***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I've never been more disappointed and disgusted in our leadership than I am at this time in my life.
"Simple political differences" are effecting people's lives. You bash liberals at every turn and then turn around and say this ****.

The guy who openly doesn't care about anything that doesn't effect him is in here telling people to grow up. You are as much as fault for this ******** as any liberal, conservative, socialist, independent, whatever.

Of course you refuse to take responsibility and instead blame anyone and everyone but yourself.

One day maybe you'll be a man about it.
It's so bizarre. Dude attacks, demeans, condescends then tries to pull some garbage version of reverse psychology with a phony olive branch negating everything he said and contributed to the tense mood of the this thread. That speaks to some mental issues. Makes no sense to even pay attention to this delusional uncle Tom.
THIS to both of your posts. Rico's trolling is masterfully crafted i have to give him props for that
I only attack ideas. Not people.

Anyway, I'm done.

It's back to politics.
ah so something you barely contribute you to?
My biggest fear for a recession is that Trump might fire off all the fiscal bullets in the gun before one hits.

Think about it, the most popular policies to fight a recession are cutting taxes, especially supply side (Republicans) or government spend, especially n infrastructure (Democrats).

*Actually Obama did both during the last recession. His stimulus was decent, but I had issues with it. Not really all his faulty though, mostly Blue Dogs*

Trump wants to do both right away just to get us over 3-4% growth. If we enter a recession after years of huge tax cuts and some kind of infrastructure spending (Trump infrastructure plan is horrible though) then I can't imagine things we would have to do to get out of that recession. We better hope that interest rates are relatively high at the time, and the recession is not too bad.

The economy grew by 1.6% last year. Wanting 3-4% growth is absolutely crazy, even impossible in this current climate. We don't have the population or the productivity to drive growth that would even see us reach 3%.

People seem to forget that we have a huge aging population that can't be easily replaced. And even if Dems wanted to spend on infrastructure, were at a point where the money required for a complete overhaul would result in trillions of dollars.

As it stands, it would take an estimated $3.6 trillion  to completely fix and maintain our infrastructure. Dems only want to invest a trillion. With the unforeseen trade wars that this president wants to get into, it's not telling how big that recession will be.

Trump is a con artist. Our economy can't grow at a sustain 3-4% rate without bolstering the middle class a ton. He is against immigration, and he is anti-labor, and anti-consumer, and doesn't give a damb about inequality. We ****** :{

All Trump is looking for is a quick economic win. Economist on both sides of he aisle see this, and they all seemed concern, well accept for Art Laffer :lol.
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We would need to hire -gasp- more immigrants to achieve that type of GDP growth

America's dominance about to end soon because of this orange clown
Not even immigrants would help achieve that kind of growth. Too many factors make it near impossible. But what this clown of a president doesn't seem to understand is that immigrants legal/illegal contribute billions of dollars to our economy. Not to mention, many of them who come to this country are professionals in fields that a good number of Americans choose not to to go into (Engineering and other stem related fields.

Just read a story today how an Iranian scientist won't be able to study and research at Harvard because of this president's legislation
Rico isn't half wrong
I shared my doubts about Hillary plenty times in the thread during the election year, even had Rusty chastise me for being a Bernie supporter

But she's pretty clear to me that she was the lesser of two evils and would have inflicted less severe changes

And a lot of complaints I have heard from Republicans and Trump supporters about Obama is:
2)Race divider
3)Handling of the Middle East

Number one and two complaints are easily bs, while the third complaint could be valid depending on what perspective you're coming from
Obama wasn't a bad president imo

btw, this is a lie as well

I didn't chastise you for simply supporting Bernie.
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We would need to hire -gasp- more immigrants to achieve that type of GDP growth

America's dominance about to end soon because of this orange clown

Not even immigrants would help achieve that kind of growth. Too many factors make it near impossible. But what this clown of a president doesn't seem to understand is that immigrants legal/illegal contribute billions of dollars to our economy. Not to mention, many of them who come to this country are professionals in fields that a good number of Americans choose not to to go into (Engineering and other stem related fields.

Just read a story today how an Iranian scientist won't be able to study and research at Harvard because of this president's legislation:{

I posted some numbers this morning. International students alone constitute 5% of the student body but they contributed $60 billion to the economy in 2015. In addition, they rent, eat, and travel with money not produced by local labor (direct injection of money into American hands).

60% of those surveyed said they wouldn't come here if Trump is elected; put it against the backdrop of an education system that is less and less affordable (and is not going to get better tuition-wise anytime soon), and I could see many institutions close, and an increase in tuition and competition for the schools that will remain open.
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We would need to hire -gasp- more immigrants to achieve that type of GDP growth

America's dominance about to end soon because of this orange clown

Not even immigrants would help achieve that kind of growth. Too many factors make it near impossible. But what this clown of a president doesn't seem to understand is that immigrants legal/illegal contribute billions of dollars to our economy. Not to mention, many of them who come to this country are professionals in fields that a good number of Americans choose not to to go into (Engineering and other stem related fields.

Just read a story today how an Iranian scientist won't be able to study and research at Harvard because of this president's legislation:{

3-4% is achievable imo, but it is not sustainable.
Wild thing is Iraqis have fought for us for the past two decades and we repay them with a ban? THIS IS HOW YOU CREATE TERRORISTS.
This clown Trump is setting the country back 100 years with these immigration bans.
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The worst part is that some bigots in America won't realize that this will not keep them safe until we have another major terrorist attack on American soil.
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Just finished talking to a Persian friend of mine who has dual citizenship between Canada and Iran and apparently dual citizens aren't gonna be allowed either...wtf is this **** man :x :|

Also seen this

@AriMelber: Whoa
DHS says WH denied them input on ban, now scrambling to implement

"Nobody has any idea what is going on," source tells @KenDilanianNBC
Homeland security is being frozen out huh...

