***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I think the question would be driver experience.

Like between that Tesla model and a similarly powered 35 mpg car...which is more fun to drive.

If the answer is the gas powered car, I'd still go with the car.

I wouldn't go with the electric powered car until they can make the driving experience the same as the gas powered car in terms of handling and acceleration.

I don't pretend to be a car mechanic and know what's under the hood but I still like the sporty driving experience.

Cost is also another variable to consider too. Teslas are expensive aren't they?

Once they can recreate the same driving experience for the same cost, I'll be happy to make the switch to electric.

And yes I know that different cars that goes the same mpg can drive differently
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I understand why people wouldn't engage NH, but it's important to not let ignorance stand

Basically, there are only two approaches to people like him ignore him or ridicule him. I aint having serious debates about physics with people like that lol.

I'm correcting him, not debating.

I think the question would be driver experience.

Like between that Tesla model and a similarly powered 35 mpg car...which is more fun to drive.

If the answer is the gas powered car, I'd still go with the car.

I wouldn't go with the electric powered car until they can make the driving experience the same as the gas powered car in terms of handling and acceleration.

I don't pretend to be a car mechanic and know what's under the hood but I still like the sporty driving experience.

Tesla's Model S P100D is the fastest accelerating production car in the world, thanks to a Spaceballs-inspired software update. In a recent Motor Trend test, the Model S P100D hit 0-60 mph in 2.275507139 seconds using a new Easter egg mode called Ludicrous+

With that said, I will always have a preference for manual cars (even though I drive an auto). The feeling of being in complete control is unrivaled and will probably never mimicked by an electric vehicle.
I drive a manual car. I love it. That's also another variable I forgot to mention.

Downshifting to accelerate :hat


So Teslas are fast ehh. So I guess the only issue left is if they can create sporty models in the 30-40k range, and having enough charging stations out there that recharging wouldn't be a hassle, and I'm down to switch to driving clean energy :hat
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Are there still non-exotic/non-sports manual cars from the factory available anymore? The 86/brz was the last I saw, but I haven't been into cars in awhile. They're all sequential transmission/paddle shifters now :{
I drive a 2016 Subaru wrx. That's a manual.

The new Ford Focus only comes out in manual

I hate that manuals are going away. I know that they can make the autos accelerate as well as a manual these days, but I like the driving experience of a manual. Just more fun.
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I drive a 2016 Subaru wrx. That's a manual.

The new Ford Focus only comes out in manual.

Ah forgot about the wrx/lancer types also.

Hmm never knew about the focus.

I just remember looking up new cars, mostly mid tier coupes and they didn't have manual models available anymore. Either automatic or the top tier models have sequential
I remember how for my 30th birthday, I was trying to splurge and attempted to rent an exotic car for the weekend. But none of the car models were offered in manual, so I passed.
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I'm watching Smerconish on CNN right now, they just posted up a tweet:

"Trump is a breath of fresh air, so what if he doesn't get it 100%?"

:| He's the freaking president of the United States.
Ninja doesn't read man. If he did, he wouldn't still be arguing about physics lmao. I haven't done a physics equation in forever. I'm not a car person. But after reading that article I understand what Gry60 and Boric are tryna say. If the amount of miles a Tesla can get before recharging, and the amount of miles a gas powered car can get before refilling the tank are equal, if you do the equation, the tesla will have used less energy overall. Therefore it's more efficient.

Why is there an argument. Lmao

It doesn't take a physicist to understand that, is actually common sense, NH is not very common sense efficient
it doesn't matter if da engine is more efficient when it CAN'T STORE ENOUGH ENERGY to use to be more efficient

why do u think Telsa is investing on a network of charging stations? [emoji]129300[/emoji]
It's right in front of your face and you're still too arrogant/ignorant to get it.
Consider the Tesla Model S, which has an available 85kWh battery and a 265 mile range.

Consider a similar gas-powered car, which gets 35 mpg.

Gasoline contains about 33kwh of energy per gallon.

The Tesla uses 320 Wh/mile of energy (85kWh/265 miles)

The gas powered car uses 940 Wh/mile of energy (33kWh/35 miles)
This is basic math. Let me know which part you're having trouble with.
Idk if reporting him and saying posts like 'u lucky idk u' is exactly sonning him lmao
So that's twice now a man in his 30s has physically threatened someone because his feelings got hurt on an online message board 

 Originally Posted by ninjahood  

Anton in real life I'd risk a felony to find you...trust me.
Almost got into an argument with a coworker, as I'm watching Trevor Noah on my phone going off on Trump, she goes off "they need to stop making a joke of him" :rollin I flipped...she then starts her argument and it couldn't be weaker and I think this is one of the biggest motives why ignorant people voted him in, she's somehow under the impression that for 8 years the lower class has been squeezing the middle class (us) dry, that Obama Care was coming out of our pockets and that poor people were all taking advantage of us, the middle class and that they are all ghetto :x

I told her I grew up on government assistance, i was able to eat after school because of food stamps, during summertime school lunch kept me full, government funded after school programs kept me and my friends safe, public school helped me become who I am and that trump literally stands for everything that goes against what made me the person I became today and the dream my mother achieved when she migrated here ILLEGALLY, I then congratulated her on instead of helping the people beneath us, attributing to making the people above us, richer....oh and for voting for a president that doesn't respect women, doesn't respect immigrants, doesn't care for the middle or lower class....all of which she is...btw she's a Russian immigrant....lol
Almost got into an argument with a coworker, as I'm watching Trevor Noah on my phone going off on Trump, she goes off "they need to stop making a joke of him"
I flipped...she then starts her argument and it couldn't be weaker and I think this is one of the biggest motives why ignorant people voted him in, she's somehow under the impression that for 8 years the lower class has been squeezing the middle class (us) dry, that Obama Care was coming out of our pockets and that poor people were all taking advantage of us, the middle class and that they are all ghetto

