***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Well as me know, the NT White House Correspondants dinner is fast approaching. The roast master this year will be Bil Burr and he leaked me some transcripts, I warn you they are brutal.

"well here we are, we got methodical management up here. Jesus Christ yer avatar is outdated, it wasn't even that great back in 1986 and now it's feakin' terrible. Speaking of which me got Jeff Sessions up here as well. Methodman is a committed and ethical vegan but when he sees Trump eating a steak he weeps for that poor tomato instead of the cow. That tomato could have been cooked on of Anthony Bordain's shows or smashed up on Epic Meal Time, hell even being fried up by Paula Deen would have been a better ending for that piece of produce"

"Rusty Shackleford, the fourth most embarrassing thing to come out of the West Indies right behind Nikki Minaj, Cool Runnings and Ninjahood. That Census is looming. Rusty, you work hard, you pay the full market value for your housing, you phone banked and donated for the Sanders and the Clinton campaign at the same time. Your pride in your blackness and your indefatigably has made you into an honorary strong black woman. I can only hope that with your new four inch finger nails you can keep up your scores of posts per day."

"Look at that smug prick Rexanglorum sitting there drinking fru fru French ********* or Sherry or whatever. Fun fact, he is the product of Ben Roethlisberger r3ping Frasier Crane and Paul Ryan made Frasier carry the kid to term. Boys and girls, be careful around Rex. You see anyone whose online name is any thing in Latin means 'I sexually assaulted a half dozen female classmates as undergrad and a baker's dozen dormmates, all named chad." Rex will assert that his name means "King of the English" but a chorus of chads would beg to differ. Speaking of inappropriate relations between men, we got Milo Yiannapoulos here with his tonight."

"Milo here is the answer to what had previously been a thought experiment 'what if ninjahood were British and gay and not black?' we have our answer. Rex jumped on that before the show. Rex is so full of testosterone because he drinks filtered water and eats seaweed paste which is totally different from Alex Jones' formula- oh wait- it is exactly the same, the difference is that Alex Jones charges 10 times over cost for it. He presents a rare, once in life time opportunity to stick it to the globalists by flushing your money down the toilet. Rex, your male vitality is impressive and I believe that you and your lovely wife will have a dozen beautiful children and considering your very progressive views on vaccinations, as many as four of them will make to adulthood.

"speaking of globalists, we have Chuck Shumer here. Ya know the neo nazis have been putting triple parenthesis around all Jewish names and yet, Senator, your name never gets triple parenthesized. Perhaps it is is because because your Zionist, globalist deeds cannot even echo through the news cycle let alone the centuries.

"Right now, you and Di Fi of California, you've been stripped of your triple parenthesis with (((((((((Bernie Sanders))))))))) taking all of them, this makes sense as he is not just very Jewish but even his hair fringe echo through time. Rex, you gave this guy $2700 bucks and he lost, you gave Loretta Sanchez the same and she lost and you did the same for Frantz Pierre in Los angeles. You really know how to pick 'em rex. For the sake of our Republic, give Donald Trump $2700 for his 2020 campaign even if most of it will be funneled into a Russian slush fund for vodka and Ramzam Kadarov's suits of armor"

"We have an actual winner of a California election, Kamala Harris. Senator, you look like a villain from the Wire and don't kid yourself, I'm not talking about Nyrese campbell, I'm talking about Snoop. You know it's amazing that just 60 odd years ago black people had to sit at the back of the bus and now half black folks get to jump the line and run in 2020. Every press conference with Senate dems, we see you up there getting yourself on Camera, you are obiquitous. You're the Drake of American politics except you probably cry much much less. You used to call me on my cell phone, late night when your camapign neede funds and I'm sure you'll be calling me in 2019 and 2020"

"Speaking of fund raising we got Tom Cotton here. Jump down turn around, pick a bale of Northrup and Rytheon checks. This man represents the hardworking spirit of America, he has more jobs than the Jamaicans from In Living Color. He works as a Senator and moonlights as a State Department spokesman and Defenese industry lobbyists as well as a consultant for Correction corporations of America. Senator, you claim that we on't have enough people in prison in America. That's like saying America does not have enough raised pickup trucks with plastic testicles on them.

