***Official Political Discussion Thread***

We should just make a NT political party
Or at least a NT political think tank
I feel like we would do better than the current Republican party, but only if we could keep our feelings towards the deplorables out of it. I know for damn sure I wouldn't be able to :lol: If I was in Obama's place, I would've insulted and roasted that population beyond return on some Lebron "You'll go back to your ordinary lives" @#%# and would have retired on a Mediterranean or Southeast Asian island halfway through my term.
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We should just make a NT political party
Or at least a NT political think tank
I feel like we would do better than the current Republican party, but only if we could keep our feelings towards the deplorables out of it. I know for damn sure I wouldn't be able to :lol: If I was in Obama's place, I would've insulted and roasted that population beyond return and would have retired on a Mediterranean or Southeast Asian island halfway through my term.
I probably would have quit after the first term with the tea party emergence and unwillingness to be bipartisan on important legislation :lol:

An end to an era
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Definitely. Hate him or love him, you have to admit that it takes a certain type of a person to withstand that much resistance on EVERYTHING based on the color of his skin, no matter how logical and beneficial his actions would have been. I couldn't have done it.

I know idiot Trump fans are going to say that Trump is the same way, but he doesn't count. Trolls like Trump don't care about benefitting others; they get off on the negative attention.
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If me and Rex got voted in on a progressive wave in 2020, I can see us getting a supercharged ACA passed with nationalized Medicaid and a public option to buying into Medicaid, a supercharged Dood Frank, free community college and trade school, banning private prisons, commute a record number of non violent inmates, pass federal laws restricting right to work laws, expand voting rights, expand the EIC, and make payrolls taxes progressive.

And after 4 years Rex gonna tell me I been acting too moderate/right swing, I am not gonna take that well and will tell him square up. He gonna swing on him cause he sees me reaching my pockets (we passed universal background checks, but I added pocket sand subsidies to the bill). Catch us scraping in Michelle's vegetable garden. Strangely Ben Carson will be the one that breaks us up and talks sense into us with his smooth cold blooded pimp voice.

After me and Rex make up and start walking back to the White House, I will turn to Rex and ask "Hold up, you saw that fool climb from under a tomato patch right?, you saw that **** too right, I'm not imaging that.........has he been there the entire time?"

Rex will hit the weebay gif and say "That explains why all the lettuce is growing out of Popeye's boxes"

I will then proceed to lose reelection to Butter Biscuit Ben Barson in the 2024 election.

:lol: @ to all that. And yes, I would be be saying, why stop at community college why not up through grad school?

As VP, I would be the first sitting VP to set up an organic grocery co op and to plant "Bernie Forever" signs on the White House lawn.

My fear is that Ninja would sneak in to White House while you're away and boom, he gets squater's rights and under an old 19th century District Law, he only has to pay a dollar a month to live there.

Obama had it rough in terms of opposition but he never had to deal with boxes of Jordans, chickens, lectures about rugged individualism and loud Reggaeton until 3am all comin gfrom within the White House.
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:rofl: at the thought of Rusty and ninja living together. they'd argue all day but then secretly miss each other when one has to go out of town for a few days. "why the hell are there shoe boxes in the oval office?" "don't touch them, Mr president! they're worth a lot of money." "i hate you. oh, do you want fish or steak for dinner tonight? i gotta let the chef know." "steak all day. and Rusty, I'll move my boxes out." "it's OK, i Know you like to show them off." "it's just that... i didn't have shoes as a kid." "listen, Edwin, it's not your fault." "no, of course not." "it's not your fault." "i know." "it's not your fault." "don't **** with me." "it's not your fault Trump became president and the world suffered for 4 years with nuclear war and more there's only 10 million humans left." "stop ******* with me, Rusty!" "it's not your fault."

edit: :lol: i typed all that before seeing your post about the shoe boxes.
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If me and Rex got voted in on a progressive wave in 2020, I can see us getting a supercharged ACA passed with nationalized Medicaid and a public option to buying into Medicaid, a supercharged Dood Frank, free community college and trade school, banning private prisons, commute a record number of non violent inmates, pass federal laws restricting right to work laws, expand voting rights, expand the EIC, and make payrolls taxes progressive.

And after 4 years Rex gonna tell me I been acting too moderate/right swing, I am not gonna take that well and will tell him square up. He gonna swing on him cause he sees me reaching my pockets (we passed universal background checks, but I added pocket sand subsidies to the bill). Catch us scraping in Michelle's vegetable garden. Strangely Ben Carson will be the one that breaks us up and talks sense into us with his smooth cold blooded pimp voice.

After me and Rex make up and start walking back to the White House, I will turn to Rex and ask "Hold up, you saw that fool climb from under a tomato patch right?, you saw that **** too right, I'm not imaging that.........has he been there the entire time?"

