine Corps Intelligence, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, Navy Intelligence and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.


I keep feeling like I'm doing everyone's homework on here.

One guy is speaking for all the agencies, but in that same article it states

"The 17 separate agencies did not independently declare Russia the perpetrator behind the hacks"

Again, I'm not doubting it, but I'm not 100% believing it either.
LMAO I forgot about the hive mind, you guys got it. Iraq had WMDs too.
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your original question was "when did the US get 17 intelligence agencies?"

we don't need a third hood in here.

Thanks for the article listing the agencies, but this thing is all over the place, I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong so no hood here.
the FBI is partisan, sure. against Hillary though, if we go by recent evidence. but they signed on to the report about Russia.

like i said, i fully agree we need to wait for more evidence before we hang trump for treason. but here we're just saying, based on what we know, that this Russian meddling is at the very least worrisome and worth investigation.

this will be all over the place but i have to say that Obama's tendency to be careful to a fault is actually helping prevent this from turning into a fiasco.
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Famb you're really gonna use Trump's deflection :rofl:

Not at all, let's just see an independent body investigate. All these agencies have shown to be partisan. FBI says one thing the CIA says another. People should be able to question it is all.

-Yes you actually did use the same deflection.

-Do you not realize that if you call all these agencies partisan (without listing how much or in what direction, I might add), and they all said the same thing, then that actually goes against your case.

-People should able to question it all, but that does instant make those people impartial, and certainty does not mean they are looking at this clearly.

-And who is this independent body may I ask?
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like i said, i fully agree we need to wait for more evidence before we hang trump for treason.

That's all I'm asking.
For the record, that wasn't hyperbole on my part. If it is revealed Trump had knowledge of these efforts, I want him punished to the full extent of the law. Hopefully that means his entire family fortune can be seized by the government.

If Hillary can be threatened with prison time for a private email server, then the same needs to be applied in the other direction.
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Lol damn. First, dude says he doesn't believe the CIA. He needs more ppl. Peeps reply that 17 separate agencies cosigned the same thing. Then dude says is there even 17 us intelligence agencies. Then someone lists them all. Now dude is saying they're all biased.

I hereby anoint thee the third hood.
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For the record, that wasn't hyperbole on my part. If it is revealed Trump had knowledge of these efforts, I want him punished to the full extent of the law. Hopefully that means his entire family fortune will be seized by the government.

No argument here.

Tough crowd in here :lol:
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Lol damn. Dude says he doesn't believe the CIA. He needs more ppl. Peeps reply that 17 separate agencies cosigned the same thing. Then dude says is there even 17 us intelligence agencies. Then someone lists them all. Now dude is saying they're all biased.

I hereby anoint thee the third hood.

Dude is farrrrrrrrr from those clowns

Famb is just you classic untrusting progressive.

Ninja was in here slurping Putin the other day, so let us remember that bar has already been set ridiculous low. Rillo still easily stepped over it with his doubts.
No argument here.

Tough crowd in here :lol:

Which is why Trump should distance himself from Russia or at the very least remain politically neutral. If it turns out Putin was directly behind it than it can't be ignored when it comes to diplomacy and such. What occurred was an Attack on America not just the Democratic Party
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