***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The public school I went to growing up wasn't exactly the best place to learn about politics and the role of government. They could barely afford books and school lunches

It wasn't until I was older that I began to read, study, and understand enough to be able to put the pieces together. Let's be honest here, a less educated populous is an easier one to fool which is why it's in the best interests of politicians to keep their constituents misinformed and uneducated.

alot of people I know have never read the Constitution let alone the Bill of rights. So it wouldn't surprise me if most people have no idea what the Federalist papers are.
Would have probably said the same thing if it weren't for this. My HS history teachers (especially those who taught 19th-20th century stuff) made us watch the news and report the next class though, so that helped A LOT in putting current events in a larger context.
I never had high school teachers do that lol I only started reading newspapers more last year because I've been taking journalism courses as well as political science. Man our education system is in desperate need of repair :lol:

It is more in need of tweaking. For all its flaws, the US education system has a very solid foundation (world class universities and teachers, research facilities, contributing tax base and access to financial support). The main problems are its porousness to ideas that go against the goals of education and the variation in standards and in financial allocation from one state/county/city/district to the next.

The US ed system is very poorly managed, and the result is stuff like public universities wanting to attract more out-of-state students because they can charge them more in tuition at the expense of state residents as state funding for education gets cut; you also have universities trying to raise their athletic profile to attract more students and spending untold amounts of money to do so in new athletic facilities while student organizations can barely fund career-building activities.
If they confirm a story is fake, they notify Facebook through a special reporting website it exclusively built for them, and can include a link to a post debunking the article. Facebook will then show posts of those links lower in the News Feed. It will also attach a warning label noting “Disputed by [one or more of the fact checkers]” with a link to the debunking post on News Feed stories and in the status composer if users are about to share a dubious link, plus prohibit disputed stories from being turned into ads.


One year too late but it's better than nothing.

It's a start.

Let's see who's the first outlet to ask "who fact-check the fact checkers?"

They're out there.
Word. I was barely taught black history in school. It was literally Lincoln freed the slaves and MLK had a dream, the end
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My school didn't even cover guys like Malcolm X, Arizona  American public schools are a disgrace 
While I agree, I think certain states stand out as being disgraces when it comes to public education. 

Where Arizona ranks in terms of some education barometers according to USnews

Overall ranking: 48th

Public school spending per student: 51st (includes Wash DC)

Median annual teacher salary: 49th

Teacher to student ratio: 48th

Def not a surprise that a good chunk of wealthy families out here send their kids to charter and private schools 
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While I agree, I think certain states stand out as being disgraces when it comes to public education. 

Where Arizona ranks in terms of some education barometers according to USnews

Overall ranking: 48th
Public school spending per student: 51st (includes Wash DC)
Median annual teacher salary: 49th
Teacher to student ratio: 48th

Def not a surprise that a good chunk of wealthy families out here send their kids to charter and private schools 
we were considering moving to scottsdsle, and the property taxes were ridiculously ******* low. I think mine here in PA are low, but az was like 1/3 of that. I assumed the schools were not great then. :lol:
Scottsdale would be an exception to the rule, that is a really nice place to live and they have a good school district 
Scottsdale would be an exception to the rule, that is a really nice place to live and they have a good school district 
good to know. We dont have kids anyway, but its always comforting to know you are in a good school district. Still trying to make the move in the next year or two, but my wife is starting to think the summers are too hot. :lol:
This thread should read this article. It's about why Obama was careful and waited to blame Russia for the hack. It addresses many of the misconceptions raised in this thread:


some excerpts:

The Obama administration spent months deliberating whether to blame Russia for a cyberattack on the Democratic National Committee, with action delayed in part because President Obama did not want to be blamed for politicizing intelligence, the White House said on Wednesday.

Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, said that “it would’ve been inappropriate for White House figures — including the president of the United States — to be rushing the intelligence community to expedite their analysis of the situation.”

In particular, he described White House concerns that any statement by Mr. Obama would be viewed as using intelligence to meddle in the election on behalf of the president’s preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton.

Part of the reason for the delay, Mr. Earnest said, was bureaucratic. “First, they had to confirm across 17 different government agencies that they had high confidence that this is exactly what had transpired,” Mr. Earnest said.

But the administration’s delayed response also resulted because Donald J. Trump, the Republican nominee, had been making repeated claims about how the election was being rigged, and Mr. Obama did not want to do anything that would feed those charges, Mr. Earnest said.

When the Obama administration first took office, it was deeply aware of criticism leveled at the prior administration of President George W. Bush that top officials had sought to shape or politicize intelligence conclusions on whether President Saddam Hussein of Iraq had so-called weapons of mass destruction. Mr. Obama has said that he sought from the first days of his presidency to protect the intelligence process from any hint of political interference.

damned if you do, damned if you don't.

but hopefully this will put to rest some of the criticisms we've seen. other criticisms are fair though and just goes to show how delicate of a balance an honest president has to maintain in such situations. lucky for Trump, "honest" is the last word one would use to describe him.
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JUST IN: Top dems propose bill forcing Trump to shed conflicts of interest or risk impeachment


Republicans would be wise to pass this,it'd give them some sort of leash to help them keep Trump somewhat in check while at the same time letting them get rid of him and install their own constituent in Pence as CIC if he ever went rogue.
yup, good point. i don't know the details, but wouldn't Republicans hold control over any impeachment proceedings since they control both house and senate? it looks like a win-win for them. they have control and also it's CYA against any erratics from Trump.
yup, good point. i don't know the details, but wouldn't Republicans hold control over any impeachment proceedings since they control both house and senate? it looks like a win-win for them. they have control and also it's CYA against any erratics from Trump.

Exactly right,any impeachment proceedings would be on their terms basically. I bet they "fight" it publicly to save face with Trump while passing it on the low. It would only give them more power
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Why not hack russia?

Seriously, if they wanna play that game, why not show em whos better? We won at a space n weapons race, why not show em whos boss in technology? Barry still gots time, he need to let his nuttz hang on putin this time...jus sayin [emoji]128129[/emoji]
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JUST IN: Top dems propose bill forcing Trump to shed conflicts of interest or risk impeachment


Republicans would be wise to pass this,it'd give them some sort of leash to help them keep Trump somewhat in check while at the same time letting them get rid of him and install their own constituent in Pence as CIC if he ever went rogue.
Well Trump said he wanted to drain the swamp
He's going to get what he "called" for :lol:
yup, good point. i don't know the details, but wouldn't Republicans hold control over any impeachment proceedings since they control both house and senate? it looks like a win-win for them. they have control and also it's CYA against any erratics from Trump.
Donald probably isn't aware of the restraints and power he gives up after inauguration.

Impeachment hearings might snap him in behind.
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