***Official Political Discussion Thread***

A man living in Russia is funding the Calexit campaign

Hell no to that
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If calexit really becomes real, I want NY to join them....

Won't happen and I would vote against it no thank you. while NYC is liberal and most college towns upstate the rest of ny is red. Staten/ Long Island And parts of queens towards the east are red.
thanks, Rico:

The cuts Trump plans to propose this week are also expected to lead to layoffs among federal workers, changes that would be felt sharply in the Washington area. According to an economic analysis by Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody’s Analytics, the reductions outlined so far by Trump’s advisers would reduce employment in the region by 1.8 percent and personal income by 3.5 percent, and lower home prices by 1.9 percent.


“Unfortunately, we have no alternative but to reinvest in our military and make ourselves a military power once again,” National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn said on “Fox News Sunday.”

“If you’re doing that in an area where you have to balance the budget and you cannot create a further deficit, you have to make cuts. It’s no different than every other family in America that has to make the tough decisions when they need to spend money somewhere, they have to cut it from somewhere else.”


man, **** these guys.
So is Rico gonna get hired or nah? He gotta save 6 months of his salary for health insurance yah know what I mean?
I disagree with Obama on a few things regarding the economy, but he has a very good understanding of the problem facing the country. One point that he makes which is 100% true is that the Reagan Era has distorted the economic conversation in this country. People have no real idea why growth was so strong during the later half of the decade and by default give Reagan and his ideology all the credit. To this day we have to discuss economic policy in a way that gels with those failed ideologies.

Could you explain this?

Also the rabbit apocalypse?
thanks, Rico:

The cuts Trump plans to propose this week are also expected to lead to layoffs among federal workers, changes that would be felt sharply in the Washington area. According to an economic analysis by Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody’s Analytics, the reductions outlined so far by Trump’s advisers would reduce employment in the region by 1.8 percent and personal income by 3.5 percent, and lower home prices by 1.9 percent.


Unfortunately, we have no alternative but to reinvest in our military and make ourselves a military power once again,” National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn said on “Fox News Sunday.”

“If you’re doing that in an area where you have to balance the budget and you cannot create a further deficit, you have to make cuts. It’s no different than every other family in America that has to make the tough decisions when they need to spend money somewhere, they have to cut it from somewhere else.”


man, **** these guys.

Soooo, 19th century style mercantilism and imperialism??

At least the poor are finally gonna get some use out of those boots they keep pulling.
Nevada is pretty nice. My dad bought a house there to rent out for only about $120,000 around 4 years ago.

California would be 4x the price for the same house
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if I'm bannon, my strategy is simple: enter into a major war in the next 2 years.

things will get worse before they get better.

i keep thinking back to the scene from Vice's coverage of Syria. they show this beach that may as well be Socal. everyone is out, looking fashionable, drinking and smoking like they're on vacation. when asked about the civil war in Syria, they say it's a lie and that life is completely normal in Syria.

meanwhile, less than a mile away, they show that much of the city has been bombed out and deserted.

this is the two Americas that bannon and trump envision. one, prosperous, rich, decadent, white. the other, destitute, engaged in war, hopeless, colored. these two Americas can exist side by side, and bannon welcomes it.
Nevada is pretty nice. My dad bought a house there to rent out for only about $120,000 around 4 years ago.

California would be 4x the price for the same house

Yeah, people that had money to buy houses a few years ago ATE!

I got students, working part time that have like like $600 mortgages. Others paying like $1000 for really nice places they got off developers for the low.
if I'm bannon, my strategy is simple: enter into a major war in the next 2 years.

things will get worse before they get better.

i keep thinking back to the scene from Vice's coverage of Syria. they show this beach that may as well be Socal. everyone is out, looking fashionable, drinking and smoking like they're on vacation. when asked about the civil war in Syria, they say it's a lie and that life is completely normal in Syria.

meanwhile, less than a mile away, they show that much of the city has been bombed out and deserted.

this is the two Americas that bannon and trump envision. one, prosperous, rich, decadent, white. the other, destitute, engaged in war, hopeless, colored. these two Americas can exist side by side, and bannon welcomes it.

Bannon and Miller are ******* sick individuals. But I don't think that is the world Bannon wants, that is the world Paul Ryan wants.

Ryan doesn't care if brown and black people are in the country as long as they can be exploited for economic gain, and never be given a economic lifeline.

Bannon was to new aged form of ethic cleansing, where we are getting rid of black and brown people as fast as possible.

But you maybe onto something. If Bannon can have literal bombs being dropped on minority neighborhoods, and none of the blowback touching white folk in the burbs, he would be all for it.
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Nevada is pretty nice. My dad bought a house there to rent out for only about $120,000 around 4 years ago.

California would be 4x the price for the same house

I'd rather pay 4x the price for the home in California.
I wouldn't pay 4x to live in an average suburb of the OC.
I'm blessed to live in LA though so maybe my view on stuff is a little skewed when it comes to living expenses and home buying.
Nevada is pretty nice. My dad bought a house there to rent out for only about $120,000 around 4 years ago.

California would be 4x the price for the same house

Yeah, people that had money to buy houses a few years ago ATE!

I got students, working part time that have like like $600 mortgages. Others paying like $1000 for really nice places they got off developers for the low.
Dawg seriously
My uncle flipped a bunch of housing complexes in Nevada and a city called Hawthorne in California for a cool $800,000 profit within 3 years when he sold it last year.

Thanks Obama!
Income and wealth inequality has gotten so bad because for the past, pass few decades policy makers have prioritized the economic well being of the rich and corporations over the middle class/lower middle class and poor. It is not by accident we are in this situation, it is by design. If we had four decades of strong pro labor, pro consumer, no deregulation, and expanded the social safety net for the bottom income brackets, and pro racial justice, America would be a very different place.

Our monetary policy, our fiscal policy, our tax code (and the tax breaks within it) all favor the wealthy.

Yes there is a strong racial aspect to it too. Many in the white working class, especially Southerners, scarified the economic security to elect policy makers that would construct a system to discrimination against minority groups, especially African Americans.

I disagree with Obama on a few things regarding the economy, but he has a very good understanding of the problem facing the country. One point that he makes which is 100% true is that the Reagan Era has distorted the economic conversation in this country. People have no real idea why growth was so strong during the later half of the decade and by default give Reagan and his ideology all the credit. To this day we have to discuss economic policy in a way that gels with those failed ideologies.

Can you please expand on this Rusty? Thanks.

Could ya hang out or mess with a trump/GOP supporter?

I have worked with a few, work with a few. Most of the time they make little to no sense. It's especially embarrassing since we're union electricians. They can't usually answer questions that require critical thinking and 9/10 they have fallen for dog whistle politics. This last guy who I worked with is a true PoS. He was explaining to me how there's no proof that Obama was born in the US :lol: talking about how he wishes protesters would protest near his home so he could shoot them all. He's rather violent for being so religious :lol:
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