***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Gillibrand used to be a blue dog yet she's standing up. Warren and Bernie have some explaining to do.
VICE@VICE 6m6 minutes ago

Why White nationalists are the extremists we should really fear: http://bit.ly/2jZhxcZ  pic.twitter.com/qduvRR9iIM

Since voter suppression and voting turnout is a big problem in the US, how do y'all feel about the idea of mandatory voting?

If you don't care enough to vote, you probably don't care about the issues.

I can get behind making "Election Day" a holiday though, which is probably needed if you want to do compulsory voting.

People right now are already waiting hours to vote. The whole process would have to change IMO.
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The difference I believe (could be wrong) is that Bernie and Lizzy Warren voted for Barson, and Mini Hillary did not.

So they good.

Thanks for letting me know. I'm cool with Barson and Steven Harvey. We need that Barson/Harvey 2020 ticket with Sir Charles Barkley and Steven Anthony Smith as members of his cabinet. As some people might know, Benjamin Franklin Carson Barson is the future of politics. Never before have we seen a man so passionate about his convictions that he would stab a person if they got in his way. AMAZING. I'm going to be on NT 15 years from now asking the young guns where they were when the most electrifying man in political entertainment BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CARSON BARSON produced his first LP as the HUD Secretary.
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As suspected, Dems a bunch of spineless clowns. Tim Kaine especially.
I think the problems w/ Dems are that they got this whole "If we show them what bipartisanship looks like, maybe they'll extend the same gesture in the future." knowing it don't even work like that.
The difference I believe (could be wrong) is that Bernie and Lizzy Warren voted for Barson, and Mini Hillary did not.

So they good.

Thanks for letting me know. I'm cool with Barson and Steven Harvey. We need that Barson/Harvey 2020 ticket with Sir Charles Barkley and Steven Anthony Smith as members of his cabinet. As some people might know, Benjamin Franklin Carson Barson is the future of politics. Never before have we seen a man so passionate about his convictions that he would stab a person if they got in his way. AMAZING. I'm going to be on NT 15 years from now asking the young guns where they were when the most electrifying man in political entertainment BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CARSON BARSON produced his first LP as the HUD Secretary.
Butter biscuits for everyone :pimp:
The fact that Booker has the same record as Sanders and Warren, and Mini Hillary beat all of them is low key hilarious.

I know the Purity Test Progressives ain't know what to make of this

I see what you did there, famb

It means that all of those names will be running in 2019-2020.:lol:

It also is a reminder that long time Senators rarely become Presidents because you have a trail of Supreme Court votes, foreign policy votes and Cabinet appointments that you have to answer for in the primaries and in the general election.

It's better to be in the House or better yet, be a governor or in a state legislature when tough votes have to be cast. We all know that Barack Obama would have voted for the Iraq War in 2002 and in some weird World where trump was Senator, he would have voted that way in 2002 also.

Actually this reminds me. Why doesn't Barbara Lee of the 13th district of California even get mentioned as a possible Democratic Presidential nominee.

She has been in the House a long time and she got every major vote right (she even voted against the Afghan War). In addition, her district is a microcosm of the entire Democratic coalition.

You got technology and clean energy firms, you have struggling and striving black and brown folks in Oakland, you have issues of industrialization ad trade unionists in Oakland, you have extremely liberal whites in Berkeley as well the major college campus, you have got Asian Americans as well, there are LGBTQIA folks. Her relatively small district contains every single Democratic constituency and that is very important for a candidate who needs to rally every facet of our coalition.

Barbara Lee can bring together the Hillary and the Bernie factions like few others can.
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@NatashaBertrand: Trump reportedly told Mexican Pres last week that US would invade to combat drug trade if EPN couldn't do it himself


This can't be real man :lol:

That's some real life Civilization ****.

The drug war is an excuse. It is an attempt to force Mexico to the negotiation table after having burned the NAFTA card (Mexicans have turned against the trade agreement)

There is no quicker way to invite China in your neighborhood, maybe Europe too if they abandon the hope that Trump is just a political glitch and not the new, permanent face of the US.
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@NatashaBertrand: Trump reportedly told Mexican Pres last week that US would invade to combat drug trade if EPN couldn't do it himself


This can't be real man :lol:
US has already invaded Mexico doe
We just do it more secretly :lol:


@NatashaBertrand: Trump reportedly told Mexican Pres last week that US would invade to combat drug trade if EPN couldn't do it himself


This can't be real man :lol:

That's some real life Civilization ****.

The drug war is an excuse. It is an attempt to force Mexico to the negotiation table after having burned the NAFTA card (Mexicans have turned against the trade agreement)

There is no quicker way to invite China in your neighborhood, maybe Europe too if they abandon the hope that Trump is just a political glitch and not the new, permanent face of the US.


Good point about China,the EU even announced that they're gonna have to consider the new US admin in the same vein as Russia and ISIS in terms of threats to the unions survival. Wouldn't be surprised if China capitalized off the new geo-political reality one bit
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As suspected, Dems a bunch of spineless clowns. Tim Kaine especially.
Merkley holding Oregon down famb :pimp: Wyden could have had more of a backbone, but 2 nays is better than most.

Can't ******* believe Tillerson is the SoS. Russia just got a backdoor to get the old bloc back together.
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