***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Dis *****

this girl's singing is awful.

no wonder she's always runner-up in competitions.

edit: i didn't realize trump was on NT.
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Bannon wrote that speech, it was covered in nationalism.

Sending out a dog whistle to "da base"
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You all have insulted people for hundreds of pages because they don't think like you and when one gets slung back everyone's up in arms. The hypocrisy.

aint nobody in here insulting peoples disabilities foo
You all have insulted people for hundreds of pages because they don't think like you and when one gets slung back everyone's up in arms. The hypocrisy.
O rly? I don't think mocking Drumpf is equitable to mocking one of our comrades health conditions.
You all have insulted people for hundreds of pages because they don't think like you and when one gets slung back everyone's up in arms. The hypocrisy.

You want a safe space or you don't.

One post you're sipping liberal tears and now you are whining about your fellow trumpettes getting clowned ITT.
Bannon wrote that speech, it was covered in nationalism.

Sending out a dog whistle to "da base"
Pretty much what I was texting my gf since she can't watch the inauguration. Nationalism and dog whistles all over the place. "America first" never sounded so terrifying.
You all have insulted people for hundreds of pages because they don't think like you and when one gets slung back everyone's up in arms. The hypocrisy.

Quote any of us insulting someone's medical condition.

You'll right wingers have control over the stupid **** you'll say, so it is fair game

No one has control over getting hit with a rare disease.

Stop trying to rationalize your scumbag behavior
Anyone wanna give me cliffnotes for the inauguration?
I haven't watched any of it

I refuse to watch it or acknowledge any of this bull crap. Watching the live stream of protesters though :smokin
I have never watched any of the inaugurations tbh
Because I would find out what was said through the news a day later or so
Don't want my life to be too consumed with watching all the celebrations when I got work and stuff
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You all have insulted people for hundreds of pages because they don't think like you and when one gets slung back everyone's up in arms. The hypocrisy.

Criticizing one's position =/= insulting people.

And what happened to being anti-PC?
so we're gonna pretend that not common vernacular uptown... >D

Trump is now part of History forever...

Everytime some of ya pick up ya kids up from school..Trump's mug is gonna be on all da updated materials and political historical presidential posters kids gotta do assignments on..

and everytime ya cringe at da sight? imma be laughing at ya pain. :lol:
And I would much rather remain disabled for the rest of my life than ever stoop down to your level :smokin

sure guy......
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