Nevertheless, the man works and pays his own way. You will not find this man on a hysterical Fox News documentary about America's culture of dependance, unlike Ninja, whose youtube video is now the go to B roll footage for that topic. Ninja and his cesare Borgia bust get shown on Fox News more than stock footage of illegal aliens walking through the desert, fat people from the waist down and terrorists on monkey bars. But take heed because once the looming 2020 census passes, you'll be Latino and in 2030 you can finesse your way into being white and once that happens your reliance on government will be redifined as rugged inidvidualism, am I right, Joni Ernst?"
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Ted LieuVerified account @tedlieu 9h9 hours ago

Another Top Story showing conflicts of interest w/ @realDonaldTrump. He is in violation of Art I, Sec 9 of Constitution. #EmolumentsClause

Adam SmithVerified account @asmith83 10h10 hours ago
Weird timing that after a decade of battles this is approved now, huh?https://apnews.com/8f54b14808a2459f9efcb0089f41f056/China-grants-preliminary-approval-to-38-new-Trump-trademarks 

This list of violations is getting longer and longer.
Don T Care

That's exactly what this is. Republicans do not care that a large number of Americans will not have health insurance coverage. Don't care for the poor families, elderly or disabled but hypocritically care that women have their babies if pregnant because saving unborn babies takes precedent.

The pro-life party. Until you're born. Then it's survival of the richest.
On an unrelated note, stock market came crashing down today due to plunging oil prices and increasing supplies

I thought ninja said da oil industry was gonna be flourishing b
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"Rusty Shackleford, the fourth most embarrassing thing to come out of the West Indies right behind Nikki Minaj, Cool Runnings and Ninjahood. That Census is looming. Rusty, you work hard, you pay the full market value for your housing, you phone banked and donated for the Sanders and the Clinton campaign at the same time. Your pride in your blackness and your indefatigably has made you into an honorary strong black woman. I can only hope that with your new four inch finger nails you can keep up your scores of posts per day."


Keep Cool Runnings out ya mouth b. That is a all time classic.
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Best believe every morning since Trumpcare was revealed Kevin McCarthy be giving Paul Ryan pep talks like this before he has to face the world......


All those years and this is what they come up with 
 Clowns of the highest order
The nation's biggest doctors group on Wednesday came out in opposition to the GOP's ObamaCare replacement bill, warning that it would cause millions of people to lose coverage. 

“As drafted, the AHCA would result in millions of Americans losing coverage and benefits,” said Dr. Andrew Gurman, president of the American Medical Association (AMA), referring to the American Health Care Act.

“By replacing income-based premium subsidies with age-based tax credits, the AHCA will also make coverage more expensive — if not out of reach — for poor and sick Americans. For these reasons, the AMA cannot support the AHCA as it is currently written.”
The opposition from the powerful doctors group adds to a range of objections from the healthcare industry to the GOP bill. The American Hospital Association on Tuesday also came out against the legislation. 
The AMA also objected that the GOP bill bases its tax credits on someone’s age, not their income, giving less help to low-income people. The group warned of rolling back ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion, an area where some GOP lawmakers also have concerns. 

The AMA also opposes a provision in the bill defunding Planned Parenthood.

“We encourage you to ensure that low and moderate income Americans will be able to secure affordable and adequate coverage and that Medicaid, [Children's Health Insurance Program], and other safety net programs are maintained and adequately funded,” the AMA said in its letter to Congress. “And critically, we urge you to do all that is possible to ensure that those who are currently covered do not become uninsured.”
[h1]US general says Russia has deployed banned missile[/h1]
WASHINGTON (AP) — A senior U.S. general on Wednesday accused Russia of deploying a land-based cruise missile in violation of "the spirit and intent" of a nuclear arms treaty and charged that Moscow's intention is to threaten U.S. facilities in Europe and the NATO alliance.

"We believe that the Russians have deliberately deployed it in order to pose a threat to NATO and to facilities within the NATO area of responsibility," Gen. Paul Selva, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a House Armed Services Committee hearing.

Selva said he sees no indication that Moscow intends to return to compliance with the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty, which bans an entire class of weapons — all land-based cruise missiles with a range between 500 and 5,500 kilometers (310 and 3,410 miles). The treaty was a landmark in arms control in the final years of the Cold War.

Selva's accusation takes on added political significance in light of President Donald Trump's stated goal of improving relations with Russia, even as Moscow is perceived by U.S. allies in Europe as a military threat of growing urgency. The alleged treaty violation comes amid multiple congressional investigations of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. The FBI also is probing ties between Russia and Trump associates during the campaign.