I told her I grew up on government assistance, i was able to eat after school because of food stamps, during summertime school lunch kept me full, government funded after school programs kept me and my friends safe, public school helped me become who I am and that trump literally stands for everything that goes against what made me the person I became today and the dream my mother achieved when she migrated here ILLEGALLY, I then congratulated her on instead of helping the people beneath us, attributing to making the people above us, richer....oh and for voting for a president that doesn't respect women, doesn't respect immigrants, doesn't care for the middle or lower class....all of which she is...btw she's a Russian immigrant....lol
damn bro you tore her a new one 
umm yeah you would because,

-you still can't pack da same amount of energy in storage to go anywhere far

-charging is still slow.

-battery weight to compares to a tank of gas of comparable energy is laughable right now.

Either you aren't reading or you don't understand what the words "energy" and "density" mean. 

This goes for you and your political views.

what part of "you can't pack da same amount of energy per volume in some batteries that gasoline currently enjoys" you don't understand? :lol

there's a reason gasoline been da dominant energy source for centuries.

Your persistence in being willfully ignorant is offensive.

Boris is right, you're wrong, and that's it.

How energy efficient are electric motors compared to combustion engines?
Using contemporary technology

Brian Feldman
Brian Feldman, visionary entrepreneur - innovation consultant and robotics specialist
Written Oct 25, 2014
To expand upon Nathan Kaemingk's answer and put some numbers to it from a vehicle perspective:

Consider the Tesla Model S, which has an available 85kWh battery and a 265 mile range.

Consider a similar gas-powered car, which gets 35 mpg.

Gasoline contains about 33kwh of energy per gallon.

The Tesla uses 320 Wh/mile of energy (85kWh/265 miles)

The gas powered car uses 940 Wh/mile of energy (33kWh/35 miles)

Once the energy is onboard (not counting the efficiency of the power generation, oil refining, or charging), the Tesla is using only about a third as much energy as the comparable gasoline-powered car.

On a per mile basis, the Tesla uses less energy than a gasoline car, therefore it doesn't need high energy density fuel. Why? Because the Tesla is more efficient

Deal with it.

it doesn't matter if da engine is more efficient when it CAN'T STORE ENOUGH ENERGY to use to be more efficient :lol

why do u think Telsa is investing on a network of charging stations? [emoji]129300[/emoji]

For the same reason gas stations exist?

Bruh, do you buy your cars with a 10 year supply of gas in the tank already?


batteries can't store da same amount of dense energy per volume as a tank of gas that won't also weigh da car down...

you bringing up efficiency of engines with such poor density performance of a battery compared to gasoline is like both of us having 10 bills in our wallet, I got straight 100's and you having 10 singles...even if I LOSE MORE bills of my money I still have more currency than someone that just had 10 bills of singles.

and refueling is like getting paid in $1 a dollar a hour vs $100 dollars a hour..

it's no competition.

and let's not even talk about da toxicity of battery manufacturing and da rare earth metals it takes to make one...

there's a reason electric cars been around since da inception of da automobile and never caught on.
The Tesla uses 320 Wh/mile of energy (85kWh/265 miles)

The gas powered car uses 940 Wh/mile of energy (33kWh/35 miles)

This is basic math. Let me know which part you're having trouble with.




Several thousand of them form the Tesla Model S battery (see Gigafactory). In 2012, the EPA range for the 60 kWh battery pack model was 208 mi (335 km) and the 85 kWh battery was 265 miles (426 km)

A gallon of gasoline (roughly 4.5 liters) weighs approximately 6 pounds (less than 3 kilos), occupies a mere 230 cubic inches but contains the equivalent of 36 kWhs of electrical energy. For better or worse, this is the energy density standard to which the driving public has gotten accustomed over the years. Anything heavier, bulkier or with less energy density would be considered inferior, hence the main obstacle to popularity of PEVs.

Most current EVs use lithium-ion batteries that store no more than the equivalent of 16-24 kWh of energy in a single charge, short of the amount of energy in a gallon of gasoline. The Tesla, currently among the most powerful PEVs on the market, can store the equivalent of 53 kWh when fully charged. A subcompact car with a 10-gallon gas tank can store the energy equivalent of 7 Teslas, 15 Nissan Leafs or 23 Chevy Volts, according to industry sources.



this is a Honda Civic VX for reference purposes...

Current batteries suffer from four limitations, limited range, heavy weight, long charging time and limited charge-discharge cycles – among others. According to Motor Trend, a Chevy Volt can go approximately 35 miles on its 16-kWh battery; A Nissan Leaf about 75 miles on its 24-kWh battery and a $109,000 Tesla Roadster 245 miles when fully charged. A Honda Civic VX, by comparison, has a range exceeding 500 miles, and can be refueled in mere minutes.

Using a 208-volt charger, the Volt takes about 4 hours to fill its battery; 7.5 hours for the Leaf. On a typical household voltage levels, the charge times will be closer to 10 and 20 hours, respectively; roughly 48 hours to fully charge the Tesla’s batteries.


Which explains the PEVs limited appeal to the general public despite subsidies – currently around 20,000 units in the US annually. General Motors Co. recently suspended production of Volts due to tepid sales volume.

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