***Official Political Discussion Thread***

That's why I hate his voters more than I hate him. We knew what he was all about from day one. You don't get to vote for him and act shocked as if his racism and ignorance came out from nowhere. Same thing with Obamacare; so many idiots regretting voting for Trump after he actually is trying to get rid of it, like he promised from DAY ONE. Illiterate bastards
I can't say that those with regrets are illiterate or dumb...rather just gullible for the most part.
Y'all gotta see the responses this is getting:


Interesting how someone in a tweet commented 'oh if only he came out with his racist views when he was elected'

He wasn't hiding it. Ppl don't understand the danger of xenophobic rhetoric until it affects them.

That's the joke.

All this talk but they still wash their hands on the subject of thousands of poor hard working, mistreated Asian workers earning slave wages...while they continue to mark up prices on their "technically advanced" plastic sneakers.

Nike trying to score points pretending to be with the other team.

All this talk but they still wash their hands on the subject of thousands of poor hard working, mistreated Asian workers earning slave wages...while they continue to mark up prices on their "technically advanced" plastic sneakers.

Nike trying to score points pretending to be with the other team.

you do realize you have a Nike shoe in your avy?
Koch network launches effort to kill Republican border tax plan https://t.co/gN846TPDTh
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) January 30, 2017

hell has frozen over if they are doing this



Koch are free traders and Trump ain't messing with it...not exactly news.

coincidentally it lines up wit Donald's narrative about lobbyists trying to shape government.
irony is that Trump has picked lobbyists to be a part of his cabinet

this addressed during da 20/20 interview..."everyone's a lobbyist in DC, you need folks who know what they're doing to fix it"
cmon Ninja don't play dumb, most of those guys in the cabinet don't relate to the common man, most don't care about fixing the agency they are about to run, and clearly show they don't have a bipartisan agenda.
He picked them to deregulate those agencies to the extreme so that it can be privatized. It's not "fixing" the situation, it's just making it 100x less efficient when it comes to those truly affected by their decision making.

we'll see. supreme Court pick is next up.
All this talk but they still wash their hands on the subject of thousands of poor hard working, mistreated Asian workers earning slave wages...while they continue to mark up prices on their "technically advanced" plastic sneakers.

Nike trying to score points pretending to be with the other team.

nice avy

there is a way to change it idk if you knew
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Interesting how someone in a tweet commented 'oh if only he came out with his racist views when he was elected'

He wasn't hiding it. Ppl don't understand the danger of xenophobic rhetoric until it affects them.

I think it was sarcasm.

It's been hard not to talk about politics these past few months, and surprisingly as well as anecdotally, I've seen more debate about Trump and politics in the wardroom these past few weeks than ever this past decade, which leads me to this post.

This really is, at best, an interesting time in our country's history. Institutions are being tested, and it appears the military is no exemption

The entire move to remove the CJCS and DNI is appalling, not just from the perspective of this officer, but from the perspective of an American citizen.

As we here all know, the DNI and CJCS are the representatives of the eyes, ears, and arms of the US government in foreign affairs. Decisions made at the top on national security issues are made with input from the military and intelligence so that the White House can be given information to make informed decisions.

Whether the White House listens or not is immaterial to the fact that the instruments of American power are given a voice at the table.

This just removed their permanent spot at the table, to be called on an "as needed" basis. In what ******* world is US national security not in need of a military and IC input?

Moreover, for the guys who are wondering what impact this has on day to day military affairs, consider this. While the Joint Chiefs don't have operational command of the military, they are the direct representatives of each branch, and the armed forces as a whole, and have a lot of say in recommending strategy, tactics, and even briefing the President on what the **** is going on day to day in the field.

Whether you're a grunt on the ground in Afghanistan, or a pilot in the air over Syria, or a sailor on a WestPac, you and your job - through the chain of command - gets represented by your service chief and thus the JCS and the CJCS who has direct access to the President.

Issues with the ROE in OIR? Developments on the ground or at sea? The CJCS can give direct input, recommendations, and even push back on the POTUS own recommendations, before disseminating orders down the chain.

Removing them from being involved?

It's not just the fact that a voice of the military is being silenced from inner circle discussions on issues of national security.

No, it's not just the fact that the military won't be able to sit at the table and give our recommendations, from our experience in the field, on what to do or not to do.

It's the fact that the military is being told that their opinion and expertise doesn't matter, that decisions made at the top are to be carried out without input, and that the military and IC will not be privy to inner circle discussions on how to conduct US affairs, and that we should all shut up and follow orders blindly.

That's the concerning ******* part. We can't even get our voice in whether orders are feasible. Hell, the more concerning part to me is that we can't even get our voice in on whether orders are even legal and lawful

There won't be a voice at the table, in uniform, saying, "Mr. President, bombing a town to intentionally kill the family members of suspected terrorists is immoral and unlawful" anymore.

And you know what? Normally this kind of stuff wouldn't even be as flag raising... if it weren't for the fact that his chief propagandist strategist is now an inner circle of the National Security Council.