Trump has said little about the INF treaty but on multiple occasions has questioned the value of a separate, more recent treaty that limits the number of strategic nuclear weapons the United States and Russia can deploy to 1,550 warheads each, starting in 2018. Trump has said it unfairly advantages Russia. And he has said the U.S. should expand its nuclear weapons capability, although he has not explained what he meant.

Even before Trump's election, the Pentagon was weighing implications of a shift in Russian nuclear doctrine that seems to lower the threshold for the combat use of nuclear weapons. The Russians have framed their new thinking as "escalate, to de-escalate," meaning possibly using a small number of nuclear weapons to persuade an opponent not to escalate the conflict and possibly lead to all-out nuclear war.

"We have to account ... for what that means," Selva said Wednesday.

"We've begun an investigation of a series of potential strategy changes," he said, in part by conducting war games and military exercises.

The Obama administration had hoped to talk Moscow into returning to compliance with the INF treaty but seemed to make no progress. Russia has claimed U.S. missile defenses violate the threat. Asked how the U.S. might respond now that Russian cruise missiles are deployed for potential use, Selva said the military is preparing a set of options to be considered this year by the Trump administration as part of a broader nuclear policy review.

Selva said he could not publicly discuss those options. When pressed he said the plan is to "look for leverage points to attempt to get the Russians to come back into compliance," adding, "I don't know what those leverage points are."

The Obama administration had accused Moscow of violating the INF treaty, but Selva's statement was the first public confirmation of recent news reports that the Russians have deployed the nuclear-capable cruise missile.

The New York Times, which was first to report the Russian missile deployment, said last month that the Russians have two battalions now in the field. One is at a missile test site at Kapustin Yar and one was moved in December from the test site to an operational base elsewhere in the country. Russia denies that it has violated the INF treaty.

Some in Congress have expressed alarm at the alleged Russian deployment. Sen. John McCain, the Senate Armed Services Committee chairman, last month called on the Trump administration to ensure that U.S. nuclear forces in Europe are ready.

"Russia's deployment of nuclear-tipped ground-launched cruise missiles in violation of the INF treaty is a significant military threat to U.S. forces in Europe and our NATO allies," McCain, R-Ariz., said, adding that he believes Russian President Vladimir Putin was "testing" Trump.

In response to questions at the hearing on Wednesday, Selva said U.S. officials have been talking to Moscow about the alleged treaty violation. He seemed unconvinced that the discussions would be fruitful.

"I don't have enough information on their intent to conclude other than they do not intend to return to compliance" with the treaty, he said. "Absent some pressure from the international community and the United States as a co-signer of the same agreement," there is no logical reason to believe that Moscow intends to end its violations, he added.
I guess it was expected this clown would take credit for the Jobs report released today :smh:
my republican coworkers are being annoying today
now they are pivoting to "well whoever doesn't pay for health insurance doesn't deserve to get tax credits" [emoji]128580[/emoji] Idiots
I don't think they even understand ACA much at all
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I'm glad that President Carson is keeping a low profile. Fake news tried to trip him up but he will rise like the Phoenix in 2020 thanks to NT's unwavering support. Rex, Rusty and others are leading the charge to get NT's very own Dr. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CARSON and Steven Harvey elected in 2020.
In regards to the GOP saying you'll be able to choose your physician again, how does that work? You can't just call whatever specialist you want or choose/switch your general physician/family doctor or w/e you call it in the US?
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In regards to the GOP saying you'll be able to choose your physician again, how does that work? You can't just call whatever specialist you want or choose/switch your general physician/family doctor or w/e you call it in the US?

I don't think they even know how that works.
In regards to the GOP saying you'll be able to choose your physician again, how does that work? You can't just call whatever specialist you want or choose/switch your general physician/family doctor or w/e you call it in the US?

That's what I've been doing without issues. All I had to make sure of was that the physician was in-network. I don't know where the GOP got the nonsense that you get imposed a doc from, but it is an effective talking point lie with their demographic.
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In regards to the GOP saying you'll be able to choose your physician again, how does that work? You can't just call whatever specialist you want or choose/switch your general physician/family doctor or w/e you call it in the US?
I think that they're speaking to people who fall under the act. If you have medicaid, then you may be limited to only going to doctors who take medicaid. With these credits, you can go to anyone. This is all "in theory" of course.
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Jim Acosta‏ @Acosta

Trump told Tea Party groups at WH if GOP health care plan dies, he will let Obamacare fail and let Dems take the blame, I'm told.

Blame the dems for a bill the GOP would have blood on their hands from?
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