Sounds like Bannon is taking the rings and getting his Cheney on behind the scenes implenting his shock doctrine

So someone could have been born in one of those 7 countries. Moved to Canada when they were a baby, and are now denied entry into the United States. :{

So asinine, and so disgusting.
Most of those countries give citizenship by birthright, Jus sanguinis.

So you could have been born in Canada and been a Canadian citizen your whole life but you could still be a citizen of one of those 7 countries because your parents or grandparents were citizens.

This is disgusting.

Absolutely disgusting.

And we know exactly why they're doing this. It's so ******* obvious. There will be an "incident" incited by this move. But they won't blame the move. They'll say the move prevented even worse incidents.

There will be war and there will be blood. But it won't be the blood of the people responsible who will be shed.

We're ******.

We need a hero.
Rico isn't half wrong
I shared my doubts about Hillary plenty times in the thread during the election year, even had Rusty chastise me for being a Bernie supporter

But she's pretty clear to me that she was the lesser of two evils and would have inflicted less severe changes

And a lot of complaints I have heard from Republicans and Trump supporters about Obama is:
2)Race divider
3)Handling of the Middle East

Number one and two complaints are easily bs, while the third complaint could be valid depending on what perspective you're coming from
Obama wasn't a bad president imo

btw, this is a lie as well

I didn't chastise you for simply supporting Bernie.
Sorry, let me clarify, me being anti Hillary played a role in many of our arguments. I meant that my belief that Bernie was the better candidate had some influence in my beliefs of why I thought Hillary was not good.

Anyway I'm not going to revisit the past that Rico brought up, we have a present and future to look at right now.

but but but I thought Christians were a priority
When Evangelical Christians realize that Eastern Christians practice and live a different version of Christianity than they do, that they can claim more historical and ethnic ties to Jesus Yeshua and early Christendom, and that they actually think charity and tolerance are cornerstones of the religion... and they aren't pasty Latin-tongued hypocrites but they actually look like they come from the Middle East... They won't be a priority.
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Another group I'm giving the side eye too is the "let's drop the identity politics" progressives.

Minorities are always gonna get ****** with first, and ****** with the hardest. If you can't openly and proudly say you're gonna protect their basic rights, then you don't deserve their support.
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Rico isn't half wrong
I shared my doubts about Hillary plenty times in the thread during the election year, even had Rusty chastise me for being a Bernie supporter

But she's pretty clear to me that she was the lesser of two evils and would have inflicted less severe changes

And a lot of complaints I have heard from Republicans and Trump supporters about Obama is:
2)Race divider
3)Handling of the Middle East

Number one and two complaints are easily bs, while the third complaint could be valid depending on what perspective you're coming from
Obama wasn't a bad president imo

btw, this is a lie as well

I didn't chastise you for simply supporting Bernie.
Sorry, let me clarify, me being anti Hillary played a role in many of our arguments. I meant that my belief that Bernie was the better candidate had some influence in my beliefs of why I thought Hillary was not good.

Anyway I'm not going to revisit the past that Rico brought up, we have a present and future to look at right now.


Stop peddling lies.
The worst part is that some bigots in America won't realize that this will not keep them safe until we have another major terrorist attack on American soil.
If it's an immigrant not from a country on the list they'll just say we didnt ban enough countries.

If it's an immigrant from a country on the list who was already here they'll say we need to keep track of all of them by any means necessary.

If it's a natural born citizen of color with muslim affiliations they'll say we need to keep track of all of them by any means necessary.

If it's a natural born citizen of color with no muslim affiliations they'll just say we're thugs.

If it's a white person they'll just say he has mental health issues.
Rico isn't half wrong
I shared my doubts about Hillary plenty times in the thread during the election year, even had Rusty chastise me for being a Bernie supporter

But she's pretty clear to me that she was the lesser of two evils and would have inflicted less severe changes

And a lot of complaints I have heard from Republicans and Trump supporters about Obama is:
2)Race divider
3)Handling of the Middle East

Number one and two complaints are easily bs, while the third complaint could be valid depending on what perspective you're coming from
Obama wasn't a bad president imo

btw, this is a lie as well

I didn't chastise you for simply supporting Bernie.
Sorry, let me clarify, me being anti Hillary played a role in many of our arguments. I meant that my belief that Bernie was the better candidate had some influence in my beliefs of why I thought Hillary was not good.

Anyway I'm not going to revisit the past that Rico brought up, we have a present and future to look at right now.


Stop peddling lies.

I would hope we have a future after the next 4 years
What are Canada and Mexico's policies towards refugees escaping the US? Asking for a friend
Someone lemme know when we get nuked. I'll be sure to blow all my money first on booze and ho's
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Rico isn't half wrong
I shared my doubts about Hillary plenty times in the thread during the election year, even had Rusty chastise me for being a Bernie supporter

But she's pretty clear to me that she was the lesser of two evils and would have inflicted less severe changes

And a lot of complaints I have heard from Republicans and Trump supporters about Obama is:
2)Race divider
3)Handling of the Middle East

Number one and two complaints are easily bs, while the third complaint could be valid depending on what perspective you're coming from
Obama wasn't a bad president imo

btw, this is a lie as well

I didn't chastise you for simply supporting Bernie.
Sorry, let me clarify, me being anti Hillary played a role in many of our arguments. I meant that my belief that Bernie was the better candidate had some influence in my beliefs of why I thought Hillary was not good.

Anyway I'm not going to revisit the past that Rico brought up, we have a present and future to look at right now.


Stop peddling lies.

I would hope we have a future after the next 4 years
Hope is all we have.

I feel like we're in episode 5 of star wars right now and our hand just got cut off.
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