***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I think the issue w/ the the Democratic Party is that they don't have people at the helm or of importance/influence that can relate to both people of color and working class/poor whites. It's really shouldn't be this difficult to show one group that their needs and issues align w/ another that for years they've been told that they don't, and yet they still can't get it right. The GOP wins on suppression and separation, the Dems have to win on unity.
I think the issue w/ the the Democratic Party is that they don't have people at the helm or of importance/influence that can relate to both people of color and working class/poor whites. It's really shouldn't be this difficult to show one group that their needs and issues align w/ another that for years they've been told that they don't, and yet they still can't get it right. The GOP wins on suppression and separation, the Dems have to win on unity.[\b]

Aww that's cute. It'd make a nice bumper sticker. But the Dems don't have a unified coalition, people of all voting blocs vote in their own individual self interest or of their demographic. The democrat coalition is a bunch of demographics cobbled together. And many of those demographics interests do not align. And you can't have such big catch all campaign slogan or stump speech to bring them all together. You have to tailor your message for each one and a lot of times that's politically not feasible and downright draining. What I'd suggest dems do is look at which voters turnout consistently and have a pretty large bloc. I'd wager it's the gays. I'd start targeting them more then you'd also be able to get all those young white buzzfeed liberals which I'm sad to say they're a lot of based on the fact that that ****** *** site still exists and has gotten more powerful. A lot untapped potential on the gay sjw fringe.
Aww that's cute. It'd make a nice bumper sticker. But the Dems don't have a unified coalition, people of all voting blocs vote in their own individual self interest or of their demographic. The democrat coalition is a bunch of demographics cobbled together. And many of those demographics interests do not align. And you can't have such big catch all campaign slogan or stump speech to bring them all together. You have to tailor your message for each one and a lot of times that's politically not feasible and downright draining. What I'd suggest dems do is look at which voters turnout consistently and have a pretty large bloc. I'd wager it's the gays. I'd start targeting them more then you'd also be able to get all those young white buzzfeed liberals which I'm sad to say they're a lot of based on the fact that that ****** *** site still exists and has gotten more powerful. A lot untapped potential on the gay sjw fringe.
The gays will likely turn out in larger numbers in 2020. I think they got that locked down.

Trump said he won't touch gay marriage but he has surrounded himself with people who would rather see them ostracized. He did say he'd appoint a very conservative pro-life judge. Very likely a strongly religious judge, which tends to go hand in hand with anti-LGBT sentiments. 

There's also the First Amendment Defense Act, which would effectively legalize businesses discriminating against the LGBT community under the guise of religious freedom. They're gonna have a lot of reasons to turn out for the democrats in 2020.
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On this we agree. And based on the huge strides they've made over the last ten years they are VERY politically active, second only to the jews.
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Many involve aggressively dismantling the modest reforms suggested by the Obama administration in a 2015 plan called President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing, such as increasing the use of body cameras nationwide and implementing a national database on police use of force. The FOP also wants Trump to bring back racial profiling in federal agencies by lifting or changing the 2003 ban put in place by the Bush administration.

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Here is the document:

Potential Actions Through Executive Order or Action

• Pledged to rescind Executive Order 13688 which imposed limits on State and local law
enforcement equipment programs throughout the Federal government

• Impose a restriction on some or all Federal aid and grant programs to “sanctuary cities”

• Local and State governments who are “sanctuary cities” and those who may have granted
documents (like drivers’ licenses or other photographic identifications) which have
names and addresses of persons unlawfully present in the U.S. may purge these databases
so that they cannot be shared with the Federal government or law enforcement

• End the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and, using the Federal database
to identify those in the U.S. unlawfully, initiate their deportation

• End access to the U.S. from “terrorist-prone” areas where there is little confidence in the
ability of immigration officials to conduct full vettings

• End the Priority Enforcement Program (PEP) at the Bureau of U.S. Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE), potentially restoring Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) or
a re-prioritization of the Federal approach to immigration enforcement

• Expansion of the 287(g) program
• Could reverse the change in U.S.-Cuba relations, perhaps until such time as the copkillers
harbored there are returned to the U.S.

• De-prioritize implementation of some or all of the recommendations made by the
President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing

• Issue new directives to U.S. Attorneys to prioritize violent crimes and to seek the death
penalty in Federal cases involving the murder of a law enforcement officer

• Direct Federal law enforcement agencies to not pursue violations of Federal drug laws
even in States which have passed legislation legalizing the use, manufacture and
possession of marijuana

• Direct Federal agencies to support research into medical marijuana

• Reverse the position of the Federal government on the use private prisons

• Reverse the Executive Orders with respect to background checks for firearms purchases,
authority of the Social Security Administration to provide information on the mental
health of its beneficiaries, funding and directed research for “gun safety” technology

• Reverse or amend the broad, Bush-era ban on racial profiling by all or some Federal

