***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Curry still a F boy though

Update: Among those feeling threatened by Trump's comments is apparently his Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch. Gorsuch told Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) on Wednesday that Trump's comments are "disheartening" and "demoralizing" to the independence of the judiciary. Blumenthal relayed Gorsuch's comments to reporters, and a Gorsuch spokesman confirmed them.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit is now weighing  what to do with President Trump's travel ban. And Trump did his best Wednesday to put his thumb on the scales of justice.

Continuing a highly unusual days-long effort by a president, Trump issued a stark warning to the three-judge panel and, really, the entire court system: Run afoul of me, and you may just pay a price.

In a speech in front of law enforcement officials in Washington, Trump suggested to the three judges that they would marginalize themselves politically if they decide the wrong way. Trump has said similar things about the judge who previously halted his travel ban — albeit after  the decision had come down.

The comments were oblique, but Trump's point was crystal clear.

“If these judges wanted to help the court in terms of respect for the court, they’d do what they should be doing,” Trump said, in a comment thick with subtext. “It’s so sad.”

He added: “I don’t ever want to call a court biased, so I won’t call it biased. But courts seem to be so political, and it would be so great for our justice system if they would read [the law] and do what’s right.”

If that isn't a threat to marshal support against the American court system and fight it politically, I'm not sure what is. Trump is basically saying: That's a nice reputation you've got there. It'd be a shame if something happened to it.

Trump has been dancing around this idea ever since the first judge halted his executive order on Friday. In tweets spaced out over the weekend, he asserted that the judge was overstepping his authority and suggested any future attacks might be laid at his — and other judges' — feet.

Some tweets were targeted at the judge personally. But others, tellingly, addressed the “the courts” and “the court system” as an entity.

“If something happens blame him and court system.” “The courts are making the job very difficult.” Trump's ire isn't just directed at the judges directly involved in his case; he seems to be girding for a showdown with other judges who might dare to try to rein in his executive power.
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President Donald Trump spent much of a recent phone call with French President Francois Hollande veering off into rants about the U.S. getting shaken down by other countries, according to a senior official with knowledge of the call, creating an awkward interaction with a critical U.S. ally.

While the Hollande call Jan. 28 did touch on pressing matters between the two countries — namely the fight against the Islamic State — Trump also used the exchange to vent about his personal fixations, including his belief that the United States is being taken advantage of by China and international bodies like NATO, the official said.

At one point, Trump declared that the French can continue protecting NATO, but that the U.S. “wants our money back,” the official said, adding that Trump seemed to be “obsessing over money.”

“It was a difficult conversation, because he talks like he’s speaking publicly,” the official said. “It’s not the usual way heads of state speak to each other. He speaks with slogans, and the conversation was not completely organized.”

The revelations about the unconventional call are only the latest in a series of leaked accounts of Trump’s calls with foreign leaders that are generating increasing doubts about the new president’s style of diplomacy at a time of global uncertainty. Diplomats and politicians across the spectrum and around the world are worried that Trump’s seemingly unstructured and personality-driven approach to dealing with foreign leaders risks alienating traditional allies and emboldening foes.

Trump and the White House have so far brushed off the concerns, which spiked after reports emerged that he warned Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto that he might send troops to Mexico to clear out the “bad hombres down there” and that he argued with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull over a prior agreement with the Obama administration to resettle refugees from a camp in Australia, saying that Turnbull is giving him “the next Boston bombers.”

The White House has provided sanitized readouts, including of the call with Hollande, presenting it as a focused conversation with Trump expressing his support for NATO. “President Trump reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to NATO and noted the importance of all NATO Allies sharing the burden on defense spending,” the release read. “The leaders also lauded our combined efforts to eliminate ISIS in Iraq and Syria.”

A member of the National Security Council staff also pushed back against the senior official’s assessment of the Hollande call.

“This is mischaracterization due to the nature of the call,” said the staff member, a communications aide. “They did discuss the issue of countries meeting their defense commitments under NATO. They agreed that was important that countries meet their goals.” (France is among the NATO members that do not meet the target of 2 percent of GDP to be contributed to the alliance’s defense.)

The aide also did not elaborate on why Trump brought up the topic of China with the French president.

Trump also defended himself at the National Prayer Breakfast last week, telling the crowd, “When you hear about the tough phone calls I’m having, don’t worry about it. Just don’t worry about it.”

But there are plenty of people worried about it.

(see link for rest of article)
I don't know how that connects

da excrement that gets shoveled on his name isn't worth it from a business standpoint, Trump already lived like a president... he's not even taking a paycheck.

He did it cuz he wants to...you guessed it "make America great again"
da excrement that gets shoveled on his name isn't worth it from a business standpoint, Trump already lived like a president... he's not even taking a paycheck.

He did it cuz he wants to...you guessed it "make America great again"

His businesses, which he refuses to seperate himself from, are profiting directly from him being president from the deals that they are orchestrating so what you are saying is wrong
Ninja has Trump tweeted or spoken about the Quebec incident since it was proven the attacker was a Trump supporting White Radical? If he hasn't? Since you know him well, why do you think he won't speak on it?
da excrement that gets shoveled on his name isn't worth it from a business standpoint, Trump already lived like a president... he's not even taking a paycheck.

He did it cuz he wants to...you guessed it "make America great again"
So because he's very wealthy, his only possible reason to run for president is to help the people and make America great again. Or he's a delusional narcissist who genuinely thinks he can do no wrong and wanted the presidency for the ultimate status symbol. Could be either one, or another reason entirely

Do you support the idea of trickle-down economics?
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i didn't realize Canada was a failed nation state ksteezy ksteezy cuz that's what da current immigration pause dust up is about that Trump had to speak on it :nerd:
da excrement that gets shoveled on his name isn't worth it from a business standpoint, Trump already lived like a president... he's not even taking a paycheck.

He did it cuz he wants to...you guessed it "make America great again"
So because he's very wealthy, his only possible reason to run for president is to help the people and make America great again. Or he's a delusional narcissist who genuinely thinks he can do no wrong and wanted the presidency for the ultimate status symbol.

what kinda status symbol is being shoveled crap all day? :lol:

Trump was going down in history regardless... he ran & won cuz he feels he's da best man for da job.

judging by Reagan's successful presidency i say a pro growth economy is just what da Doctors order.
You don't understand economics, you know less about economic history, stop talking about Reagan because it has already been proven you have no idea why the economy got better under him.

-Go ahead and post that silly 1984 maps evidence Reagan's economic policies worked. Last time showed it to some of my colleagues, and we had a good laugh.
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what kinda status symbol is being shoveled crap all day?

Trump was going down in history regardless... he ran & won cuz he feels he's da best man for da job.

judging by Reagan's successful presidency i say a pro growth economy is just what da Doctors order.
- nike shoe collector who does not understand economics
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You don't understand economics, you know less about economic history, stop talking about Reagan because it has already been proven you have no idea why the economy got better under him.

-Go ahead and post that silly 1984 map to prove Reagan's economic policies worked. Last time showed it to some of my colleagues, and we had a good laugh.

You don't understand economics, you know less about economic history, stop talking about Reagan because it has already been proven you have no idea why the economy got better under him.

-Go ahead and post that silly 1984 map to prove Reagan's economic policies worked. Last time showed it to some of my colleagues, and we had a good laugh.


Post your gifs dude.

Doesn't change the fact you're still ignorant has hell regarding basic economic theory.


Trump gonna moonwalk da economy Better than anything in da last 8 years.
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