In what ******* world is your political strategist and ideologue, a guy who probably couldn't even get a basic security clearance, more important on matters of national security than the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff or the Director of National Intelligence?

As a squadron mate of mine put it last night... when your media chief and political party leaders are now inner circle decision makers, and your generals and admirals are cut out, we're going down a very dark path indeed
This coward


Perhaps he should have coached Rudy better because he blew his cover, this isn't about terror, that's how you want it to seem, your own mans shouted you out and made it clear this was about religion
Funny how they suddenly cite Obama when it's convenient for them :lol:
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At the end of the day for how ever long a trump presidency lasts he is always going to have resistance and a high disapproval rating for a few reasons. 1. I think Trump is smart or particularly adept in only a few specific areas. In business that was okay because he could afford to have the best people consulting him and helping him run and grow his empire. It's clear to me atleast that he tried to take the same approach with his presidency to fill in the gaps. The issue with that is it gives the likes of Steve Bannon power and a voice. At such a high level of office that is so freaking terrifying and dangerous. It's been reported that Bannon has already had a huge influence in these first 8 days and to me that seems pretty evident. 2. His inability to take criticism and admit when he's wrong. How many times has Donald Trump been proven wrong or criticized for s wrong move or even a lie and instead of admitting wrong or seeking corrective action, he doubles down repeatedly on practically all of his faulty stances. This stubbornness is going to eventually destroy his image in the eyes of even his most loyal supporters eventually. 3. Trump has made zero effort to be more than just the president of his base. He has yet to do a thing to quell the fears of those that didn't vote for him since being named president elect, infact this past week pretty much shows that he's truly deaf to what the people of this country want on both sides.

Fact of the matter is being the president means you're the face and voice of the country. Excepting that position means you have to accept the fact that you aren't acting on your own behalf and that your voice carries international weight. This past week has told me that Trump clearly doesn't understand what it takes be the leader of the free world. And he's going to find even more opposition that president Obama did if he continues as such.
irony is that Trump has picked lobbyists to be a part of his cabinet


He has no lobbyists trying to "massage his views" on things. Straight off da cuff speaking from his heart.

Simple. Hillary is crooked and as time has gone by, we can see she is not presidential material. I mean Trump might not be either, but I trust him more than I trust her. Its time for a change. For good or bad. Sick and tired of the same politicians, Lobbyists BS. Bring in a fresh face and let see what he can do.

Until Trump renegs and starts taking lobbyist checks (like Obama did; hence the bailouts and mandatory overpriced healthcare), I'm going to see what he has to say for myself and give the guy a chance.

I just don't see how people want more of the same at this point.
He is trying to deflect to Obama, what a lil piece of ****. And his delusional supporters are gonna parroting him.

Obama's 2011 ban was nothing like this, the Obama administration identities the countries and said they need extra scrutiny. They never tried to go full facist like this.

Trump is a ******* coward. And his coward supporters will defend his honor over this.
At the end of the day for how ever long a trump presidency lasts he is always going to have resistance and a high disapproval rating for a few reasons. 1. I think Trump is smart or particularly adept in only a few specific areas. In business that was okay because he could afford to have the best people consulting him and helping him run and grow his empire. It's clear to me atleast that he tried to take the same approach with his presidency to fill in the gaps. The issue with that is it gives the likes of Steve Bannon power and a voice. At such a high level of office that is so freaking terrifying and dangerous. It's been reported that Bannon has already had a huge influence in these first 8 days and to me that seems pretty evident. 2. His inability to take criticism and admit when he's wrong. How many times has Donald Trump been proven wrong or criticized for s wrong move or even a lie and instead of admitting wrong or seeking corrective action, he doubles down repeatedly on practically all of his faulty stances. This stubbornness is going to eventually destroy his image in the eyes of even his most loyal supporters eventually. 3. Trump has made zero effort to be more than just the president of his base. He has yet to do a thing to quell the fears of those that didn't vote for him since being named president elect, infact this past week pretty much shows that he's truly deaf to what the people of this country want on both sides.

Fact of the matter is being the president means you're the face and voice of the country. Excepting that position means you have to accept the fact that you aren't acting on your own behalf and that your voice carries international weight. This past week has told me that Trump clearly doesn't understand what it takes be the leader of the free world. And he's going to find even more opposition that president Obama did if he continues as such.
Well he pissed off the rich elites as a start
This won't end well

that thread was a good read. of course it's hard to say how representative it is of the entire military, but it's good to read their perspectives on what's going on.

my lawyer friend made a similar argument to what's in that thread, which is that the military and civil servants have a duty to protect the Constitution first. that can be used as a defense for not following whatever orders are sent down from the president.

whatever happens, i think we can all agree that this past week has been a good opportunity to learn about our government and hopefully the next few weeks will demonstrate the balance of power among the branches of government.
Damon Silvers ‏@DamonSilvers 14h14 hours ago

Attys at Dulles with a fed court order entitling them to see detainees told by CBP "it's not going to happen" Attys seeking contempt order

I'm tired of hearing **** like this

Sorry if late.
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