Potential Legislative Initiatives:
• Legislation entitled the “End Illegal Immigration Act,” to establish a 2-year mandatory
minimum Federal prison sentence for illegally re-entering the U.S. after a previous
deportation, and a 5-year mandatory minimum for illegally re-entering for those with
felony convictions, multiple misdemeanor convictions or two or more prior deportations;
also reforms visa rules to enhance penalties for overstaying

• Legislation entitled the “Restoring Community Safety Act” to establish a task force on
violent crime and increasing funding for programs that train and assist State and local law

• Legislation to repeal, and possibly replace, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act (ObamaCare) which may end the impending “Cadillac tax” that is slated to take
effect in 2018
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Here’s What the Biggest Police Union Wants From Trump
A return to racial profiling and deporting immigrants: The Fraternal Order of Police has a plan for Trump's first 100 days.

what do you have to lose?????
What do the house boys think of this?
But the race started with Hillary getting a huge head start.
unpledged Superdelegates? How many of them weren't even politicians, I think it was something like 70 of them were lobbyists. Every time they showed the delegate count on any news station, they always added those unpledged superdelegates to the count for Hillary. The DNC was going to push Hillary through, regardless.

I don't know what it is that you are trying to argue when you laugh and think the "Bernie bros" are crazy for thinking and feeling this way. It's clear what the DNC did and it's clear that it was a mistake. This is coming from somebody who voted for Hillary in the general. One of the big reasons I supported Bernie was because of all the fuel the GOP had against Hillary. Emails, Benghazi, Clinton foundation, it didn't matter if any of that wasn't true, it all stuck. People don't really give a damn about no emails, but they hear something enough, they will believe it.

I can tell you right now, members of labor unions feel betrayed. Even those of us who voted for Hillary hated the fact that we had to vote for her. Most of us that voted for her were actually Bernie supporters during the primary. Now I myself and other members who pay attention to politics know we need to go blue no matter who, but let's keep it real, Hillary is not a progressive. Choosing Tim Kaine as a VP was a slap in the face to us.

cmon b not this again.
What do the house boys think of this?

well ninjahood isn't black so he doesn't really have to worry.

If racial profiling comes increases I'm sure police officers will look and say, "there goes a Dominican person nothing to see here". :lol:
• Reverse the position of the Federal government on the use private prisons

This is the creepiest one. Why on earth would anyone be in favour of this?

because all the reasons I can think of are terrifying.
It should be worrying that they want these things period.

Not in the slightest. I worry about things that surprise me. This doesn't because I already know there's a huge disconnect with what police want and what many citizens want. A lot if times they don't align and that's why the majority of that ridiculist won't be done.
Obviously they've highballed. They won't get even ten percent of that. No need to worry.

It should be worrying that they want these things period.

The Blacks in Law Enforcement of America opposed the FOP's endorsement of Trump, writing, "Is this endorsement the result of a few individuals who may stand to benefit from [a] so-called law and order candidate who knows nothing about the Criminal Justice System and is opposed to necessary reform of the institution?"

Good to know they aren't all sheriff clarke's in these PDs
Police officers can literally unload a clip into an unarmed man's back on camera and not be held accountable for it. I wouldn't be so confident that the Trump administration would deny all those requests. He is the "law and order candidate" after all, and he has never really showed any concern about police brutality and racial targeting.
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Not in the slightest. I worry about things that surprise me. This doesn't because I already know there's a huge disconnect with what police want and what many citizens want. A lot if times they don't align and that's why the majority of that ridiculist won't be done.

What are you talking about?

All of american police history has been marked by increasingly aggressive and militarized policing policy.

The obama era is the exeption, not the rule.


Many citizens do want these things, specifically the citizens who matter most. (white people)
The police of yesteryear is not the same as police of today. They've been neutered. And if they've been lobbying to be more aggressive all these years then it hasn't worked. And I'm sure it won't work this time.
The police of yesteryear is not the same as police of today. They've been neutered. And if they've been lobbying to be more aggressive all these years then it hasn't worked. And I'm sure it won't work this time.

Obama was the president.

again it is the exception and not the rule, it would be ignorant of history to not think that things will revert back to normal.

and normal in America is aggressive, racial discriminatory police policy.
They haven't been neutered, they've adapted with the times. They hide their dirt. Now just as with the white nationalist movement they see their moment to make America great again.
The police of yesteryear is not the same as police of today. They've been neutered. And if they've been lobbying to be more aggressive all these years then it hasn't worked. And I'm sure it won't work this time.

just constantly talking out of *** :x
Obama was the president.

again it is the exception and not the rule, it would be ignorant of history to not think that things will revert back to normal.

and normal in America is aggressive, racial discriminatory police policy.

8 years is not an adequate amount of time to make exceptions to rules.

They haven't been neutered, they've adapted with the times. They hide their dirt. Now just as with the white nationalist movement they see their moment to make America great again.

I got a couple headlines that fly in the face of that assertion. It's the age of social media, nothing is hidden.
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