***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Lulz @ "extra expressive" and equating the POTUS gestures as the way some hood booger expresses herself in the streets....

Donald Trump only been a Politician 18 months....da man carries himself like a regular smegular person...its been pretty much his a giant factor in his appeal.

this is why ya couldn't predict him winning...ya still thinking he was playing by old arcane etiquette rules for Politician.
I don't know any regular person above the age of 16 who carries himself or herself like Trump.



now what?
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Time to unfollow @POTUS and @FLOTUS

DMV? What? I know people from South East Asia that flew half way around the world to DC just for Obama. A ton of my friends from CA flew, drove, and took a bus out to DC in 2009. That was a historic moment in the US. Today is the beginning of the resistance movement. #resistance

again I said Obama touched a diverse amount of people.

Your real trump supporter aint got money like that

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President Donald John Trump :pimp:

Drinking a cool glass of liberal tears this afternoon.

An example of how successful the southern strategy is.

Keep drinking bruh and make sure to choke on it.

Don't call 911 when you do.
llerraj must be a millionaire if he thinks his life won't be negatively effected in some way by the orange fool.
bruh how many times have you changed your phone since 2009?

Internet and TV is way more adavance now we wasn't streaming TV on the internet like that in 2009.

I see his point internet and tv was accessible back then as it is now.

The point I was making is the DMV is a diverse area that aren't really trump supporters and most of trump supporters are from rural towns. So you wouldn't expect a lot of trump turnout since a lot of them don't live in the DMV

exactly what I'm trying to say real trump supporters are from rural counties that cant afford to go to DC to attend this


bro my point is is that you guys were in agreement.
Let's get the impeachment process going Democrats!

Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin won election in Maryland’s 8th Congressional District for the first time in 2016, and it appears the former state Senate majority whip wants to make his mark, by impeaching the president-elect. Raskin currently serves as a professor of constitutional law at the American University law school.

“Right now it looks pretty obvious that he’s on a collision course with the Emoluments Clause,” Raskin asserted. “He has refused to divest himself of tens or hundreds of millions of dollars of business interests he has around the world doing business with foreign governments.”

they showed Obama for a moment while drumpf was rambling about how ruined america is. for the first time, Obama looked like was gonna snap. do it, Obama! give sea bass a taste of his own medicine.
And the lies begin.

Who dismantled the factories?

Who abandoned the schools?

Who hid their money in foreign bank accounts and tax heavens?

what grown *** man uses smegular in their vocab?! :rofl:

so we're gonna pretend that not common vernacular uptown... >D

Trump is now part of History forever...

Everytime some of ya pick up ya kids up from school..Trump's mug is gonna be on all da updated materials and political historical presidential posters kids gotta do assignments on..

and everytime ya cringe at da sight? imma be laughing at ya pain. :lol:
Let's get the impeachment process going Democrats!
You think the republican controlled congress cares? 

They will get rid of him if/when he becomes too much of liability.
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what grown *** man uses smegular in their vocab?! :rofl:

so we're gonna pretend that not common vernacular uptown... >D

Trump is now part of History forever...

Everytime some of ya pick up ya kids up from school..Trump's mug is gonna be on all da updated materials and political historical presidential posters kids gotta do assignments on..

and everytime ya cringe at da sight? imma be laughing at ya pain. :lol:

I speak English man. I don't know about you :lol:
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