***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Sounds like Nordstrom is doing a terrible job!

It was a disaster, they couldn't even provide the items they showed in stock on their website. It just proves that they are a failing business. The lady I spoke to was so mean, she had blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her… Wherever
I do support the boycott of Budweiser though. I'm tired of going to sports games and having that horse piss as the only option most of the time :x
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Sounds like Nordstrom is doing a terrible job!

It was a disaster, they couldn't even provide the items they showed in stock on their website. It just proves that they are a failing business. The lady I spoke to was so mean, she had blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her… Wherever
These evil, corrupt retailers has robbed our wallets of so much potential. This Nordstrom's carnage stops right here and stops right now!
I do support the boycott of Budweiser though. I'm tired of going to sports games and having that horse piss as the only option most of the time
had to cut yuengling
I do support the boycott of Budweiser though. I'm tired of going to sports games and having that horse piss as the only option most of the time :x

They do make other beers that don't taste as pissy. However, I do feel your pain.
@KilloughCNN: NEWS: Blumenthal telling reporters Neil Gorsuch used the words "demoralizing" & "disheartening" to describe Trump's attacks on judiciary

At least Gorsuch is a proud American
They do make other beers that don't taste as pissy. However, I do feel your pain.

ShockTop is tolerable, but the rest are disgusting to me. I'm not even a beer elitist (although I do enjoy craft beer). I can drink anything except 99% of Budweiser/Miller/Coors products and Portuguese beer :x
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The man can tweet about the most insignificant thing, like an SNL skit, but has he had the decency to speak out on the Quebec attack? After it was shown the terrorist was a trump supporting white supremacist?...has he?

ninja, help me make sense of it.

@ninjahood pls
ShockTop is tolerable, but the rest are disgusting to me. I'm not even a beer elitist (although I do enjoy craft beer). I can drink anything except 99% of Budweiser/Miller/Coors products and Portuguese beer
Coors Banquet is the king variant
if Trump cared about his image he wouldn't of run for president
This is what delusion looks like.

It is irrefutably clear that Trump is extremely narcissistic, thin-skinned and insecure. He's a soft and fragile old man desperately trying to portray himself as an alpha male.

-The relentless self-aggrandizing way of speaking:

"Nobody cares more about ... than me"

"Nobody is more ... than me"

"I'm the most ..."

-The repeating of self-aggrandizing statements/lies even on occasions where it is not appropriate

Repeating his lie of having the biggest inauguration crowd at a CIA meeting.

During a National Prayer Breakfast meeting with christian leaders, told the attendees they should pray for Schwarzenegger's terrible The Apprentice ratings (because Schwarzenegger criticized him)

-Compulsive need for admiration

It's painfully obvious to anyone that Trump requires constant approval from those around him. Whether it's by fabricating lies about support or reportedly planting aides to cheer for him.

-Making up blatant and easily proven lies to self-aggrandize and repeatedly doubling down on them despite proven to be false/misleading

He lost the popular vote by millions of votes so he made up a lie with zero data to support it that he actually won the popular vote if you substract the millions of illegal votes for Hillary

Constantly dismissing criticism as fake news, "nobody cares", ... Only positive news is real in the world of Trump.

-Compulsive need to lash out when his character or actions are criticized publicly and the constant use of lies to demean opposition

In a twitter rant, making blatantly false claims about John Lewis' district after Lewis criticized him

Twitter rants against the Hamilton cast, SNL, Meryl Streep, Schwarzenegger, Carrier Union president, ... the list goes on and on

He is easily baited by just about anyone with a relatively large public platform to criticize him. When SNL mocked him by painting Bannon as the puppet master, he felt the need to tweet "I CALL MY OWN SHOTS AND EVERYBODY KNOWS IT"

-The relentless use of lies to diminish any negativity, strongly exaggerate positive news or fabricate it entirely

To claim that Trump doesn't care about his image or he wouldn't have run for president is not only a completely nonsensical correlation, it rests on zero basis in reality. To suggest he doesn't care about his image is straight up delusional. I would guess even most of his supporters can tell and approve of his obsession with himself.

Doesn't exactly take a psychologist to see how obsessed he is. But for reference, here are the symptoms the DSM-5 states for narcissistic personality disorder:
  1. Grandiosity with expectations of superior treatment from others
  2. Fixated on fantasies of power, success, intelligence, attractiveness, etc.
  3. Self-perception of being unique, superior and associated with high-status people and institutions
  4. Needing constant admiration from others
  5. Sense of entitlement  to special treatment and to obedience from others
  6. Exploitative of others to achieve personal gain
  7. Unwilling to empathize with others' feelings, wishes, or needs
  8. Intensely envious of others and the belief that others are equally envious of them
  9. Pompous and arrogant demeanor
Of course you can't diagnose someone without having the required qualifications and examining the patient in person, but you can observe and judge his behavior. 
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ShockTop is tolerable, but the rest are disgusting to me. I'm not even a beer elitist (although I do enjoy craft beer). I can drink anything except 99% of Budweiser/Miller/Coors products and Portuguese beer
Little off-topic but y'all got any Belgian beers over there?

I hear Hoegaarden is pretty popular in other countries, and our best beer Westvleteren of course though it's pretty hard to get even over here. Lindemans also keeps winning international awards over and over again.

Lindemans makes fruit beers and are typically consumed by women but they taste pretty damn amazing. Lindemans Kriek (sour cherry) and Pecheresse (peach) in particular.
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