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Source: Obama ‘Rolled His Eyes’ at Unsubstantiated Trump Wiretapping Claims

Former President Barack Obama "rolled his eyes" at President Donald Trump's unsubstantiated claims that he wiretapped Trump Tower at the end of the 2016 election, a source close to the former president tells NBC News.

The source, who spoke to NBC News on the condition of anonymity and is familiar with the president's thinking, said Obama believes the claims "undermine the integrity of the office of the president," but don't undermine his own integrity, because "he didn't do it."

The source told NBC News the former president "is much more concerned by President Trump kicking people off their health insurance, not staffing the government, not being prepared for a crisis, rolling back regulations so that corporations can pollute the air and water and letting mentally unstable people buy guns with no problems whatsoever."

"He cares about all those things much more than what President Trump tweets at the TV each morning."

Trump tweeted on Saturday that President Obama wiretapped phones in Trump Tower as the days of the presidential election waned. The White House has said Trump supports a congressional investigation into "whether executive branch investigative powers were abused in 2016" as part of a larger investigation into Russian hacking.

Another source with firsthand knowledge told NBC News that Trump's tweets were a matter of concern for the former president.

Obama wanted to be sure that it was unequivocal that he didn't do what Trump alleged, the source told NBC News.

Trump and Obama have not spoken since the inauguration, the source told NBC News, adding that that they were supposed to connect, but their schedules didn't align.

In the meantime, Senators Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, and Sheldon Whitehouse, D-Rhode Island, who sit on that chamber's Judiciary Committee, sent a letter on Wednesday to the FBI director and Acting Deputy Attorney General asking for information on any possible wiretapping of President Trump, the Trump campaign or Trump Tower.

The request asks specifically for copies of warrant applications or court orders relevant to the alleged wiretaps.

"We would take any abuse of wiretapping authorities for political purposes very seriously," the lawmakers wrote. "We would be equally alarmed to learn that a court found enough evidence of criminal activity or contact with a foreign power to legally authorize a wiretap of President Trump, the Trump Campaign, or Trump Tower."

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Don T Care

That's exactly what this is. Republicans do not care that a large number of Americans will not have health insurance coverage. Don't care for the poor families, elderly or disabled but hypocritically care that women have their babies if pregnant because saving unborn babies takes precedent.
That's exactly what this is. Republicans do not care that a large number of Americans will not have health insurance coverage. Don't care for the poor families, elderly or disabled but hypocritically care that women have their babies if pregnant because saving unborn babies takes precedent.
but...but...think about the wealthy, how will they be able to save their money if we Obamacare keeps robbing their hard-earned American dollars. who would be thinking about them?
Couple points:

-**** the GOP for taking about choice. The best thing to give consumers choice would be a public option, they were against that. Then the Dems tried co-ops, the GOP fought tooth and nail to defund them, killing choice further. Then their was he risk corridor meant to keep insurers in marketplaces to provide more choice, and they defunded that to cause premiums to spike.

The GOP doesn't give a damb about consumer choice.

-Second, the media does suck sometimes. During the ACA debate, which lasted nearly a year, pundits from all over the spectrum critized Obama for not gettig any GOP support. Even though he tried to compromise, even though he held meeting after meeting with them, they still rebuked him for poltical gain. And the media help push the ******** narrative that the ACA was forced down people's throats. It was not, it was responsibly written and beat a fillibuster.

But now, these same pundits are not holding the GOP to the same standard and saying "Wow, is the GOP gonna push this through without Democratic support"

"Da Republican Privilege"


And to the left, one last time, the ACA is not a the GOP in the 1990s, that is not what it is based on.

And Romney didn't like "Roomneycare", he hated that ****. Liberal Dems in the MA Congress hired a MIT economist to help write it and Romney bitterly signed it (vetoing some parts) because his political hands were tied.

The ACA is a center left wing way to do health insurance, because the only way to do health insurance reasonable and responsibly is on the left. The problem is that it is not left wing enough.

The last time the GOP had any sense regarding health insurance, Nixon was president.

This whole debacle needs to teach the hardline left a lesson too. Stop vilifying policies like the ACA, and Dodd Frank as somehow beneath them, or something the GOP would do if they had the chance. In this day and age, that is plain and simple not true.
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Donald J. Trump‏Verified account  @realDonaldTrump 22 Mar 2016

Lyin' Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from a G.Q. shoot in his ad. Be careful, Lyin' Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife!
This old clown *** racist, providing a counter point to someone bringing up white supremacist, thought he was doing it by saying this....

An explanation of white vs black supremacists #march4trump pic.twitter.com/DMNAz8LBY6
— Gibson Chu (@thegibsonchu) March 4, 2017

Before anyone gets upset, know this story has a happy ending.................


His got pepper sprayed later in the day :lol:
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This old clown *** racist, providing a counter point to someone bringing up white supremacist, thought he was doing it by saying this....

An explanation of white vs black supremacists #march4trump pic.twitter.com/DMNAz8LBY6
— Gibson Chu (@thegibsonchu) March 4, 2017

Before anyone gets upset, know this story has a happy ending.................


His got pepper sprayed later in the day :lol:
Dawg strayed too far from his nursing home
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