***Official Political Discussion Thread***

In regards to the GOP saying you'll be able to choose your physician again, how does that work? You can't just call whatever specialist you want or choose/switch your general physician/family doctor or w/e you call it in the US?

That's what I've been doing without issues. All I had to make sure of was that the physiscian was in-network. I don't know where the GOP got the nonsense that you get imposed a doc from, but it is an effective talking point lie with their demographic.

Yea. I concur with Gry60. Not being able to choose your physician is an outright lie.
Jim Acosta‏ @Acosta

Trump told Tea Party groups at WH if GOP health care plan dies, he will let Obamacare fail and let Dems take the blame, I'm told.

Blame the dems for a bill the GOP would have blood on their hands from?

Trump is not being realistic here
Jim Acosta‏ @Acosta

Trump told Tea Party groups at WH if GOP health care plan dies, he will let Obamacare fail and let Dems take the blame, I'm told.

Blame the dems for a bill the GOP would have blood on their hands from?

The only thing that is keeping the GOP base from giving their representatives the french revolution treatment (figuratively of course) is the shame of having to publicly admit they've been wetting the bed. They're angry, but they'd rather die and sink the country in process than acknowledge that liberal solutions would solve their problems.
Dems need to clap back with Bernie is rural states. Bams need to put the cape on and slander Trump in PA

Public option or nothing. The time for dems to educate the people on the ACA and how to improve it is now. Folks are receptive. If Trump is going to hold rallies, dems should hold counter rallies to push a simplified message of what a true fix would entail.
Dems need to clap back with Bernie is rural states. Bams need to put the cape on and slander Trump in PA

Public option or nothing. The time for dems to educate the people on the ACA and how to improve it is now. Folks are receptive. If Trump is going to hold rallies, dems should hold counter rallies to push a simplified message of what a true fix would entail.

now is the time to go full guns blazing. either the gop agrees to it and everyone wins, or let them push through their disaster but make it clear from day 1 and every single day thereafter that it is a horrible plan and that trump/GOP are solely responsible.
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We definitely need to do an education blitz about the ACA vs w/e this new crap of a plan is. Picturials w/ info and everything
In this shocking video, Dan Cohen documents the toxic atmosphere of Trump's political allies and most fervent supporters.

Trump Supporters Call For Genocide of Liberals, Deportation of Jews at Phoenix Rally

Chinese Telecom Giant Pays DoJ $892 Million Fine for Practices Trump Wants Legal For U.S. Firms

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Rep. Cummings After WH Meeting: I Brought Up Concerns to Trump on Voter Suppression, Black Communities


Cummings said that Trump was “enthusiastic about our proposal” to tackle the cost of drug prices, and he was glad to see his recent meeting with leaders from historically black college and universities.

But he also said that he brought up his concerns to the president on two issues: voter fraud and how Trump talks about black communities.

Cummings said he told the president that “all African-American communities are not places of depression and where people are being harmed,” expressing his hope that Trump should acknowledge “that most African-American people are doing very, very well.”

“Certainly we all welcome,” Cummings said, “his efforts to improve our communities.”

On the subject of voting, Cummings continued, “I told him I thought that voter fraud was all but non-existent.” He said he brought up voter suppression as a serious issue that should be part of any investigation into voting.

I'm sure nothing will come of it, but props to Cummings for actually bringing those two issues up.

Of course the white house press release only mentioned the drug price discussion.

edit: And of course Cummings's words are already being misconstrued as saying that all blacks have it well.... His point was that trump should stop painting all black communities as inner city hell-holes. da deplorables man... can't live with them. can't live with them.
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The silver lining in all of this is that you know a bunch of low/middle class racist white Americans voted themselves out of medical coverage :pimp:
The silver lining in all of this is that you know a bunch of low/middle class racist white Americans voted themselves out of medical coverage :pimp:

Sounds good until you realize that without healthcare coverage, the number of patients drops. Without patients, hospitals don't stay open, and before you know it, the number of unemployed nurses grows.
Sounds good until you realize that without healthcare coverage, the number of patients drops. Without patients, hospitals don't stay open, and before you know it, the number of unemployed nurses grows.

i think Nurses will be ok :lol:
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