Rex will hit the weebay gif and say "That explains why all the lettuce is growing out of Popeye's boxes"

I will then proceed to lose reelection to Butter Biscuit Ben Barson in the 2024 election.

hbo need to pick this up.
Rex gonna be the type of VP that swears Senators in with a copy of Das Kapital

And also give them a gift basket and in the Dave Chapelle, white reporter voice tell them "Well, welcome to the Senate. Ya knew being from California, I got you this great gift basket. It has nuts from Panoche, dried fruit from Fresno, some Charcuterie from an organic co op in Mendo County, Cheese from Marin county, wine from my own Central Coast co op and down at the bottom of the basket you'll find some subversive literature that I picked up from UC Berkeley Campus. Enjoy"

I could get a bunch of Republican senators woke af and their red neck constituents can't do anything about it because of those six year terms.

Edit: If the gift basket doesn't get them, I'd tell them that Jesus was one of many Mediterranean demi gods born on the Winter Solstice. Within six months, their whole belief system would break down.
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You're a better man than me Rex
I would have given old man Mitch a bag of doggy crap as one of my "gifts"
You're a better man than me Rex
I would have given old man Mitch a bag of doggy crap as one of my "gifts"

Even a 220 year old Tortoise, who once owned slaves, can change.

As President of the senate my agenda would be:

- Trick every GOP Senator to watch 13th and Luke Cage.

- Get Bernie Sanders to commit to guest starring on Bob's Burgers and Rick and Morty.

- Discretely and sheepishly tell Kamela Harris "uh, ya know my wife and I kinda do this thing where we do this erotic cosplay of the The Wire where I'm McNulty and she's Rhonda Pearlman" at which point Senator Harris finishes my thought "oh and you want me to be Nyrese Campbell and I'm shutting your investigation down but then you two seduce me and change my mind. Let's do this."
Trump becoming president was definitely disappointing, but his cabinet selection is what made it 100x worse. I would've gone on with my life without too much concern if he had just put some competent people in charge. His ENTIRE cabinet selection follows ZERO logic though, and that is what worries me so much. Even if Trump happened to be a likeable person, I'd turn on him ASAP for blindly appointing people to all these important departments. It's too bad that his supporters are too illiterate and ignorant to see this.
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:rofl: at the thought of Rusty and ninja living together. they'd argue all day but then secretly miss each other when one has to go out of town for a few days. "why the hell are there shoe boxes in the oval office?" "don't touch them, Mr president! they're worth a lot of money." "i hate you. oh, do you want fish or steak for dinner tonight? i gotta let the chef know." "steak all day. and Rusty, I'll move my boxes out." "it's OK, i Know you like to show them off." "it's just that... i didn't have shoes as a kid." "listen, Edwin, it's not your fault." "no, of course not." "it's not your fault." "i know." "it's not your fault." "don't **** with me." "it's not your fault Trump became president and the world suffered for 4 years with nuclear war and more there's only 10 million humans left." "stop ******* with me, Rusty!" "it's not your fault."

edit: :lol: i typed all that before seeing your post about the shoe boxes.

Secretary Hood: Yo Prez I need to borrow Air Force One

Me: For what?

Secretary Hood: I gotta run for the Miami and handle some business

Me: What business?

Secretary Hood: think of it like rap, I'm like Big Pun in da 90s and you........

Me: Never mind, never mind, I don't have time for this. Take the plane.

Four weeks....

Secretary Hood: I'm back, b

Me: Ok cool, where is the Diplomat

Secretary Hood: What cha mean b, your comment has left be utterly bewildered

Me: Close the Thesaurus app please....The Chief of Staff said you met with a Cuban diplomat

Secretary Hood: Nah b, she must have misunderstood. Not her fault though, I was amorphous in my......

Me: Close the damb app!

Secretary Hood: Anyway.......I didn't meet wit no Cuban Diplomat....... I had to pick up a chain, and I took in a Dipset reunion concert at American Airlines Arena

Me: You did what!, Da **** :smh:.......was Zeekey there though?.......you know what, never mind, don't answer that.

Secretary Hood: Btw, You think you can run me some discretionary funds to cover the chain and the trip. I tried selling some used sneakers to Carson, but he didn't give MRSP for them. He said something about studio time, and zucchini seeds

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Class left the White House tonight famb, Barry gone.

Was any furniture stolen?

Is that joke fresh of the 4Chan troll presses?

Another NT trump supporter with the wannabe slick racial trolling. Da independents gotta come get they mans before they lose another comrade.

Must have forgotten how to tip-toe that line.

All the trump related festivities must have got him to excited and he thought he was on 4chan, r/thedonald or a yahoo comment section.
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